- My Aadhaar
- About UIDAI
- Unique Identification Authority of India
- Legal Framework
- Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016
- आधार (वित्तीय और अन्य सहायिकियों, प्रसुविधायों और सेवायों का लक्षित परिदान) अधिनियम, 2016
- Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019
- आधार और अन्य विधियां (संशोधन) विधेयक, 2019
- Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Act, 2019
- The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (18 of 2016) (w.e.f. 25-3-2016) as amended by The Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Act, 2019 (14 of 2019) (w.e.f. 25-7-2019)
- Rules
- Updated Regulations
- Aadhaar (Sharing of Information) Regulations, 2016
- The Aadhaar (Payment of Fees for Performance of(Authentication)Regulations, 2023
- Aadhaar (Authentication and Offline Verification) Regulations, 2021
- The Aadhaar Data Security Regulations 2016
- Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations, 2016
- Unique Identification Authority of India (Transaction of Business at Meetings of the Authority) Regulations, 2016
- Unique Identification Authority of India (Salary, Allowances and other Terms and Conditions of Service of Employees) Regulations, 2020
- Unique Identification Authority of India (Appointment of Officers and Employees) Regulations, 2020
- UIDAI (Terms and Conditions of Service of Chairperson and Members) Rules, 2016
- UIDAI (Returns and Annual Report) Rules, 2018
- UIDAI (Form of Annual statement of Accounts) Rules,2018
- The Aadhaar Authentication for Good Governance (Social Welfare, Innovation, Knowledge) Rules, 2020
- Unique Identification Authority of India (Adjudication of Penalties) Rules, 2021
- Updated Regulations
- Notifications
- Notification_(PlanningCommission)_ Constitution of UIDAI PDF
- Notification_(DeitY)_Regarding Enforcement of Sections 11 to 20,22 to 23 and Sections 48 to 59 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act,2016 PDF
- Notification_(DeitY)_Regarding Establishment of UIDAI as Authority PDF
- Notification_(DoPT)_Regarding Appointment of Dr. A.B. Pandey as Chief Executive Officer PDF
- Notification_(MeitY)_Regarding appointment of Part-time Chairperson and Members of UIDAI PDF
- Notification_(MeitY)_Regarding enforcement of Sections 1 to 10 and 24 to 47 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act,2016 PDF
- Notification_(Legal)_Regarding APB- NPCI mapper PDF
- Notification_(Legal)_Regarding Proof of Possession of Aadhaar number PDF
- Notification_(MeitY)_Regarding enforcement of Sections 1 to 30 of the Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Act,2019 PDF
- Notification_(MeitY)_Regarding NRI shall be entitled to obtain an Aadhaar number PDF
- Notification_(HR)_Regarding Appointment of Mr. Pankaj Kumar as Chief Executive Officer PDF
- Notification_(HR)_Regarding Appointment of Sh. Saurabh Garg as Chief Executive Officer PDF
- Notification (HR) Regarding Appointment of Sh. Amit Agrawal as Chief Executive Officer PDF
- Recruitment rules for engagement of Assistant Technical Officers in UIDAI
- Regulations
- Aadhaar (Sharing of Information) Regulations, 2016 (No. 5 of 2016) - Page 72-77
- Unique Identification Authority of India (Transaction of Business at Meetings of the Authority) Regulations, 2016 (No. 1 of 2016) - Page 1-10
- Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations, 2016 (No. 2 of 2016) - Page 10-41
- Aadhaar (Data Security) Regulations, 2016 (No. 4 of 2016) - Page 67-72
- Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 (No. 1 of 2017)
- Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2017
- Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) (Third Amendment) Regulation, 2017
- Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2017 (No. 5 of 2017)
- Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2018 (No. 1 of 2018)
- Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 2018 (No. 2 of 2018)
- Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2016
- Unique Identification Authority of India (Appointment of officers and Employees) Regulations, 2020
- Unique Identification Authority of India (Salary, Allowances and other Terms and Conditions of Service of Employees) Regulations, 2020
- Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) (Eighth Amendment) Regulations, 2020
- Draft Aadhaar (Authentication and Offline Verification) Regulations, 2021
- The Aadhaar (Pricing of Aadhaar Authentication Services) Regulations, 2021 (No. 1 of 2021)
- Unique Identification Authority of India (Appointment of Officers and Employees) (First Amendment) Regulation, 2021 (No. 3 of 2021)
- Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) (Ninth Amendment) Regulations, 2022 (No. 2 of 2022) dated 3rd March 2022
- The Unique Identification Authority of India (Appointment of Officers and Employees) (Second Amendment) Regulation, 2022 (No. 3 of 2022)
- The Unique Identification Authority of India (Appointment of Officers and Employees) (Third Amendment) Regulation, 2022 (No. 5 of 2022)
- The Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) (Tenth Amendment) Regulations, 2022 (No. 6 of 2022)
- Aadhaar (Authentication and Offline Verification) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2023 (No. 01 of 2023) dated 24.02.2023
- The Unique Identification Authority of India (Appointment of Officers and Employees) Amendment Regulations, 2023.
- The Aadhaar (Payment of Fees for Performance of Authentication) Regulations, 2023
- The Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Amendment Regulations, 2023
- The Aadhaar (Authentication and Offline Verification) Amendment Regulations, 2023
- The Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Amendment Regulations, 2024 published on 16.1.2024
- The Unique Identification Authority of India (Appointment of Officers and Employees) Amendment Regulations, 2024 published on 25.1.2024
- The Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Second Amendment Regulations, 2024 published on 27.1.2024
- The Aadhaar (Sharing of Information) Amendment Regulations, 2024 published on 27.1.2024
- The Aadhaar (Payment of Fees for Performance of Authentication) Amendment Regulations, 2024 published on 31.1.2024
- The Aadhaar (Authentication and Offline Verification) Amendment Regulations, 2024 published on 31.1.2024
- Corrigendum for the Aadhaar (Payment of Fees for Performance of Authentication) Amendment Regulations, 2024, Notification No. HQ-13073/1/2020-AUTH.II(E), dated the 31.1.2024, published on 9.2.2024
- Circulars
- Circular_(Legal)_Regarding Use of Aadhaar under Section 7 of Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016
- Circular_(E&U-I)_Regarding Expansion/ Modification in the list of supporting documents accepted as Proof of Address (PoA) and Date of Birth (DoB)
- Circular_(Legal)_Regarding Aadhaar (Authentication) Regulations, 2016, First Amendment in Schedule A
- Circular_(Legal)_Regarding Regulation 12A of Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations, 2017
- Circular_(Legal)_Regarding Exception handling in Public Distribution Services and other Welfare Schemes
- Circular_(DBT)_Regarding Applicability of Aadhaar as an Identity document for NRI/PIOs/OCIs
- Circular_(E&U-I)_Regarding No denial of admission in schools for want of Aadhaar and Organising special Aadhaar Enrolment/update camps at schools
- Circular_(Legal)_Regarding Continuation of AEPS Transactions
- Circular_(Legal)_Regarding Use of Aadhaar for opening bank accounts and withdrawal of money through AePS
- Circular_(DBT)_Regarding Guidelines on use of Aadhaar under Section 7 of the Aadhaar Act 2016 by the State Governments
- Circular_(E&U-II)_Regarding Certificate for Aadhaar Enrolment/ Update.
- Introduction of Aadhaar Card for use at par with other forms of Aadhaar like Aadhaar letter, e-Aadhaar, masked e-Aadhaar and m-Aadhaar
- Forwarding of Policy for enforcing of Aadhaar (Enrolment)
- Policy for enforcing process guidelines dated 24-03-2021
- Swachhata Pakhwada implementation for the year 2022 in UIDAI
- Training, Testing and Certification Policy 2023 Doc Type: PDF Size: 1.1MB
- SOP for training, testing and certification of E&U Operators Doc. Type:- PDF, Doc. Size:- 2.2 M
- प्रशिक्षण, परीक्षण और प्रमाणन नीति 2023
- SOP for Training, Testing and Certification of Authentication Operators
- SOP for Training, Testing and Certification of Authentication Operators Doc Type: PDF Size: 2 MB
- SOP dated 28-10-2021 - Name & Gender update request under exception handling process (Circular dated 03-11-2021)
- Annual Training Calendar 2023-24 Doc. Type:- PDF, Doc. Size:- 1.6 M
- Circular dated 3.10.2023-Policy for enforcing of Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations 2016, processes, standards, guidelines, data quality, and containing corrupt and fraudulent practices (Version 4.1) dated 30.11.2022- partial modification thereof
- Annual Training Calendar 2024-25
- Judgements
- "Ramprasad s/o. Ramkishan Chavhan vs. State, through Police Inspector, Social Security Branch, Crime Branch, Civil Lines, Nagpur and another" order dated 20.01.2021
- "UIDAI & Anr. vs. Sehajpreet Singh" judgment dated 09.07.2020
- "Parvati Kumari And Ors. V/s State Of U.P. Thru. Prin Secy Home & Ors." dated 09.01.2019
- Justice K.S Puttaswamy (Retd) and Anr. Vs. UOI and Ors dated 26.09.2018 - Five Judges Constitutional Bench
- Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd) and Anr. Vs. UOI and Ors. dated 24.08.2017- Nine Judges Constitutional Bench
- Binoy Viswam vs. UOI and Ors. dated 09.06.2017
- Sofikul Islam vs State of Kerala - BAIL APPL. NO. 7321 OF 2022 - order dated 17.11.2022
- Manoj Kumar Yadav s/o Mr. Deena Nath Yadav VS The State of Madhya Pradesh through Police Station Adhartal Distt. Jabalpur (M.P.) order dated 19th April, 2023
- State of Maharashtra vs UIDAI & Ors. - Cr. W. P no 3002 of 2022 - order dated 28.07.2023
- Gopalbhai Naranbhai Vaghela Vs Union of India & Anr. - R/Special Civil Application No. 16484 of 2022 - order dated 26.2.2024
- Updated Rules
- Unique Identification Authority of India (Adjudication of Penalties) Rules, 2021
- Unique Health Identifier Rules, 2021
- Aadhaar Authentication for Good Governance (Social Welfare, Innovation, Knowledge) Rules, 2020
- Unique Identification Authority of India (Form of Annual Statement of Accounts) Rules, 2018
- Unique Identification Authority of India (Returns and Annual Report) Rules, 2018
- Unique Identification Authority of India (Terms and Conditions of Service of Chairperson and Members) Rules, 2016
- Work with UIDAI
- Deputation/Contract
- Vacancy circulars for various posts in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office Ranchi
- Filling up of various positions in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office, Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the post of ADG in HQ/RO Delhi( Last date has been extended to 16.08.2011 )
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Director General (Finance) in HQ, UIDAI.(Last date extended to 16.09.2011)
- Vacancy circular for filling up Section Officer in UIDAI, Delhi ( Last date has been extended to 15.09.11 )
- Vacancy circular for posts of PS and Steno for RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for filling up posts in Regional Office, Delhi under "Vacancies in UIDAI
- Vacancy circular for RO, Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for SSA/STO in Delhi Data Centre
- Notice inviting Applications for Empanelment of Performance Monitors RO Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant
- Vacancy Circual for the post of ADG in RO Chandigarh
- Advertisement No.5/2011 for the posts of Dy.Director, S.O & Asstt.
