How to Enrol

How to Enrol

The Aadhaar Enrolment process includes visiting Enrolment center, filling and validating demographic data, getting biometric data collected, submitting Proof of Identity and Address before collecting Enrolment ID.

  • Aadhaar enrolment is free of cost.
  • You can go to any authorized Aadhaar enrollment center anywhere in India with your identity and address proof.
  • UIDAI process accepts 18 PoI (Proof of Identity) and 33 PoA (Proof of Address) documents. Please click here for a nationally valid list of documents. Common proofs of identity and address are election photo ID card, Ration card, passport and driving license.
  • Photo ID cards like PAN card and Govt ID cards are permissible for identity proof. Address proof documents also include water - electricity - telephone bills from the last three months.
  • In case you do not have above common proofs, Certificate of Identify having photo issued by Gazetted Officer/Tehsildar on letterhead is also accepted as PoI. Certificate of Address having photo issued by MP or MLA /Gazetted Officer/Tehsildar on letterhead or by Village Panchayat head or its equivalent authority (for rural areas) is accepted as valid PoA.
  • Even if someone in a family does not have individual valid documents, the resident can still enrol if his/her name exists in family entitlement document. In this case the Head of Family in entitlement document needs to be enrolled first with valid PoI & PoA document. The head of the household can then introduce other members in the family while they are enrolling. UIDAI accepts 8 document types as Proof of Relationship. Please click here for a nationally valid list of documents.
  • At the enrollment center, please fill your personal details within the form. Your photo, finger-prints and iris scan will also be taken as a part of the enrollment. You can review the details you have provided and make corrections during enrolment itself. You will get an acknowledgment slip with an temporary enrolment number and other details captured during enrolment
  • You need to enrol only once as multiple enrolment will result in rejections. Enrolling again is a waste of your time as you will get only one Aadhaar number.
  • Based on your information provided, your details will be verified centrally. If your application is successful, an Aadhaar number will be generated and mailed to your address.
  • The waiting time for Aadhaar may vary from 60-90 days after receipt of resident data packets in CIDR. However, it could take even longer in case enrolment is done through NPR exercise.

After enrolment, quality checks are done by the enrolment centre supervisors, followed by correction process (where required) and data packet consolidation. Subsequently, the Enrolment Agency sends the data to UIDAI data centre. The data undergoes various stages of screening and validations in CIDR. This ensures that the source of data is authenticated besides ensuring that no duplicate exists. Quality checks are done on demographic and biometric data collected from residents. Apart from that theOperator/Supervisor/Enrolment Agency and Registrar information in each packet is also validated. Only after passing the data quality checks and other validations, the packet goes for de-duplication and Aadhaar gets generated.

In case of any errors, the packet goes on hold. For example if the particulars of the Operator who enrolled the resident are found to be inconsistent with database or there is a mismatch observed in photo and age/gender (ex. a child's photo with age mentioned as 50 yrs), then the packet is held for further enquiry. Corrective actions are taken on such packets, wherever possible. India Post is entrusted with the responsibility of printing and delivery of Aadhaar letters. Depending on backlog for generation, location of delivery etc. India Post may ordinarily take 3-5 weeks to print and deliver Aadhaar letters to the residents.

In the case of Aadhaar enrolments through NPR exercise, the method of verification is the RGI approved LRUR(Local Register of Usual Residents) verification process. Residents can verify the name of their Registrar at the enrolment centres or on the acknowledgement provided to them at the time of enrolment. In case it is Registrar General of India(RGI), please contact office of RGI for further details.

enrolment process

Where to Enrol

Residents of any state/UT/district may please note that they need to enroll only at the camps for for enrollment or at any Permanent Enrolment Centre. If you have already enrolled for Aadhaar once then you do not need to enroll again as it is rejected due to duplicate. Enrollment in all the states/UT is being covered by UIDAI and Office of the Registrar General of India. The distribution has been made in such a manner that both ecosystem operate independently. In the NPR states, enrollment and National Population Register is being developed together and so no need to enroll separately. The states covered by RGI are:

  • States: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Jammu & Kashmir, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Manipur, Odisha, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal
  • Union Territory: Dadar and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep

Residents belonging to all the other states may get enrolled at the camps, enrolment centre or Permanent Enrollment Center but remember if you have already enrolled you do not need to enroll again.