- Vacancy circular - Banglore Data Centre and Tech Centre
- Vacancy Circular for Technical Posts in Delhi Data Centre
- Corrigendum to advertisement no.5/2011 of the posts of DD,SO,Asstt. in RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for SO post in HQ/RO, Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the post of ADG in RO, Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular ADG (Finance) in HQ UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG (Banglaore)
- Vacancy Circualr for the post of ADG(Mumbai)
- Vacancy circular for the post of ADG (Chandigarh)
- Adevertisement for the post of Private Secretary at RO , Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for the post of Steno
- Vacancy Circular for the Technical Posts in Bengaluru Tech Centre and DATA Centre
- Amended Vacancy Circular for the post ot Section Officer
- Vacancy circular for Technical Posts in Delhi Data Centre-1
- Vaccancy circular for subordinate post upto Deputy Director at Regional Office Mumbai
- Advertisement for the post of Section Officer at RO,Chd
- The last date for receipt of applications complete in all respect for the post of Section Officer has been extended upto 08.06.2012
- The last date for receipt of applications complete in all respect for the post of Steno has been extended upto 15.06.2012
- Vacancy Circular for the post of PS in HQ UIDAI
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant in HQ
- Advertisement for the post of Section Officer at RO,Chandigarh (May'2012)
- Extending the last date of applicatio?n for deputation for Subordinate posts at RO Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the post of PSA in Delhi Data Centre
- Vacancy circular for the post of DD,SO,Assistant,PS and Steno in RO Guwahati
- The last date for receipt of applications complete in all respect for the post of Section Officer has been extended upto 29.07.12
- Vacancy circular for Regional office Ranchi
- Corigendum for advertisement of vacancies for subordinate staffs of RO Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG in HQ/RO Delhi (The date for submission of applications complete with all documents is hereby extended upto 20.09.12)
- Extension of last date of submission of applications for Subordinate Staff at RO Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for the post of PS in UIDAI HQ
- Vacancy Circular for DD,SO,PS, Assistant in RO,Lucknow
- Vacancy circular for the Technical posts in Bengaluru Tech Centre/Data Centre
- Advertisement for filling up of PS vacancies in RO Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Steno in HQ UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Private Secretary for RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular For Technical Posts in Delhi Data Centre-2
- Extention notice for receipt of applications for various posts on deputation basis, RO Lucknow
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG in HQ UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for Subordinate Posts upto Deputy Director Regional Office Mumbai
- Filling of post of Section Officer in R.O,Hyderabad
- Vacancy Circular for the post of assistant director (official Lanhuage) on contract base in UIDAI, Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer
- Extension of last date for receipt of applications for the post of Private Secretary in UIDAI, Regional Office Delhi
- Extension of last date for Technical post in Delhi Data Centre
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer at RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant in HQ, Delhi
- Extension of last date for the post of Steno in UIDAI,HQ
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Private Secretary in UIDAI,HQ
- Application for the post of Deputy Director in UIDAI, RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Dy. Director/Section Officer/Privte Secretary/Assistant in UIDAI RO, Hyderabad
- Vacancy circular for various posts in UIDAI, Hyderabad, regional office
- Extension of last date for the post of Deputy Director in UIDAI, RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy position circular for various positions in Regional Office, Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director General (JS level) on deputation in HQ, UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the post of DD in RO, Guwahati
- Advertisement No.12/2012-13 for the post of Private Secretary (3 posts) at RO,Chandigarh
- Advertisement no.13/2012-13 for the post of Dy.Director for RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the post of PS in UIDAI (for website)
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director in HQ UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for Subordinate staff and empanellment of Performance Monitors at RO Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the Technical post in Delhi Data Centre
- Extension of last date as 6.5.2013 for the posts of 3 Private Secretary and 1 Post of Dy. Director for RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for the post of section officer in UIDAI(Regional Office Hyderabad)
- Vacancy circular for the post of ADG in UIDAI RO Chandigarh and Hyderabad
- Vacancy circular for the post of private secretary in regional office,Delhi UIDAI
- Empanelment Performance Monitors RO, Mumbai UIDAI
- Advertisement of vacancies for filling up of Subordinate Posts RO, Mumbai UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the post of DDG HQ, UIDAI
- Advt. for Empanelment of performance monitors RO, Mumbai
- Advertisement no.14/2013 for the post of Section officer (1 post) & Assistant (2 posts)
- Extension of last date for receipt of applications for the post of Private Secretary in Regional Office, Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG in RO Chandigarh
- Extension of Last date for the post of DDG in HQ UIDAI reg.
- Addendum for the post of Section officer (1 no) & Assistant (2 nos.) for extension in last date 31.8.2013 in RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for filling up of Subordinate posts at RO, Mumbai
- Vacancy circlar for the posts of Section Officer/Private Secretary/Steno UIDAI RO, Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for various posts in UIDAI RO, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG in UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the post of deputy director in UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the post of section officer in UIDAI, Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Section Officer/Private Secretary/Steno in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office, Bengaluru.
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Steno in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), HQ
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Section Officer and Assistant, UIDAI, Regional Office, Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular in R.O, Hyderabad, UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for filling up various posts on Deputation basis in UIDAI RO Lucknow
- Vacancy circular for the post of DDG in Regional Office Ranchi, Lucknow and Guwahati
- Advertisement for the post of PVT SECY (3)Nos. RO Chandigarh
- Extension of Last date for the post of DDG in Regional Office Ranchi, Lucknow and Guwahati
- Extension of last date for submission of application for various posts in UIDAI RO Lucknow
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG in UIDAI HQ
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG in UIDAI RO, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for filling up post of Assistant on Deputation basis in UIDAI RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for various posts in UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi on Deputation basis
- Advertisement for filling up the post of Section Officer on Deputation in UIDAI Regional Office, Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG (Finance & Accounts) in HQ UIDAI
- Corrigendum for the post of ADG (Finance & Accounts) in HQ UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for Various Posts in Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for filling up the post of Assistant in UIDAI HQ
- Vacancy Circular for filling up the one post of Assistant Director General at RO Bengaluru/Tech Centre
- Advertisement for filling up the post of Deputy Director at UIDAI Regional Office Chandigarh
- Advertisement for filling up the post of Assistant at UIDAI Regional Office Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG in RO Ranchi & RO Lucknow
- Vacancy Circular for the post of DDG (JS Level ) on deputation in UIDAI HQ, - Extension of Date
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant on deputation in UIDAI RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director General (JS level) on deputation in UIDAI Regional Office Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Director General (ADG) (Director level) at its Regional Offices located at Bengaluru, Delhi, Lucknow, Mumbai and Ranchi.
- Advt. No. 22/2015 RO Chandigarh for filling up the posts of Section officer and Assistant on deputation basis
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant on deputation in UIDAI, R.O, Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Deputy Director / Private Secretary / Assistant in UIDAI RO Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for Filling up the Post of Assistant in UIDAI HQ-1
- Advt. No. 23/2015 for filling up the post of Deputy Director on deputation basis in Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Extension of date for the post of Deputy Director General (JS Level), RO Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for subordinate posts at RO Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for Section officer at UIDAI HQ/DC Manesar
- Advt. No. 24/2015 for filling up the post of Private Secretary in RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG in HQ
- Vacancy Circular for the post of PS in UIDAI HQ-1
- Vacancy Circular for the post of DD at HQ/UIDAI & Data Centre, Manesar
- Vacancy Circular for Subordinate posts at RO Mumbai-1
- Vacancy Circular for filling up the post of Assistant in UIDAI RO Chandigarh
- Advt. No. 26/2015 for filling up the post of Section Officer in UIDAI, RO Chandigarh
- Corrigendum in continuation to the vacancy circular for filling up the subordinate posts in UIDAI, RO Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the post of ADG, RO, Delhi- extension of date-reg
- Vacancy circular for the post of Section Officer in UIDAI, RO, Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for various posts in UIDAI, RO, Hyderabad
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Junior Hindi Translator in UIDAI HQ
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer in UIDAI RO Lucknow on deputation basis
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG at Bengaluru and Mumbai [Regional Offices]
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG at Guwahati [Regional Office]
- Vacancy Circular for the post of DDG (LEGAL) (JS LEVEL) at HQ, UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer in UIDAI, RO, Banagalore
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Steno in UIDAI, Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer in UIDAI, Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular on deputation basis for the post of ADG(Director Level) at HQ, UIDAI
- Vacancy circular for filling up the post of Assistant at HQ, UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for DDG Legal HQ -Extension of date upto 28th Oct 2015
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Director General (Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI Regional Offices, Delhi and Lucknow
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant in UIDAI Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant in UIDAI Regional Office, Lucknow
- Vacancy circular for the post of Private Secretary in UIDAI Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Advt No 27-A/2015: Last Date Extended for filling up the post of Steno in RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director General (JS level) on deputation in UIDAI Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy circular for various posts in UIDAI Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy circular for various posts in UIDAI Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Section Officer and Assistant in UIDAI Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Section Officer in UIDAI Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for Subordinate posts in UIDAI Regional Office, Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director General (JS level) on deputation in UIDAI Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for the post of Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the post of Private Secretary & Stenographer on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Director General (Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Vacancy circular on deputation basis for the post of Deputy Director General (Legal) (JS level) at HQ, UIDAI
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director General (JS level) on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director General on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director General (JS level) on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi-1
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Director General (Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Guwahati
- Corrigendum on Vacancy circular for the post of Private Secretary & Stenographer on deputation in UIDAI HQ Dated 08.012016
- Vacancy circular for the post of Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Extension of date for filling up various vacancies in UIDAI RO Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for the post of DD in UIDAI, Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the post of DDG in UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for various positions in UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for the position of Consultant (Official Language) and Consultant (Hindi Translator) in UIDAI, HQ
- Vacancy Circular for position of ADG in UIDAI, Regional Office, Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer on Deputation basis in UIDAI RO Lucknow
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Private Secretary on Deputation basis in UIDAI RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for Deputy Director General (Legal) - Extension of last date
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Private Secretary and Steno at UIDAI, RO, Hyderabad
- Vacancy Circular for the Position of DD(Tech) and TO, Manesar
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director on deputation at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG (Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG (Director Level) on deputation, RO Guwahati
- Corrigendum to the vacancy Circular for the Position of DD(Tech) and TO, Manesar Post
- Vacancy Circular for various positions in UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for the Post of Section Officer on deputation at UIDAI, RO, Hyderabad
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Assistant Director General (Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Assistant Director General (Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI RO, Guwahati
- Advertisement for the post of Section Officer in RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Advertisement for engagement of an Adviser (Technology Planning) on contract basis at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for Filling up the Post of Steno in UIDAI RO, Chandigarh
- Filling up of the post of Assistant Section Officer on deputation basis in the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office, Lucknow
- Vacancy for the position of SO and TO at Technology Centre
- Vacancy Circular for the Post of PS & Steno
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI - HQ
- Vacancy Circular for Technical post in Manesar Data Center
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director General (JS Level) on deputation in UIDAI - HQ
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director General (JS Level) on deputation in UIDAI RO, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Director General (Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI RO, Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director in UIDAI - RO, Bengaluru
- Corrigendum for vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director in UIDAI - RO, Bengaluru
- Advertisement for engagement of a consultant (Finance) on contract basis at UIDAI HQ
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi-1
- Vacancies in RO for the post on deputation in UIDAI RO, Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi-1
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Director General(Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI Regional Office, Guwahati
- Vacancy circular for the post of DDG (JS level) at UIDAI, RO, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for the Post of Asst Section Officer in UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Advertisement for DD and TO vacancy at Manesar Data Centre
- Advertisement for the post of Steno in RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the post of PS & Steno - Extension of last date
- Advertisement for the post of Deputy Director - reg
- Vacancy circular for various posts on deputation in RO, Ranchi
- Vacancy circular for the post of Section Officer and Private Secretary on deputation in UIDAI, RO, Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG(Tech) at Manesar Data Centre, Haryana
- Vacancy Circular for the post of DD-Admin & Technical officer at Technology Centre & Data Centre
- Advertisement for engagement of an Adviser (Security & Investigation) on contract basis at UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ASO at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Director General (Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI RO, Guwahati-1
- Request for extension of date for filling up various posts in UIDAI RO Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for the Post of Section Officer on Deputation in UIDAI, RO, Hyderabad
- Corrigendum to vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director (Administrative) & Technical officers in UIDAI Technology Centre, Bangalore
- Vacancy circular for the post of private secretary on deputation in UIDAl, RO Chandigarh.
- VC for the post of ADG (Tech) at MDC - Extension of date.
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI, RO Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Private Secretary on deputation in UIDAI, RO Delhi
- /images/career/vacancy_circular_for_SO_30052017.pdf
- Advertisement for engagement of one Consultant (Enforcement) on contract basis at UIDAI - HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director (DD) on deputation - HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer (SO) on deputation - HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director (DD) on deputation - RO, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer (SO) - RO, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the post of Steno on deputation basis in UIDAI RO, Chandigarh
- Corrigendum to Vacancy Circular for the post of DD, UIDAI RO, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG(Director Level) on deputation, UIDAI RO, Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the post of AD (OL) and Jr. Translator Hindi on deputation at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG(Deputy Secretary Level) on deputation, UIDAI Manesar Data Centre, Haryana
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Sr. Accounts Officer, Asstt. Accounts Officer and Accountant at UIDAI HQ
- Vacancy Circular for the post of DD, SAO, AAO and Private Secretary on deputation for UIDAI, RO, Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for the Post of Sr AO, AAO and Accountant for UIDAI RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the post of SAO, AAO & Accountant in RO, Bengaluru
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Senior Accounts Officer (SAO), Assistant Accounts Officer(AAO) and Accountant on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy circular for the post of SAO, AAO and Acctt. in UIDAI RO Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the psot of Sr.AO, AAO and Accountant for UIDAI, RO, Guwahati
- Extended VC for AD (OL) and Jr. Hindi Translator
- Extended VC for ADG-Tech.at UIDAI, MDC, Manesar
- Extended VC for the post of ADG (Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI RO, Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the Post of Deputy Director, Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer at Regional Office, Lucknow
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the Post of Senior Accounts Officer(SAO), Assistant Accounts Officer(AAO) and Accountant on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Senior Accounts Officer (SAO), Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) and Accountant on deputation in UIDAI Regional Office, Lucknow
- Vacancy circular for the post of DD, SAO, AAO, PS and Accountant in UIDAI, RO Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Sr. AO,AAO and Accountant on deputation in UIDAI
- UIDAI hiring young Management Professionals
- UIDAI hiring young Engineering Graduates
- Extension of Last date- Advertisement for the Post of Sr AO, AAO and Accountant for UIDAI RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for the post of SAO, AAO and Acctt. in UIDAI RO Delhi-1
- Vacancy circular for ASO at UIDAI HQ
- Extension of last date of submission for Sr.AO,AAO and Accountant for UIDAI,RO,Guwahati
- Vacancy circular for the post of DD, SO and ASO at Regional Office, Lucknow
- Vacancy circular for the post of Steno-1
- Vacancy circular for the post of Technical Officer in UIDAI, Bangalore
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director and Section Officer, Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for the post of SAO & Accountant in RO, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of SAO, AAO and Private Secretary on deputation for UIDAI, RO, Mumbai
- VC for the post of ADG (Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI RO, Guwahati- Extension of last date
- VC for the post of Assistant Director (Official Language) and Junior Hindi Translator on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Deputy Director (DD), on deputation in UIDAI Regional Office, Guwahati
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) and Accountant on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG (DS Level) on deputation in Manesar Data Centre, Manesar
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director on deputation in RO, Guwahati
- Vacancy circular for the post of Section Officer (SO) on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Extension of last date for the post of SAO AAO and Accountant in UIDAI RO Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Deputy Director, Sr. Accounts Officer, Asst. Accounts Officer, Accountant., Private Secretary and Assistant Section Officer in UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Extension for Vacancy Circular for the post of SAO, AAO and Private Secretary on deputation for UIDAI, RO, Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for filling up the vacant post of assistant accountant officer on deputation basis in RO, Chandigarh
- Standard Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG (Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI Regional Office, Guwahati
- VC for SAO, AAO and Accountant in UIDAI HQ
- Vacancy Circular for DD at RO Guwahati - Extension of last date
- Extended VC for AD (OL) and Junior Hindi Translator at UIDAI HQ
- Advertisement regarding extension of date for the Post of DD - reg
- Vacancy circular for the post of Private Secretary & Stenographer on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi-1
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director, Senior Accounts Officer, Assistant Accounts Officer, Assistant, Private Secretary and Assistant Section Officer on deputation basis in UIDAI, RO, Hyderabad
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Deputy director on deputation in UIDAI, RO, Chandigarh
- Extended VC for ADG (Tech) (Dy. Sy. level), MDC, Manesar
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Deputy Director, SAO,PS and Stenographer in UIDAI, RO, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of SAO, AAO, Accountant, SO, Private Secretary and stenographer on deputation for UIDAI, RO, Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director (DD) on deputation basis in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Accounts Officer on Deputation in UIDAI RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG (Finance & Accounts) at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer, UIDAI, HQ
- Vacancy Circular for the Post of ASO in RO Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the Posts of ASO on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for the post of ADG (Director Level) on deputation basis at UIDAI, Tech Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Assistant Director (Official Language) and Junior Hindi Translation on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Extended VC for the post of ADG -Tech, Data Centre Manesar
- Vacancy Circular For The Post Of Deputy Director In Unique Identification Authority Of India (UIDAI) Regional Office, Bengaluru.
- Vacancy circular for filling up the post of SO and ASO at RO UIDAI, Guwahati
- Extension of Vacancy Circular for the post of SAO, AAO, Accountant, SO, Private Secretary and stenographer on deputation for UIDAI, RO, Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the post of section officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) on deputation in UIDAI Regional Office, Lucknow
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Accountant on deputation basis in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG(Director level) at UIDAI, Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Private Secretary on deputation in UIDAI RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director (DD) on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Extension of last date for submission of application for selection to the post of SO and ASO on deputation basis
- Extended VC for the post of ADG(Tech), DS Level, MDC, Manesar
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director (DD) on deputation, UIDAI RO, Guwahati
- Vacancy circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer (SAO) on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the post of Section Officer (SO) and Private Secretary (PS) on deputation in UIDAI Regional Office, Lucknow
- Vacancy circular for the various posts on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Senior Accounts Officer (SAO), Section Officer and Private Secretary deputation in UIDAI, RO, Ranchi
- Amendment to the vacancy circular for the post of Senior Account Officer (SAO), Assistant Account Officer (AAO), Accountant, Private Secretary, and Stenographer on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Extension of Advertisement for the post of Private Secretary
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG (Tech), DS Level, Manesar Data Centre
- Vacancy circular for 2 posts of SAO on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Extension of last date of submission of application for filling up the post of DD
- Extension for Vacancy circular for the post of Senior Account Officer (SAO), Assistant Account Officer (AAO), Accountant, Private Secretary and Stenographer on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Extension of vacancy circular for the post of DD
- Vacancy circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer (SAO) on deputation in UIDAI RO, New Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG(Director Level) at UIDAI Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy for the post of Section Officer (SO), Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) on deputation in UIDAI RO, Guwahati
- Extension for Vacancy circular for the post of Senior Account Officer (SAO), Assistant Account Officer (AAO), Accountant, Private Secretary and Stenographer on deputation in UIDAI,
- Vacancy circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer (SAO) on deputation in UIDAI RO, New Delhi (2)
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Director (Official Language) on deputation in UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Extension of last date of submission of application for the post of DD at UIDAI, RO, Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer (SO) on deputation in UIDAI, HQ. New Delhi
- Extension of last date of submission Of application for filling up one vacant post of Section Officer and one anticipatory post of Assistant Accounts Officer on deputation basis at UIDAI, RO, Guwahat
- Vacancy circular for the post of Sr. Accounts Officer in UIDAI RO, Delhi
- Vacancy circular for post of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) and Accountant on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Director (Official Language), on deputation in UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the posts of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) and Accountant on deputation in UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for one post of Assistant Director General (Director Level) on deputation in UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the Post of Section Officer (Administration) in Uidai Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Account Officer (AAO) and Assistant Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the post of AAO in RO, Bangalore
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Deputy Director (DD) on deputation basis in UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Extended vacancy circular for the post of Section Officer (SO) on deputation in UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Filling up the 02 posts of Accountant on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the 02 posts of Private Secretary at UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ASO in RO Bangalore
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the 01 post of Assistant Director General (Director level) on deputation at UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the Section Officer in UIDAI RO Delhi.
- Vacancy Circular for the Posts of Senior Accounts Officer (SAO), Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO), Accountant, Private Secretary (PS) & Assistant Section Officer (ASO) on Deputation Basis for three years in UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Extension of Vacancy circular for the post of Senior Account Officer (SAO), Assistant Account Officer (AAO), Accountant, Private Secretary and Assistant Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Extension of vacancy circular for the post of AAO on deputation basis
- Extension for last date of submission for filling up of one post of Deputy Director on Deputation basis
- Vacancy circular for the post of Senior Account Officer (SAO), Assistant Account Officer (AAO), Accountant, Private Secretary and Assistant Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the post of Senior Account Officer (SAO), Assistant Account Officer (AAO), Accountant, Private Secretary and Assistant Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the post of AAO on deputation in UIDAI RO Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer (ASO), on deputation basis at UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Extension of Notification - For the post of Section Officer at UIDAI Tech Centre Bangalore
- Extension of last date for submission of application for filling up of one post of Section Officer (SO) on deputation basis at UIDAI RO Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the anticipated posts of Deputy Director at UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Extension of vacancy circular for the post of AAO on deputation basis RO Guwahati
- Vacancy circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer, RO, Ranchi
- Extension of last date for submitting applications for the posts of SAO, AAO, Accountant, PS and ASO on deputation basis in UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Vacancy Circular for one post of PS on deputation basis in UIDAI,RO,Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer ( Administration) in UIDAI Technology Centre, Bengaluru ( Extension thereof up to 31.03.2019)
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Bengaluru.
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Astt. Accounts Officer on deputation in UIDAI RO Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) on deputation basis at UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of PS on deputation in UIDAI RO Delhi
- Extension of last date for submission of application for selection of PS on deputation basis
- Vacancy circular for the post of Section Officer (SO) on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for AAO post at RO Bangalore
- The extension circular for the for the post of Senior Accounts Officer in RO, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) on deputation in UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Account Officer (AAO), Accountant, Stenographer and Assistant Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the post of Private Secretary on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Senior Accounts Officer (SAO) on deputation in UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) and Accountant on deputation in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) on deputation in UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Extension of Vacancy Circular for the post of AAO on deputation basis
- Vacancy circular for the post of Dy. Director on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for the posts of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Sr. Accounts Officer/Assisant Accounts Officer/Private Secretary/Section Officer & Assistant Section Officer on deputation basis in UIDAI RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) on deputation in UIDAI, RO, Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for the post of Section Officer (SO) on deputation in UIDAI, RO, Bengaluru.
- Vacancy Circular for the Posts of Section Officer (SO), Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) and Accountant on Deputation Basis for three years in UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the posts of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) on deputation basis at UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the posts of Senior Accounts Officer (SAO) on deputation in UIDAI, HQ
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) and Accountant
- Advertisement for hiring Chief Technologist for UIDAI at Bangalore
- Extension of date for receipt of application for the post of Assistant Accounts Officer in RO, Bengaluru
- Extension in Vacancy circular for the post of Dy. Director on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Extension of last date of submission for the post of PS
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Technical Officer (TO) and Section Officer (SO) on deputation in UIDAI, Data Centre, Manesar, Haryana
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Sr. Accounts Officer (SAO) on deputation in UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for the post of AAO, UIDAI RO Delhi
- Extended VC for the post of Accountant
- Extension of last date for the post of AAO at UIDAI RO Guwahati
- Advertisement for hiring Chief Technologist for UIDAI at Bangalore
- Extension of last date for submission application for filling up post of AAO
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the posts of Technical Officer and Section Officer on deputation basis at UIDAI Data Centre, Manesar, Haryana
- Vacancy Circular for the Post of Stenographer on Deputation Basis for three years in UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Vacancy Circular for the Post of ASO at RO Bangalore, UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the Post of Private Secretary at RO Guwahati
- Senior Accounts Officer on Deputation in UIDAI,HQ, New Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for filling up the posts of Technical Officer and Section Officer on deputation basis at UIDAI Data Centre, Manesar, Haryana
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for four post of Technical Officer on deputation basis in UIDAI at Tech Centre Bengaluru
- Extension of Vacancy circular for AAO on deputation basis RO, Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Technical Officer and Section Officer on deputation basis at UIDAI Data Centre, Manesar, Haryana
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer on deputation in UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Accountant at RO Bangalore
- Corrigenduum for vacancy circular for four post of Technical Officer on deputation basis in UIDAI at Tech Centre Bengaluru-Reg
- Extension of date for receipt of application for the post of ASO & SO on deputation in RO Mumbai
- Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of PS on deputation basis in UIDAI at RO,Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI Data Centre at Manesar, Haryana
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Assistant Director General (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI, Technology Centre at Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for the post of DDG
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Assistant Director General (ADG) on deputation in UIDAI
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the posts of Deputy Director (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI Data Centre at Manesar, Haryana
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the posts of Deputy Director (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI, Technology Centre at Bengaluru
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the posts of Assistant Director General (ADG) on deputation in UIDAI
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI Data Centre at Manesar, Haryana
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the posts of Deputy Director (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI, Technology Centre at Bengaluru
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the posts of Assistant Director General (ADG) on deputation in UIDAI
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI Data Centre at Manesar, Haryana
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the posts of Deputy Director (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI, Technology Centre at Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Assistant Director General (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI
- Extended vacancy circular for the posts of Assistant Director General (ADG) on deputation in UIDAI
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director (Technology) on deputation in UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the various posts on deputation in UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Assistant Section Officer at UIDAI Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Deputy Director at UIDAI, Regional Office, Lucknow
- Vacancy Circular for the various posts on deputation at UIDAI, Data Centre, Manesar
- Vacancy Circular for the various posts on deputation at UIDAI, Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the various posts on deputation at UIDAI, Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the various posts on deputation at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the various posts on deputation at UIDAI, RO-Hyderabad
- Vacancy Circular for the various posts on deputation at UIDAI, RO-Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the various posts on deputation at UIDAI, RO-Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for the various posts on deputation at UIDAI, RO-Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular to the post of Dy.Director (Technology),MDC
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Assistant Director General (ADG) in UIDAI on deputation basis
- Extended Vacancy Circular to the post of Deputy Director(Technology) at Manesar Data Centre
- Extended vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI Data centre, Manesar
- Extended vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Extended vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Extended vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI Regional Office, Delhi
- Extended vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Extended vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI Regional Office, Lucknow
- Extended vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI Regional Office, Mumbai
- Extended vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI Regional Office, Ranchi
- Extended vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI Technology centre, Bengaluru
- Extended vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Headquarters, New Delhi
- Extended vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Regional Office, Guwahati
- Extended vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Director General on deputation in UIDAI
- Extended Vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Extended Vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Regional Office, Guwahati
- Extended Vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Headquarters, New Delhi
- Extended Vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Extended Vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Data Centre, Manesar
- Extended Vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Extended Vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi
- Extended Vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Extended Vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Extended Vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Regional Office, Delhi
- Extended Vacancy circular on deputation (Foreign term basis) at UIDAI, Regional Office, Lucknow
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of ADG on deputation in UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Private Secretary(PS) on short term contract basis in UIDAI, RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for various posts on deputation (Foreign Service term basis) at Data Centre, Manesar
- Vacancy circular for various posts on deputation (Foreign Service term basis) at UIDAI, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Assistant Director General (Technology), at UIDAI, Technology Centre, Bengaluru on deputation (Foreign Service Term Basis) in Level-13
- Vacancy circular for various posts on deputation (foreign Service term unique Identification basis) in Authority of India (UIDAI) Headquarters at New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for various posts on deputation (Foreign Service term basis) at Data Centre, Manesar (Gurugram) of UIDAI
- Vacancy circular for various posts on deputation (foreign unique service term basis) at UIDAI, Technology centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Consultant (Official Language) on contract basis at UIDAI, HQ, New Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation (Foreign Service Term basis) at UIDAI Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Extended Vacancy Circular for filling up various posts of UIDAI HQ on deputation basis
- Vacancy Circular for various posts of RO Mumbai
- Applications for various posts on deputation in UIDAI, RO, Guwahati"
- Applications for various posts on deputation in UIDAI, RO, Bengaluru
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation in Technology Centre Bengaluru
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts of Manesar Data Centre
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of DDG at UIDAI
- Extended VC for various posts at UIDAI, HQ
- Clarification on Vacancy Circular for the post of DDG
- Vacancy Circular for the post of DDG with clarification
- Vacancy Circular for hiring of Consultant (HR)
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts at RO Bengaluru
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts at RO Guwahati
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts at RO Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for various posts of RO Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for various posts of RO New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for various posts of RO Hyderabad
- Vacancy Circular for various posts of RO Lucknow
- Vacancy Circular for various posts of RO Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for various posts of RO Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for ADG & ADG(Tech) dated 13.09.2021
- Vacancy_Circular_dt_11_10_2021
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at RO Chandigarh dt. 08.12.2021.pdf
- Vacancy Circular at various posts at MDC dt. 08.12.2021.pdf
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI, TC, Bengaluru dt. 08.12.2021.pdf
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI RO Chandigarh (27-Jan-2022)
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts at MDC (27-Jan-2022)
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI TC Bengaluru (27-Jan-2022)
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at RO Delhi and State Office, Bhopal
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at RO Hyderabad and State Office Bhubaneswar
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at State Office, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at State Office, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at RO Ranchi and State Office, Kolkata
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI HQs.
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at RO, Lucknow
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director General at Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the post of ASO at State Office Bhubaneswar
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI Headquarters
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at RO, Mumbai
- Various posts on dcputation (Foreign Service term basis) in Unique Identification Authority of India State Office Gandhinagar.
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Consultant(Secretarial Work) on contract basis
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Consultant (Finance) on contract basis
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer at RO, Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Director, Director (Technology) & Assistant Director General at various locations in UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI, Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI, Data Centre, Manesar
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI, Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI State Office Ahmedabad
- Extended vacancy circular for various posts at RO Mumbai
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Consultant (Sectional Work) on contract basis
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Director, Director(Tech) at UIDAI HQ and ADG(Tech) at BTC
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Director, Director(Tech) at UIDAI HQ and ADG(Tech) at BTC (2)
- Extended VC for RO Mumbai dt. 27.07.2022
- Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation at RO, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation at RO, Delhi and State Office Bhopal
- Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation at RO, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for deputation post of Assistant Account Officer at Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for Deputation post of Private Secretory at UIDAI, Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation at Regional Office, Mumbai and State Office, Ahmedabad.
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Consultant (Finance) at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Revised Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation at UIDAI, Regional Office, Lucknow
- Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation at UIDAI, Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer on deputation at UIDAI, State Office, Bhubaneswar
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Director General(Technology) on deputation at UIDAI, Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation at UIDAI, Regional Office, Bengaluru, Karnataka and its State Office , Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts at RO Mumbai and its state Office Ahmedabad
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts at RO Lucknow
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Technical Officer at Manesar Data Center
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Director at UIDAI, State Office, Bhopal
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI, Technology Center, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer at Regional Officer Chandigarh.
- Equivalency/analogy posts of CDA scale vis-a vis scale/grade of Public Sector Enterprises/PSU Banks with respect to UIDAI.
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Sr. Account Officer at Regional Office Lucknow
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at Regional Office Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at Regional Office Delhi and State Office, Bhopal
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi.
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI Technology Centre, Bengaluru.
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI Data Centre, Manesar
- Vacancy Circular for post of Deputy Director at UIDAI, Camp Office, Patna.
- Extended vacancy circular for various posts at UIDAI, RO Bengaluru and State Office Thiruvananthapuram.
- Extended vacancy circular for various posts at UIDAI, Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for Regional Office Bengaluru & State Office Thiruvananthapuram PDF file
- Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation in Regional Office Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Director/Director(Tech) in UIDAI on deputation basis.
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Private Secretory at UIDAI, Technology Center Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer in UIDAI, State Office, Ahmedabad on deputation basis
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Director General(Tech) in UIDAI, Technology Centre Bengaluru on deputation basis
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director General(JS equivalent) at Regional Office, Mumbai on deputation basis
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer for State Office Thiruvananthapuram on deputation basis
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director for Camp Office, Patna on deputation basis
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer on deputation basis at UIDAI, State Office Bhubaneswar
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer on deputation basis at UIDAI, State Office Ahmedabad
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director on deputation basis at UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for for various posts on deputation basis at UIDAI, Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation basis at UIDAI, Regional Office, Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation basis at UIDAI, Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation basis at UIDAI, Regional Office,Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Director and Director(Tech) on deputation in UIDAI
- Extended vacancy circular for the posts of Director and Director(Tech) in UIDAI
- Inviting Application For Various Posts on Deputation (Foreign Service Term Basis) in UIDAI HQ
- Extended vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Director General (Technology) at Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Extended vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director at RO, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI, Manesar Data Centre on deputation basis.
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Private Secretary at UIDAI, RO, Delhi on deputation basis-reg.
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Private Secretary at UIDAI, RO, Ranchi on deputation basis-reg.
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Deputy Director General in UIDAI on deputation basis.
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Accountant in RO, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the Post of Private Secretary (PS) on short term contract basis in UIDAI, RO, Chandigarh
- Vacancy Circular for the various posts at Technology Centre Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director(Technology) at UIDAI, Manesar Data Center
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer at Regional Office Hyderabad on Deputation basis.
- Vacancy Circular for various posts in Regional Office, Ranchi on deputation basis.
- Vacancy Circular for post of Private Secretary on deputation basis at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Director(Tech) on deputation at UIDAI HQ New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for filling up one post of Section Officer at State Office Thiruvananthapuram
- Vacancy Circular for filling up one post of Deputy Director in RO Lucknow on deputation
- Vacancy Circular for filling up one post of Senior Account Officer in RO Guwahati on deputation
- Vacancy Circular for filling up one post of Section Officer on deputation in RO Ranchi on deputation
- Vacancy Circular for filling up various posts on deputation in RO Hyderabad on deputation
- Vacancy Circular for filling up one post of Director on deputation in RO, Bengaluru on deputation
- Extended Vacancy Circular for post of Deputy Director General(JS Level) on deputation in UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Director(Technology) on deputation at UIDAI, Data Centre, Manesar
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistants Section Officer at UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistants Account Officer at UIDAI, Regional Office, Guwahati
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Director(Technology) at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Private Secretary at Regional Office, Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts at Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the various posts at UIDAI, Regional Office , Chandigarh.
- Extended Vacancy Circular for post of Section Officer at UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Director in UIDAI
- Vacancy Circular for the posts of Director in UIDAI
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts at Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer at Regional Office Ranchi
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer at Regional office, Lucknow
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI HQ on deputation basis.
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI, Data Centre, Manesar on deputation basis.
- Vacancy Circular for various posts at UIDAI, Regional Office, Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Senior Account Officer at UIDAI, Regional Office, Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for filling up one post of Deputy Director General(JS Equivalent) at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi on deputation basis.
- Vacancy Circular for filling up one post of Deputy Director General(JS Equivalent) at UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai on deputation
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts at Technology Center, Bengaluru
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Director (Technology) at UIDAI, Manesar Data Center.
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Accountant at Regional Office Hyderabad
- Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation at UIDAI Head Office, New Delhi.
- Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation at UIDAI Regional Office, Guwahati
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Director at UIDAI Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section officer at Regional office, Ranchi
- Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director at Regional office Lucknow
- Extended vacancy circular for the post of Director at Lucknow and Bhubneshwar
- Extended Vacancy circular for various posts at Regional Office, Delhi
- Extended Vacancy circular for various posts on deputation at UIDAI, Head Office, Delhi
- Extended Vacancy circular for the post of Private Secretary on deputation at UIDAI, Regional Office, Delhi
- Extended Vacancy circular for the post of Section Officer on deputation at UIDAI, Regional Office, Lucknow
- Extended Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director General on deputation at UIDAI, Head Office, Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Consultant (Civil) and Consultant (Electrical) on contract basis at Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Head office, New Delhi.
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director General at UIDAI, Head Office, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular filling up one post of Assistant Account Officer on deputation in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) Regional Office at Hyderabad.
- Vacancy Circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer on deputation in the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office at Guwahati.
- Vacancy Circular filling various posts on deputation (Foreign Service term basis) in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office at Ranchi.
- Vacancy Circular filling up post of Assistant Section Officer on deputation (Foreign Service term basis) in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office at Mumbai.
- Withdrawal of Vacancy Circular for various posts at Ranchi.
- Vacancy Circular filling various posts on deputation (Foreign Service term basis) in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI),Regional Office at Ranchi.
- Vacancy circular for engagement of of Consultant on contract basis in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)
- Extended Vacancy circular for the posts of Director at Lucknow and Bhubaneswar
- Extended vacancy circular for filling up the post of Deputy Director General (JS equivalent) in Pay Matrix Level 14 on deputation (Foreign Service term basis) at Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office, Mumbai
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Accountant at Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Extended Vacancy circular for various posts at Regional Office, Delhi
- Extended Vacancy circular for various posts at Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Inviting applications on deputation (on foreign service terms) in the Unique Identification Authority of India for the posts of Director.
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director General(DDG) at UIDAI, Head Office Delhi
- Inviting applications on deputation (on Foreign Service terms) for various posts in the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Inviting applications on deputation (on foreign service terms) in the Unique Identification Authority of India for the post of Director(Technology).
- Inviting applications on deputation (on foreign service terms) in the Unique Identification Authority of India, Regional Office, Hyderabad for the post of Deputy Director
- Inviting applications on deputation (on foreign service terms) in the Unique Identification Authority of India, Head Office, New Delhi for the post of Deputy Director
- Inviting applications on deputation (on foreign service terms) in the Unique Identification Authority of India, Regional Office, Bengaluru for the post of Deputy Director
- Inviting applications for filling up the posts of Assistant Section Officer and Accountant, on deputation (on Foreign Service terms) in the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the posts of Senior Account Officer and Accountant on deputation (Foreign Service term basis) in the UIDAI Regional Office at Ranchi.
- Inviting applications for filling up the posts of Assistant Section Officer and Assistant Account Officer on deputation (on Foreign Service terms) in the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office, Mumbai
- Inviting applications for filling up the posts of Assistant Section Officer, on deputation (on Foreign Service terms) in the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office, Lucknow
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Consultant (Accountant) on contract basis in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office Hyderabad
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Deputy Director in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office Mumbai
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Senior Accounts officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office Hyderabad
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Senior Accounts officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Director at Technology Centre, Bengaluru and Regional Office, Lucknow and for the post of Assistant Director General (Technology) at Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Withdrawn of vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Director General at UIDAI, Head Office, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Assistant Accounts officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office Hyderabad
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of consultants Deputy Director (technology) and Technical Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Head Office New Delhi
- Withdrawn of vacancy circular for the post of Assistant section officer in UIDAI, Regional office Lucknow
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Assistant Section officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office Lucknow
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of consultant (Civil) and consultant (Electrical) in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Head Office New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up various posts in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Head Office New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Private Secretary and Accountant in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Assistant Account Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Technology Centre Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Deputy Director General in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Head Office, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Director in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Deputy Director and Senior Accounts Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Head Office, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Deputy Director (Technology) and Assistant Director (Technology) in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Technology Centre Bengaluru.
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer at UIDAI Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Accountant in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Section Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI State Office, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer at UIDAI Regional Office, Mumbai
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Consultant(Electrical) at UIDAI Head Office, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Senior Accounts Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Ranchi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Section Officer and Accountant in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director at UIDAI Regional Office, Mumbai.
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Director at Technology Centre, Bengaluru and Regional Office, Lucknow and for the post of Assistant Director General (Technology) at Technology Centre, Bengaluru.
- Vacancy Circular for filling up the posts of Section Officer, Technical Officer, Assistant Section Officer and Assistant Technical Officer at Data Centre Manesar (Gurugram)
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer at Regional Office Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for filling up the post of Section Officer at Regional Office Bengaluru
- Vacancy Circular for filling up the post of Director in UIDAI
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Senior Account Officer at Regional Office Hyderabad
- Extended Vacancy Circular for various posts on deputation (Foreign Service term basis) at UIDAI Head Office, New Delhi
- Vacancy Circular for filling up the post of Assistant Director (Technology) in UIDAI Data Centre at Manesar (Gurugram)
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Section Officer and Assistant Account Officer at Regional Office Mumbai
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director at Regional Office Mumbai
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer at UIDAI Head Office, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of consultant (Assistant Accounts Officer) in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office Hyderabad
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Accountant at UIDAI Regional Office, Ranchi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer at UIDAI Regional Office, Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of (i) Technical Officer (ii) Assistant Account Officer (iii) Junior Translation Officer (iv) Accountant and (v) Hindi Typist at UIDAI Head Office, Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Section Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Guwahati.
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Senior Accounts Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Lucknow
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Section Officer, Assistant Section Officer, Technical Officer and Assistant Technical Officer at UIDAI, Data Centre Manesar.
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director at UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai.
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Deputy Director and Senior Accounts Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Advertisement for hiring of Technical Consultant-Cloud Computing at UIDAI Tech Centre, Bengaluru.
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Private Secretary, Assistant Accounts Officer and Assistant Technical Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of consultant (Finance) in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Head Office, New Delhi
- Inviting applications on deputation (on Foreign Service terms) for the post of Section Officer in the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), State Office, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
- Inviting applications on deputation (on Foreign Service terms) in the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office, Mumbai.
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Deputy Director and Senior Accounts Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Guwahati
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Section Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Head Office, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Section Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Mumbai
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer at UIDAI, Regional Office, Delhi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer at UIDAI, Regional Office, Lucknow
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Consultant (Finance) at UIDAI Head Office, New Delhi.
- Vacancy circular for filling up one post of Assistant Director General at Technology Centre Bengaluru
- Vacancy circular for filling up the 1 post of Assistant Account Officer, one post of Junior Translation Officer, 3 posts of Accountant, and 1 post of Hindi Typist in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Head Office, New Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up for various posts for hiring of Technical Consultants at Unique Identification Authority of India Technology Center, Bengaluru.
- Inviting applications on deputation (on Foreign Service terms) in the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office Mumbai for the post of Deputy Director.
- Inviting applications on deputation (on foreign service terms) in the Unique Identification Authority of India, Regional Office, Delhi for the post of Private Secretary and Accountant.
- Vacancy circular for filling up the 1 post of Deputy Director in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Senior Accounts Officer at UIDAI Regional Office, Lucknow
- Vacancy circular for filling up the 1 post of Section Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the 1 post of Section Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Ranchi
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director and Senior Accounts Officer at UIDAI Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Vacancy circular for filling up the 1 post of Assistant Section Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI State Office, Patna
- Vacancy circular for filling up the 1 post of Section Officer in Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at UIDAI Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Private Secretary, Assistant Accounts Officer and Assistant Technical Officer at UIDAI Technology Centre, Bengaluru.
- Withdrawn the vacancy circular issued vide F.no. HQ-12016/2/2022-HR-HQ dated 25.7.2024 (ID; 18354) inviting applications for filling up of one post of Section Officer in UIDAI Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Vacancy circular for filling up the 2 post of Director (Technology) in the Unique Identification Authority of India, Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the post of Deputy Director at the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Regional Office Ranchi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the post of Technical Officer, Assistant Technical Officer and Assistant Section Officer at the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Data Centre, Manesar.
- Vacancy circular for filling up the post of Technical Officer and Assistant Technical officer in the Unique Identification Authority of India Head Office, Delhi
- Vacancy circular for filling up the post of Deputy Director General at the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Delhi location
- Extended Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Accounts Officer and Assistant Section Officer at UIDAI Regional Office, Mumbai .
- Volunteers/Sabbatical
- Officers Served in the Past
- Tenders
- Technology
- Business Strategy Review & Organisation Design
- Revised schedule for bids submission and opening of pre qualification papers for RFP on Business Strategy Review & Organization design
- Response to queries against RFP of Business Strategy Review & Organization Design of UIDAI
- Revised RFP for Business Strategy Review & Organization Design based on inputs received from vendors
- RFP for hiring of Consultant for Business Strategy Review & organization Design
- RFP for hiring of Consultant for Business Strategy Review & organization Design-1
- Invitation for EOI for Participation in Authentication Registered Device Ecosystem Development
- Query Response of EOI for Participation in Authentication Registered Device Ecosystem Development
- Aadhaar Document Management System
- Intranet and Knowledge Management Portal
- Response to queries on RFP for "Intranet and KM Portal" (Queries recieved upto 15:45 hrs on 14-01-2011)
- Modification to RFP for "Intranet and KM Portal" based on pre-bid conference and queries
- Corrigendum on RFP for Intranet and Knowledge Management Portal
- RFP - Intranet & Knowledge Management Portal
- Response to Queries on the EOI on the UIDAI Intranet and Knowledge Management Portal
- EOI - Intranet & Knowledge Management Portal
- Piped Data Connectivity
- Empanelled Agencies for Providing Piped Data Connectivity
- Extension of time for submission of bids in respect of RFE on Piped Data Connectivity
- RFE for Piped Data Connectivity from Enrolment Stations to UIDAI Data Centre - Ver 02
- Corrigendum I to the RFE for Piped Data Connectivity
- RFE For Piped Data Connectivity - Clarifications to Pre-Bid Queries
- Pre-bid Conference time and venue for RFE Providing Piped Data Connectivity from Enrolment Stations to UIDAI Data Centre
- RFE for Providing Piped Data Connectivity from Enrolment Stations to UIDAI Data Centres
- Managed Service Provider(MSP)
- Shorlisting of Prospective Managed Services Provider (MSP) for Central ID Data Repository(CIDR) of UIDAI
- Notice for Postponement of Date for Submission of EoI for MSP
- EoI No.: T-11014/05/2010-Tech - for MSP Clarifications
- EoI No.: T-11014/05/2010-Tech - for MSP Corrigendum I
- Notice for Extension of Dates for Submission of EoI for MSP
- Notice for Extension of Dates for Submission of Queries and EoI for Managed Service Provider
- Notice for MSP EoI Briefing Session on 12/07/2010
- Notice for Extension of Dates for Submission of EoI for MSP-1
- Notice for Extension of Dates for Submission of Queries and EoI for Managed Service Provider-1
- Extension of date of EoI Briefing Session on selection of MSP
- Important Notice for Briefing Session on EOI_for_MSP_UIDAI_180610
- EoI for Selection of Managed Service Provider (MSP) to implement and Manage CIDR of UIDAI
- Notice for Extension of Dates for Submission of Queries and EoI for Managed Service Provider-2
- Data Centre Hiring and Procurements
- Notice Inviting Bids for Hiring of Data Centre Space and Facilities at DELHI/NCR
- Tender for AMC of Rack, Blade Servers etc., UIDAI (Corrigendum)
- Tender for AMC of Symantec Protection Suite, UIDAI (Corrigendum)
- Tender for AMC of RedHat Products, UIDAI (Corrigendum)
- Tender for AMC of Internet Router, Switches, UIDAI (Corrigendum)
- Hiring of data center space and facilities for UIDAI at Bengaluru
- This invitation to Bid is for "Hiring of Data Center Space & Facilities for UIDAI at Bengaluru"
- Hiring of Data Centre Space & Facilities for Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at Bengaluru - Tender No. D-11018/22/10/Addendum A-UIDAI/IT - Addendum A - regarding
- Corrigendum to RFP for Data Centre (Addendum A - 2000 sq ft) for Bengaluru - Preponement of submission date
- Hiring of Data Centre Space & Facilities for UIDAI at Bengaluru - Tender No. D-11018/22/10-UIDAI/Addendum A/IT
- Clarifications on Bidders queries - Hiring of Data Centre RFP - Addendum A (2000 sq ft) for UIDAI
- Rate Contract for Procurement of Laptops for the Office of UIDAI HQ, Planning Commission, New Delhi. -- Extension of date for Submission of Bids - dated 29 January 2014
- Tender Document for Hiring of Data Centre Space and Facilities in Delhi/NCR
- Hiring for office space, Regional Office, Chandigarh-1
- Requirement for Office Space for the office of UIDAI ? R.O. Delhi-1
- Invitation of Quotations for Upgrade of EMC SAN Systems at DC Bengaluru-1
- Notice for hire/lease of building space for setting up of data centres for UIDAI
- Offer document for hire/lease of building space for setting up of data centres for UIDAI
- RFE for Providing Piped Data Connectivity from Enrolment Stations to UIDAI Data Centres-1
- Pre-bid Conference time and venue for RFE Providing Piped Data Connectivity from Enrolment Stations to UIDAI Data Centre-1
- Clarification to queries - RFP for Hiring of Data Centre space and facilities for UIDAI at NCR
- Corrigendum: Selection of Logistics Service Provider (LSP) for relocation of ICT equipments from UIDAI?s Collocation Data Centres to Captive Data Centres - Dated 10 July 2014
- Notice Inviting Tender for Procurement of Laptops for the Office of UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for Procurement of Laptops for the Office of UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Tender Enquiry - Contract for providing Comprehensive AMC of IT Equipments Installed in Office of UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Tender Enquiry - Contract for providing Comprehensive AMC of IT Equipments Installed in Office of UIDAI HQ
- Corrigendum to the RFP for procuring HSD for Data Center of Hebbal and Manesar
- RFP for procuring laptops for UIDAI Technology centre
- RFP for procurement of HSD for data centres of Manesar and Hebbal
- Tender for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Integration and Maintenance of Servers and Accessories in the Data Centers of UIDAI in Bengaluru and Manesar
- Pre-Bid clarification for RFP for selection of LSP for relocation of ICT equipments
- RFP for Selection of LSP for relocation of ICT equipments from UIDAI's Collocation Data Centres to Captive Data Centres
- Corrigendum II - RFP for Hiring of Data Centre space and facilities for UIDAI at NCR
- Notice regarding Selection of Logistics Service Provider (LSP) for relocation of ICT equipments from UIDAI?s Collocation Data Centres to Captive Data Centres - Dated 8 july 2014
- Notice regarding Selection of Logistics Service Provider (LSP) for relocation of ICT equipments from UIDAI?s Collocation Data Centres to Captive Data Centres
- Clarification on pre bid queries for RFP for Logistic Service Provider for relocation of ICT Equipments
- Corrigendum: Selection of Logistics Service Provider (LSP) for relocation of ICT equipments from UIDAI?s Collocation Data Centres to Captive Data Centres
- Extension of Last Date to 10.06.2014- Selection of Logistics Service Provider (LSP) for relocation of ICT equipments from UIDAI?s Collocation Data Centres to Captive Data Centres
- Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract of Internet Router, Switches - Dated 2 June 2014
- RFP for Selection of Logistics Service Provider(LSP) for relocation of ICT equipment's from UIDAI's collocation data centres to captive data centres
- Corrigendum of Tender Notice for procurement of Laptop & other IT Equipments for the Office of UIDAI (RO Delhi), Planning Commision, New Delhi
- Invitation for Quotations for Rate Contract for Procurement of Laptops & other IT equipments for the Office of UIDAI (RO Delhi), Planning Commision, New Delhi
- Pre bid clarification-EoI, Hiring of Data Centre Space & Facilities for UIDAI at Bengaluru
- Addendum of hiring of 10K DC Space at Bangalore and Delhi/NCR
- RFP for Hiring of 10K DC Space at Bengaluru and Delhi/NCR
- Hiring of IOK Dc-Issue of Corrigendum
- EOI for Participation in Iris Authentication Device Ecosystem Development
- NIT for PA system and motorized screen pertaining to Regional office Ranchi
- RFP for hiring office space for Technology centre, Bangalore
- RFP-Hiring office space for UIDAI Technology centre, Bangalore-1
- Invitation to UIDAI IRIS authentication technology workshop-1
- Hiring of Data Centre Space & Facilities for UIDAI at RO,Bengaluru
- Reg. Extension of submission of EoI date for Hiring of Data Centre Space & Facilities for UIDAI at Bengaluru
- Pre-bid queries raised by the prospective bidders in hiring of 10K DC Space at Bangalore and Delhi/NCR
- RFP-Hiring office space for UIDAI Technology centre, Bangalore
- Bid No. T-11011/56/2011-Tech dated 17th November, 2011 - ?Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Servers, Networking Equipment and Accessories etc.? in the Data Centres of UIDAI"
- Revised Section IV of Bid document Word format 10.01.2011 Bid No. T-11011-16-2010-Tech-UIDAI
- Revised CheckList of Bid document 10.01.2011 Bid No. T-11011-16-2010-Tech-UIDAI
- Extension of Date for Submission of Bids 17.01.2010 Bid No. T-11011-16-2010-Tech-UIDAI
- EOI For Providing Biometric SDKs and Participating in the testing and bench marking of the Solution for Authentication Server
- Providing Biometric SDKs and Participating in the testing and benchmarking of the Solution for Authentication Server
- Extension of last date for the submission of response to the RFQ for the selection of "Data Center Development Agency (DCDA) for UIDAI?s Captive Data Center Physical Infrastructure"
- Clarifications to DCDA RFQ
- Corrigendum dated 21.12.2010- Procurement of Biometric Authentication Devices
- Corrigendum I - RFP for Hiring of Data Centre space and facilities for UIDAI at NCR
- Notice for extension of bid submission date for Delhi/NCR Data Centre
- Notice for Extension of Bid Submission and Meeting with Bidders in RFP for Hiring of Data Centre Space & facilities at Delhi/NCR
- Corrigendum IV: RFP for Hiring of Datacentre Space and Facilities in Delhi/NCR for UIDAI
- Invitation of Quotations for Upgrade of EMC SAN Systems at DC Bengaluru
- NIT and Bid Document for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Servers, Storage Systems etc for DC & DR, UIDAI
- Extension of last date for Prebid Queries T-11011-16-2010-Tech-UIDAI
- Notice for Pre-bid Conference T-11011-16-2010-Tech-UIDAI
- Notice for Prebid Conference -07.12.2010-T-11011-16-2010-Tech-UIDAI
- Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Biometric Authentication Devices
- Invitation to UIDAI IRIS authentication technology workshop
- Invitation for Prebid Queries- Procurement of Biometric Authentication Devices
- Response to Prebid Queries- Procurement of Biometric Authentication Devices
- Revised Section VII -Bid No. T-11011-16-2010-Tech-UIDAI 04.01.2011 -1
- Response to Clarifications Sought by the Prospective Bidders, Addendum and Revised Section VII -Bid No. T-11011-16-2010-Tech-UIDAI 04.01.2011
- Response to queries against EOI for Providing Biometric SDKs and Participating in the testing and benchmarking of the Solution for Authentication Server
- Response to pre-bid queries-Bid No. T-11011/56/2011-Tech dated 17th November, 2011- ?Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Servers, Networking Equipment and Accessories etc.? in the Data Centres of UIDAI
- Limited Tender for Procurement of Red Hat products
- Addendum to bid no. T-11011/56/2011-Tech dt 17 Nov 11
- Hiring of 10 K DC space for Delhi /NCR & Bangaluru
- Business Strategy Review & Organisation Design
- Registrars and Enrolments
- Enrolment Agencies
- RFQ for selection of Enrolment Agencies for Aadhaar Enrolments (Phase II), Haryana
- "Request for Empanelment (RFE) for Advertising Agencies" for Regional Office, Lucknow
- Corrigendum on "Request for Empanelment (RFE) for Advertising Agencies" for Regional Office, Lucknow
- RFQ for Selection of EA by SBBJ in Rajasthan-1
- Draw for the selection of enrolment agencies for Aadhaar enrolments in Punjab-1
- RFQ for selection of Enrolment Agencies for Aadhaar Enrolments (Phase II), Haryana-1
- NIT for capturing Biomatrics and Digital Photographs- M.P.
- RFQ for selection of Enrolment Agency for M.P. Postal circle for phase II of UID
- RFQ-1 for Selection of Enrolment Agency in Jharkhand (Phase III)
- RFQ-2 for Selection of Enrolment Agency in Jharkhand (Phase III)
- Rajasthan UID Project - Prebid Response & RFQ after Prebid
- Corrigendum for enrolment agencies, Rajasthan UID project
- Notice for cancellation of RFQ for selection of Enrolment Agency for M.P. Postal circle for phase II of UID Enrolments UIDAI
- Corrigendum of RFQ for selection of Enrolment Agency in M.P. Postal Circle
- RFQ for Selection of Enrolment Agencies for AADHAAR Enrolments (Phase-II) in Haryana State
- Tender for engagement of EAs in 7 Districts of Rajasthan
- RFQ for selection of Enrolment Agency for M.P. Postal circle
- Corrigendum ? II to RFQ of Govt. of Haryana
- Corrigendum to RFQ for Selection of Enrolment Agencies for AADHAAR Enrolments (Phase-II) in Haryana State
- UT/Chd Admn notifies aadhaar as PoI/POA
- RFQ for Selection of Enrolment Agencies for AADHAAR Enrolments (Phase-II) in Haryana State-1
- RFQs for Selection of Enrolment Agency in Jharkhand
- RFP of Bank of Maharashtra
- Request for Empanelment and Renewal as EA
- Empanelment of Performance Monitors- Regional Office Mumbai
- Answers to the Pre-Bid queries against RFQ for Selection of Enrolment Agency for Punjab
- Corrigendum for RFQ for Selection of Enrolment Agency for Punjab for Phase II UID Enrolments issued on 30/04/2012
- RFQ For Selection of Enrolment Agencies for Aadhaar Enrolments Phase II in Punjab
- RFP for enrolment center monitors RO,Bangalore
- RFQ Document for UID Phase 2 Enrolment in Maharashtra
- Extension of last date for receipt of applications for PMS at RO Mumbai
- EoI for Empanelment of Performance Monitors
- Empanelled Performance Monitors for Himachal Pradesh
- RFQ and Corrigendum 1 & 2 - 2nd Phase AADHAAR
- Extension of last date for submission of Financial bids for UID project in J&K
- Notice for Empanelment of Performance Monitors for Mumbai RO
- Notice regarding call for empanelment of Enrolment Centre Monitors under the jurisdiction of RO
- Engaging Enrolment Monitors for RO, Bangalore, UIDAI
- RFE for Empanelment of Enrolment Centre Monitors for Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, Dadra Nagar Haveli and Daman Diu
- The list of Empanelled Enrolment Centre Monitors- UT/Chd
- Notice inviting Applications for Empanelment of Performance Monitors RO Delhi-1
- RFQ for Data Center Development Agency (DCDA) for UIDAI;s Captive Data Center Physical Infrastructure
- RFQ EA Volume I-Instruction to Bidders Rajasthan
- RFQ EA Volume II-Scope of Work Rajasthan
- RFQ EA Volume III-Standard Contract Rajasthan
- Clarification -Gujarat UID Project
- RFQ for UID Proect in Gujarat
- RFQ for Punjab and Sindh Bank
- RFQ for UIDAI implementation in Dadra and Nagar Haveli
- RFE Queries
- Corrigendum to RFQ - Arunachal Pradesh
- RFE for Empanelment of Enrolment Agencies
- RFQ for Dadra Nagar Haveli
- Tender Notice for Dadra Nagar Haveli
- Corrigendum for Extension date of submission of bid for 'Project of IT enablement of enrolment process & Registrar Operation for UID project of Govt of Rajasthan
- Revised RFQ for Arunachal Pradesh
- Corrigendum to last date for RFQ for selection of UID enrolment agencies for Govt of NCT of Delhi extended upto 21 Apr 11
- Last date for RFQ for selection of UID enrolment agencies for Govt of NCT of Delhi extended upto 21 Apr 11
- Corrigendum to RFE for empanelment for receiving data for opening bank accounts during Aadhaar enrolment
- Notice for Clarifications/Corrigendum for RFE for empanelment of banks for receiving data for opening accounts during Aadhaar enrolment
- Clarifications to queries of Pre bid meeting for RFE for empanelment for receiving data for opening bank accounts during Aadhaar enrolment
- RFP for IT Enablement of Registrar Operations under Rajastahan UID project
- RFQ for Selection of Enrolment Agency by Dadra Nagar Haveli
- Revised Proforma for submission of bid for RFE for empanelment of banks
- Pin Code Data (PDF File) for filing up Proformas for submission of bid for RFE for empanelment of banks
- RFQ for Implementation of UID Project in A&N Islands
- RFQ for selection of Enrolment Agency for UID project in Shimla zone, Himanchal Pradesh
- Pre-bid meeting notice for "Request For Empanelment for receiving data for opening bank accounts during Aadhaar enrollment"-1
- Extension of Rajasthan UID project date upto 07-03-2011
- For extension of bid submission date for Rajasthan UID project till 03-03-2011
- Prebid clarification for UID project of Govt of Rajasthan
- RFP by Union Bank For Selection of Enrollment Agency for UIDAI
- Corrigendum to the RFQ for selection of Enrolment Agency for Pilot Phase of UID project in Arunachal Pradesh
- RFP by Allahabad Bank for UIDAI enrolment
- RFQ- "Selection of Enrollment Agencies for the Department of Posts"- Corrigendum Note #01
- "Selection of Enrollment Agencies for the Department of Posts"- RFQ Ver 2.0
- Pre Bid Response to the RFQ for "Selection of Enrollment Agencies for the Department of Posts"
- RFQ for Selection of Enrolment Agency by the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh.
- RFQ for Selection of Enrolment Agency by the Govt. of Rajasthan
- RFQ for Selection of Enrollment Agency by State Bank of Travancore
- Pre Bid Meeting Schedule for "Selection of EA for the Department of Posts";
- Empanelled Agencies for Release of Agencies
- Selection of Enrolment Agencies for Department of Posts
- RFQ for Dadra Nagar Haveli-1
- RFQ for selection of UID enrolment agencies, Government of Assam
- RFQ for selection of Enrolment Agency for Govt. of Delhi
- RFQ for selection of Enrolment Agency by Manipur
- RFQ for Selection of Enrolment Agency by Daman & Diu
- RFQ for selection of Enrolment Agency by Chhatisgarh Government
- Corrigendum to Pre-Bid Discussion meeting - Himachal Pradesh
- Response to pre bid queries for selection of Enrolment Agencies for Tripura UID Project
- Model RFP and Model RFQ for Registrars for engaging Enrolment Agencies
- Revised date for Prebid meeting of Enrolment Agencies at Tripura
- Tender for hiring of vehicles for RO Chandigarh
- RFQ for selection of enrolment agencies for UID in Maharashtra
- Corrigendum to RFQ for selection of Enrolment Agencies in Jharkhand for UID Project
- Extension of date of RFQ issued by Rural Development Dept., Govt of Jharkhand
- Rural Development Dept., Govt. of Jharkhand invites Financial Bids from UIDAI empanelled Enrolling Agencies
- RFQ for selection of empanelled Enrolment Agencies from Jharkhand
- Amendment II for RFE for Empanelment of Enrolling Agencies for undertaking Demographic and Biometric data collection for UID Enrolment
- Clarifications for RFE for Empanelment of Enrolling Agencies for undertaking Demographic and Biometric data collection for UID Enrolment
- Corrigendum to the RFE for Empanelment of Enrolling Agencies
- REQUEST FOR EMPANELMENT FOR Concurrent Evaluation of Process/Operation at Enrollment Centers
- RFE - Emoanelment of Enrolling Agencies for Undertaking Demographic and Biometric Data Collection for UID Enrolment - Dated 19 May 2014
- Request for Empanelment For Concurrent Evaluation of Process/Operation at Enrollment Centers Corrigendum - I
- Bidders Query Response for RFE for Concurrent Evaluation
- Request for Empanelment for Concurrent Evaluation of Process/Operation at Enrollment Centers-1
- Request for Proposal for Selection of Enrolment Agencies for Implementation of UID Project ? Phase- III
- Model RFQ for selection of EAs
- RFQ-Selection of Enrollment Agencies for Implementation of UIDAI Project
- Reguest for Empanelment for Concurrent Evaluation of Process/Operation at Enrolment Centres
- Response to the Queries for the RFQ - Selection of Enrollment Agencies for Implementation of UIDAI Project dated 25 August 2014
- RFP for Selection of Enrolment Agencies for Implementation of UID Project ? Phase- III
- RFQ's 2nd Call for selection of enrolment agencies for Aadhar registration in Bihar
- Clarifications - RFE for Concurrent Evaluation of Process/Operation at Enrolment Centre - reg.
- RFQ for Selection of Enrolment Agencies (Vol - I to III) in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
- Oriental Bank of Commerce - RFP for empanelment of Enrollment Agencies for Implementation of UID Project ? Phase- III
- EOI - Empanelment of Registrars for setting up Aadhaar Kendras
- RFQ of UP Govt - Empanelment of Enrollment Agencies for Aadhaar Enrolment
- RFP for selection of EAs
- Aadhaar Kendra Registrar -Aadhaar Kendra registrar OM, Aadhaar Kendra Registrar Policy and MoU template
- RFP for Empanelment of Enrolment Agencies for SBI Aadhaar Project at State Bank of India - For more details, visit https://www.sbi.co.in/portal/web/home/procurement-news
- Add ons / Modifications to RFE 2014
- RFQ for engagement of EAs to run the PECs Under MTNL Mumbai Registrar
- Model RFQ for selection of EAs for enrolment of children below 5 years in Anganwadi / other locations
- Consultants and Software Solution
- RFE of Consultants and Software Solution Providers
- Opening of Commercial bids of the RFE of Consultants and Software Solution Providers
- RFE for Consultants and Software Solution Providers ? Revised Scheduled dates for Technical Presentation
- Clarification to RFE for Consultants and Software Solution Providers II
- Opening of bid - RFE for Consultants and software solution developers
- Clarifications on Corrigendum on RFE for Consultants and software solution developers
- Letter of Empanelment for Consultants and software solution developers
- Corrigendum to RFE for consultants and software solution providers dated 7 Feb 2011
- Clarification to Prebid queries to RFE for consultants and software solution providers dated 7 Feb 2011
- Clarification to PRE-BID Queries and Corrigendum for Consultants and Software Solution Providers
- Attention ? Notice for Pre-bid Meeting for the bidders applying for the RFE for Consultants and Software Solution Providers
- RFE for consutants and software solution providers - Pre-bid meeting
- List of UIDAI Empanelled Consultants and Software Solution Providers
- Corrigendum of RFP for BPO Aadhaar Update
- Corrigendum II of RFP for BPO Aadhaar Update
- Response to Pre-bid queries of RFP for BPO for Aadhaar
- Corrigendum-III of RFP for Aadhaar BPO
- Corrigendum-IV of RFP for Aadhaar BPO
- Corrigendum in respect of RFE for Selection of SSP
- Pre-Bid Clarifications and Corrigendum for RFE for ?Empanelment of SSP?
- RFP for Supply, Commissioning and Maintenance of Biometric Devices for UID Enrollment at Different Locations Throughout the State of Haryana
- Corrigendum against RFP No. Hartron/RFP/ESG/UID/2014/01 dt. 10/12/2014 for Supply, Commissioning and Maintenance of Biometric Devices for UID Enrollment at different locations throughout the state of Haryana
- Limited tender for Procurement of POS terminal with Best Finger Detection (BFD) Client
- Invitation for quotations for Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of HVAC System for UIDAI-RO (Delhi)
- Corrigendum to Tender Enquiry for 'Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CCTV System' for UIDAI
- Invitation for Quotations for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of HVAC Systems for UIDAI-1
- RFP for Augmentation of Outbound SMS Capability at UIDAI-1
- Limited Tender for Procurement of USB Fingerprint Biometric Devices
- RFQ for providing payment Gateway Solution for Online Transactions
- Limited Tender For Procurement of POS Terminal with Best Finger Detection Client (BFD)
- Extension of date of limited tender for procurement of POS terminal with BFD client
- RFP for Hiring of Manpower Resources for manning the Software Development Team of UIDAI from Tier I Empanelled Software Solution Providers
- Pre bid meeting Notice for software develoment
- RFP for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Aadhaar enabled Biometric Handheld Devices
- Clarifications to the queries on RFP Ref No:- K-11020/34/2012-UIDAI regarding ?Supply, Installation & Maintenance of Fingerprint Biometric SDK (Extractor & Matcher) for Authentication Services?
- Limited tender for Procurement of POS terminal with Best Finger Detection (BFD) Client issued by Regional Office, UIDAI Ranchi, Jharkhand
- Notice for extension of dates relating to RFP Ref. No. REF NO:- K-11020/34/2012-UIDAI regarding ?Supply, Installation & Maintenance of Fingerprint Biometric SDK (Extractor & Matcher) for Authentication Services?
- RFP for Supply, Installation & Maintenance of Fingerprint Biometric SDK (Extractor & Matcher) for Authentication Services
- Clarifications to pre-bid queries and Corrigendum for RFP for Selection of Software Solution Provider for Development of State Resident Data Hub Application Framework
- RFP for Selection of Software Solution Provider for Development of State Resident Data Hub Application Framework
- Responses to Prebid queries and Corrigendum for selection of Consultancy Agency for Consulting Support for SRDH Software Framework
- Extension of date for RFP for Selection of Consultanc?y Agency for Consulting Support for SRDH Software Framework
- RFP for Selection of Consultanc?y Agency for Consulting Support for SRDH Software Framework
- Financial Inclusion
- Enrolment Agencies
- Financial Inclusion
- Administrative Operations
- Manpower
- Tender for House Keeping Services for UIDAI RO, Bangalore
- Corrigendum for Housekeeping Consumables and Stationery Tender
- Tender notice for House Keeping Services for UIDAI RO, Delhi
- Corrigendum for Housekeeping Consumables and Stationery Tender-1
- RFP for Security Services for UIDAI Technology Centre, Bangalore
- RFPs w.r.t Housekeeping consumables and stationery procurement for UIDAI Technology centre, Bangalore
- Corrigendum to the Notice inviting Tender for Housekeeping Services for R.O. Delhi
- RO Delhi Tender for Security Services
- RO Delhi Tender for Housekeeping Services
- Tender for awarding rate contract for petty carpenter items and hiring of services of carpenter and helpers
- Tender for petty carpenter work in UIDAI
- Tender invitation notification for House Keeping Services for RO Hyderabad
- Notice for extension of date and time of tender for hiring of Pantry boys
- Tender for House Keeping Services for UIDAI RO, Bangalore-1
- Contract for Hiring of Services of Pantry boys for the office of UIDAI, HQ? Extension of date for submission of Bids
- Tender for hiring of services of Pantry boys/Operators
- Advertisement for extension of GRCP-SP bid submission date
- Opening of financial bids for security services in UIDAI, HQ
- Tender for AMC of AHU & Air Conditioning system at UIDAI HQ
- ?Hiring of Services for design and implementation of the GRC Framework and providing Performance Assurance Services (GRCP) for UIDAI? - reg. Extension of last date of bid submission
- Tender for petty electrical work in UIDAI, HQ
- NIT for Hiring Security Guards in RO Lucknow
- NIT for security services in UIDAI, HQ
- Hiring of Services for design and implementation of the GRCFramework and providing Performance Assurance Services (GRCP) for UIDAI
- Tender notice for housekeeping services for Regional Office, Bangalore
- Hiring of GPRC Services for UIDAI-regarding UIDAI response to prebid queries
- Tender document for housekeeping services at RO, Hyderabad
- RFP-security services to Tech centre, Bangalore
- Extension of date for RFQ of GPRC
- Extension of date of submission of Bids in respect of RFP No-K-11020/35/2012-UIDAI (Auth) I for Hiring of the Manpower Resources
- Notice for extension of time for submission of tender for awarding rate contract for supply of flowers/plants in UIDAI Headquarters
- Replies to prebid queries for RFP No. K-11020/35/2012-UIDAI(Auth)-I, for hiring of Manpower Resources
- RFP document for GPRC
- Tender documents for awarding contract for supply of flowers, plants etc in UIDAI HQ
- Corrigendum for security services at Tech centre
- NIT for hiring Private Security Guards for UIDAI RO Lucknow
- RFP for Security Services at Technology Centre
- Hiring of Security Services for Regional Office, Hyderabad
- RFP for Hiring of Manpower Resources for Auth Support Services from Tier I Empanelled Consultants
- Corrigendum document for House Keeping Services at RO, Bangalore
- Hiring of Security Services for Regional Office, Hyderabad-1
- Tender document for House Keeping Services at RO, Bangalore
- Corrigendum document for Security Services at RO, Bangalore
- Tender document for Security Services at RO, Bangalore
- Notice for extension of date for submission of tender for pantry services
- Tender Document for Hiring of Security Services for the Regional Office, UIDAI, Hyderabad
- Tender document for pantry items of UIDAI HQ
- NIT for appointment of security guards at Regional office Ranchi
- Notice inviting Applications for Empanelment of Performance Monitors RO Delhi
- Notice for supply of Drinking water bottle
- NIT for Housekeeping services for UIDAI RO Ranchi
- Tender document for Security Services for Regional Office UIDAI Bangalore
- Notice for inviting tender for Petty Civil carpenter work
- Tender for hiring of Security service agency at RO Mumbai
- Hiring of services for implementation of GPRC Framework in UIDAI
- Notice for quotation for auction of scrap etc.
- NIT is in process to hire the services of housekeeping for UIDAI RO Ranchi
- Tender document for hiring of security services for Regional office building Mumbai
- Tender document for hiring of housekeeping services for cleaning and maintenance work at Regional Office Mumbai
- Tender document for proviiding security services
- Corrigendum: Extension of time period for submission of Tender for awarding contract for petty work
- EOI for Housekeeping and Maintenance of the Regional Office Mumbai
- Petty Civil Work (AMC of Air Conditioners (AHU?s 24000 CFM and 1200 CFM) and Split Air Conditioners including all Accessories/Related Attachments/Fixtures))
- Petty Civil Work (Maintenance of Electrical Fittings including all Accessories/Related Attachments/Fixtures)
- Corrigendum to the Expression of Interest for providing 'Comprehensive Architectural Services for UIDAI HQs Building'
- Expression of Interest for Providing Comprehensive Architectural Services for UIDAI HQrs Building
- EoI for Housekeeping and Maintenance of the Regional Office Mumbai-1
- For providing Manpower services to the UIDAI by a Private Manpower Agency
- Hosting of responses to queries raised against RFP for hiring of manpower resources of the software developement
- Request for proposal from empanelled agencies for hiring of manpower resources for the software developement team of UIDAI at Delhi and Bangalore
- Notice Inviting Tenders for Hiring Security Services of RO, Chandigarh
- Corrigendum to Security Tender of RO, Chandigarh
- Tender notice for Security Services - UIDAI
- Tender notice for canteen services for UIDAI
- RFQ for printing and supply of diaries & calendars-1
- Tender For Services of Architect at UIDAI Bengaluru Regional Office
- Tender Document for a Public Relation Firm
- Inviting tenders for security services for RO, Bangalore
- Tender document for Housekeeping Services in UIDAI HQ
- TENDER DOCUMENT For Hiring of Security Services for the office of UIDAI ?R.O. Mumbai - dated 22 January 2014
- TENDER DOCUMENT For Hiring of Housekeeping services for the office of UIDAI ?R.O. Mumbai - dated 22 January 2014
- Notice Inviting Tender For House Keeping Services at RO Hyderabad
- Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for hiring Private Security Guards in UIDAI, RO, Lucknow - Dated 16 February 2014
- Tender document for providing Manpower services to the Unique Identification Authority of India by a Private Manpower Agency - Dated 24 February 2014
- Notice Inviting Tender for House Keeping Services for UIDAI Regional Office, Chandigarh - Dated 25 February 2014
- Notice Inviting Tender for House Keeping Services for UIDAI Regional Office, Bangalore - Dated 3 March 2014
- Notice Inviting Tender for Security Services - Dated 4 April 2014
- Tender For providing Housekeeping Services In the O/o Unique Identification Authority of India, Regional Office, Ranchi, Jharkhand
- Notice Inviting Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of AHU & Air Conditioning Systems in UIDAI HQ
- Notice Inviting Tender for Security Services - Dated 10 July 2014
- Corrigendum: Notice Inviting Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of AHU & AC Systems in UIDAI HQ
- Tender for Security Services for UIDAI, Regional Office Premises, Hyderabad
- NIT for Hiring Housekeeping Service in UIDAI Head Office, New Delhi
- Tender for House Keeping Services at UIDAI, RO, Hyderabad for the year 2015-16
- Notice Inviting Tender for House Keeping Services for UIDAI Technology Centre, Bangalore
- Tender Notice for Housekeeping Service in UIDAI RO Ranchi
- Tender Notice for Housekeeping Service in UIDAI Camp Office, Patna
- Invitation to bid for House Keeping Services for UIDAI, RO Delhi
- Tender Document for providing Security Services to the UIDAI, RO Delhi
- Notice inviting Tender for Petty Carpenter Service in UIDAI Headquarter
- Notice Inviting Tender for Providing House Keeping Services, Rodents and Pest Control for UIDAI Regional Office, Bangalore-1
- Notice inviting Tender for Petty Carpenter Service in UIDAI Headquarter-1
- Tender Notice for Hiring of Housekeeping Services in UIDAI, RO, Bangalore
- Quotation for Supply of Petty Carpenter Service in UIDAI, Headquarter
- Tender for Supply of Consumables & Allied Items and Services of Pantry Operators for running Pantry in UIDAI, Headquarter
- Tender for Providing House Keeping Services in UIDAI, RO, Bangalore - Extension of date
- Supply of quotations for Comprehensive Maintenance Contract of EPABX at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Tender Notice for Security Services for UIDAI, RO, Lucknow
- Inviting Quotations for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of EPABX Exchange at UIDAI, Headquarter, Jeevan Bharti Building, New Delhi
- Cancellation of NIT for Supply of Consumable & allied items and Pantry Services for UIDAI HQ
- Tender for supply of consumables & allied items and Services of Pantry Operator for running Pantry in UIDAI, Regional Office-Delhi
- NIT for Security Services for UIDAI Headquarter, New Delhi
- Tender Document for providing Security Services to the Regional Office, Chandigarh Unique Identification Authority of India by a reputed Security Agency-1
- RFP-Housekeeping and Pantry services for Aadhaar Complex, Bangalore
- Request for Proposal for Housekeeping Services at UIDAI, Regional Office, Bengaluru, Karnataka
- Tender for Supply of consumables and allied items and Services of Pantry Operators for running Pantry in UIDAI HQ
- Tender for providing Security Services at UIDAI Headquarter, New Delhi
- Corrigendum for 'RFP-Housekeeping and Pantry services for Aadhaar Complex, Bangalore'
- Annexure: Corrigendum for 'RFP-Housekeeping and Pantry services for Aadhaar Complex, Bangalore'
- Tender for providing House Keeping Services for the year 2016-17 at UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- RFP for selection of suitable housekeeping Agency for UIDAI RO-Delhi
- Tender Document for Housekeeping Services at UIDAI RO Chandigarh
- Housekeeping & Allied Services and Rate Contract for Consumables at UIDAI Headquarter,New Delhi
- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Video Conferencing equipments installed in Unique Identification Authority of India
- Tender Document For providing Security Services for Regional Office, Chandigarh UIDAI
- Hiring of Housekeeping Services in UIDAI RO, Mumbai
- Taxi
- Tender for Hiring of Vehicles for the Office of UIDAI, Manesar, Gurgaon, Haryana
- Tender Document for providing rental Taxi Services to the UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Notice Inviting Tender for Hiring of Cars on Dry Lease Basis in UIDAI
- Tender for hiring of vehicles for Regional office, UIDAI, Hyderabad
- Tender Document for Hiring of Two Wheeler Vehicles for the Office of UIDAI (CISF), Regional Office, Bangalore
- Corrigendum: Tender Document for Hiring of Vehicles for the office of UIDAI Tech Center,Marathahalli and Regional Office , Race course Road Bangalore
- Tender Document for Hiring of Vehicles for the office of UIDAI Tech Center,Marathahalli and Regional Office , Race course Road Bangalore
- Notice Inviting Tender for hiring of Cars on Dry Lease Basis in Unique Identification Authority of India - Dated 17 July 2014
- Tender Document for Hiring of Vehicles for RO, Chandigarh
- Tender Document for Hiring of Vehicles for the Office of UIDAI (CISF), Regional Office, Bangalore - Dated 24 March 2014
- Tender document for Hiring of Vehicles for the Office of UIDAI (CISF), Regional Office, Bangalore - Dated 5 March 2014
- Tender document for providing Rental Taxi Services to the UIDAI RO Lucknow
- Tender document for Hiring of Vehicles for the office of UIDAI (CISF), Regional Office, Bangalore-Dated 7 February 2014
- TENDER DOCUMENT For hiring of Taxi Services - dated 3 February 2014
- TENDER DOCUMENT For Hiring of Vehicles on Daily basis for the office of UIDAI ?R.O. Mumbai - dated 22 January 2014
- TENDER DOCUMENT For Hiring of Vehicles on Monthly basis for the office of UIDAI ?R.O. Mumbai - dated 22 January 2014
- Tender Notice for hiring vehicles for RO Ranchi
- Tender for hiring of Taxi services (Large, Mid and Small Segment) to the UIDAI HQ
- Extension of last date for hiring of vehicles in UIDAI RO Lucknow
- Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for hiring vehicles in UIDAI, RO, Lucknow
- Tender document for Taxi services in RO, Guwahati
- Tender Document for Hiring of Vehicles on monthly basis for the office of Technology Centre, UIDAI, Bengaluru
- Hiring of Vehicles (Monthly, Daily and Outstation basis) for UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- NIT for hiring of vehicle
- Hiring of rental Taxi services for UIDAI, RO, Guwahati
- Tender Document for Hiring of Taxi service for UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi
- Tender notice for providing Rental Taxi Services to UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad for the year 2016-17
- Tender Document for Hiring of Vehicle for year 2016-17 for UIDAI, Regional Office, Mumbai
- Tender Document for providing rental Taxi services to the Unique Identification Authority of India, RO Lucknow, by a reputed Taxi service provider
- Invitation to bid for Hiring of Taxi Services for UIDAI RO, Ranchi and UIDAI Camp Office, Patna
- Notice Inviting Tender for Hiring of Vehicle for UIDAI, Regional Office, RanchI-2
- Hiring of Vehicles UIDAI
- Tender Document for Providing Rental Taxi Services to the RO, Ranchi for its Camp office at Patna
- Extension of last date of Tender for Hiring of Vehicles at UIDAI, RO Lucknow
- Tender Document for providing Rental Taxi Services to the UIDAI, RO Lucknow, by a reputed Taxi service provider
- Tender Notice for providing rental Taxi services to the Regional Office, Ranchi for its Camp office at Patna
- NIT for Hiring Taxi Services-2015 in UIDAI Head Office, New Delhi
- Clarification of Hiring Taxi Service in UIDAI HQ
- NIT on hiring of vehicles by UIDAI RO Lucknow
- NIT for Hiring Taxi Services-2015 in UIDAI Head Office,New Delhi
- Short Tender Notice for Hiring of Private Vehicles at UIDAI RO, Ranchi
- Corrigendum to RFP vehicle hiring for Bangalore TC and Ro
- Extention in last date of NIT for hiring of vehicles for RO Chd-1
- NIT for hiring of vehicles for RO Chandigarh
- Extention in last date of NIT for hiring of vehicles for RO Chd
- Corrigendum to NIT for hiring of vehicles for UIDAI,RO,Chd
- Tender documents for hiring of the vehicle at UIDAI, HQ
- Corrigendum to NIT for hiring of taxi services in UIDAI HQ
- Tender for hiring of vehicle in Regional Office UIDAI Ranchi
- NIT for hiring of vehicle of RO,Chd
- Hiring of Vehicles for Regional Office, Hyderabad-1
- Hiring of Vehicles for Bangalore
- Tender for Hiring of Taxi
- Hiring of Vehicles. Regional Office, Hyderabad - Extension of date till 23rd May 2012 - Reduction in Performance Bank Guarantee
- Regional Office, Hyderabad, Hiring of Vehicles - Short Term Agreement; last date for submission of bids is 28th May 2012
- NIT for hiring of vehicles, Regional Office, Lucknow
- Hiring of Vehicles for Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Tender for hiring of Vehicles on daily basis- RO Mumbai
- Tender for hiring of vehicles for the office of UIDAI-R.O. Mumbai
- RFP for providing rental Taxi services to the Regional Office, Ranchi UIDAI by a reputed Taxi service provider
- RO Delhi Tender for Rental Taxi Services
- Tender notice for providing rental Taxi services to the Regional Office, Ranchi
- Tender for hiring of vehicles for RO-Lucknow
- Tender Document For Hiring of Taxi services to the UIDAI-1
- Notice for Taxi tender-1
- Tender Document for providing Rental Taxi Services to UIDAI
- Notice Inviting Tender for Hiring Vehicles by RO Bengaluru
- Notice for Taxi tender
- RFP - rental taxi services for regional office Ranchi
- Tender document for hiring of vehicles in Regional Office, Mumbai
- Corrigendum II - Tender for Hiring of Vehicles for Regional Office Mumbai
- Corrigendum III to Tender floated for Hiring Tourist Taxi/T-Permit Vehicles (Diesel/Petrol Driven Vehicles ) to UIDAI, Mumbai
- Tender Document For Hiring of Taxi services to the UIDAI
- Tender notice for Security Services for UIDAI
- Hiring of Vehicles for the office of UIDAI?RO Mumbai
- Hiring of Vehicles for the office of UIDAI ?R.O. Lucknow
- Corrigendum to regarding hiring of vehicles in RO, Lucknow
- Hiring of Vehicles for the office of UIDAI ?R.O. Chandigarh
- Hiring of Vehicles for the Regional Office Hyderabad
- Tender Document for providing rental Taxi services to the Regional Office, Ranchi
- Tender for Hiring of Vehicle in RO Ranchi
- Tender for Hiring of Vehicles for the office of UIDAI?R.O. Chandigarh
- Hiring of Office Space
- RFP- Hiring office space for UIDAI TC
- Notice inviting tender for office space for ro Delhi
- Requirement for Office Space for the office of UIDAI ? R.O. Delhi
- Hiring for office space, Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Corrigendum for Extension of Date to RFP for Design, Installation and Commissioning and 5 Years Operations & Maintenance of Grid Connected Solar Power Generating Plant for UIDAI at Manesar (Delhi-NCR) and /or Bengaluru - Dated 11 February 2014
- Pre bid Queries clarifications- RFP for Design, Installation and Commissioning and 5 Years Operations & Maintenance of Grid Connected Solar Power Generating Plant for UIDAI at Manesar (Delhi-NCR) and /or Bengaluru - Dated 11 February 2014
- Invitation for quotations for providing leased accommodation for UIDAI
- Invitation of Quotations for providing Leased Office Accomodation for UIDAI RO Chandigarh
- Invitation for Quotations for Providing Leased Family Accomodation for CISF Personnel of UIDAI Office Complex
- Invitation for Quotations for providing Leased Family Accommodation for CISF Personnel of UIDAI office complex, Manesar Gurgaon
- Manpower
- Information, Education and Communication (IEC)
- Information, Education and Communication (IEC)
- Amendments to RFP for Toll Free Number and Allied Services
- Corrigendum to extend the date of Submission of Bid for Delivery of Documents for Maharashtra and AP
- Reply to querries for RFP - Delivery of Documents in Maharashtra and AP
- Clarifications on written queries submitted for RFP for "Toll Free Number and allied services" and amendment to the RFP
- Reply to Queries and Amendments to RFP Printing of Aadhaar Document
- Extension of last date for Request for Empanelment (RFE) for Advertising Agencies" for Regional Office, Lucknow (15-APR-2013)
- Revised dates for Opening of Financial offers - RFP for Printing of Aadhaar Documents-1
- Amendments to RFP for Toll Free Number-1
- Reply to Queries and Amendments to RFP Printing of Aadhaar Document-1
- RFP for Augmentation of Outbound SMS Capability at UIDAI
- Amendments to RFP for Toll Free Number and Allied Services-1
- Corrigendum to extend the date of Submission of Bid for Delivery of Documents for Maharashtra and AP-1
- Reply to querries for RFP - Delivery of Documents in Maharashtra and AP-1
- Clarifications on written queries submitted for RFP for "Toll Free Number and allied services" and amendment to the RFP-1
- RFP for Printing of Aadhaar Documents
- Corrigendum for Delivery of Aadhaar Documents for the States of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra
- Corrigendum for Toll Free Number and Allied Services for Contact Center of UIDAI
- RFP for Toll Free Number
- RFP for Delivery of Aadhaar Letters in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh
- Clarifications on queries raised by vendors for the RFP for Providing E-mailing Solution to UIDAI HQ
- KAP (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice) study (Dip-stick) to identify communication gaps existed among residents during Phase-I of enrolment to incorporate learning in the National IEC Strategy for Phase-II of enrolment.
- The extension letter for extension of bid submision date of providing Facility Management Services for the Office of UIDAI HQ, Planning Commission, New Delhi
- Facility Management Services for the Offiece of UIDAI HQ
- Annual Maintenance Contract for Telephone System
- Clarification to RFP queries and amendements
- Addendum RFP For Operating Contact Centers Dated 21.5.2012
- Amendment, Reply to Queries-RFP for operating Contact Centers dated 21.5.2012
- Tender for scanning & digitization of Aadhaar Document
- Amendment to RFP for Operating Contact Center dated 21.5.2012
- 'Apna Aadhaar'
- RFP for operating Contact Center-Notification for change of time line
- Corrigendum-RFP for operating Contact Centers of UIDAI
- RFPs for operating 'CONTACT CENTERS' of UIDAI
- Tender notice for annual maintanance contract of TELEPHONE SYSTEM
- Tender for Procurement of Desktop Computers and UPS for RO Delhi
- EoI for Delivery of Aadhaar Letters
- Request for Qualification (RFQ) regarding 'Hiring of Services for Implementation of GPRC Framework in UIDAI"- Reference Number: D-11016/11/2011-Tech
- Notices inviting quotations for stationery and computer strationery for RO Lucknow
- Amended Version 20th December-RFQ for selection of GPRC
- Corrigendum to Tender Enquiry No. T-11011/T/2010-Admin dt.23rd Nov, 2011 for Procurement of Lap-Tops
- RFP for Printing of Aadhaar Letter
- Tender for awarding Rate Contract for supply of stationery items/toners/cartridges
- Tender for procurement of Laptops
- RFP for printing of Aadhaar letter-1
- Tender for LCD televisions
- NIT for Purchase of Stationery Items on Rate Contract Basis for RO, Chandigarh
- Cancellation of RFP for printing of Aadhaar Cards
- Extension of Timelines to issue clarifications
- Addendum to the RFP for printing of Cards
- RFP for Printing of Aadhaar Cards for UIDAI
- Opening of financial bids - Tender for Housekeeping Services
- Tender for Houskeepin?g services- UIDAI
- Tender notice for security services for UIDAI-1
- Tender for hiring Security Services for RO, Chandigarh
- Tender for indoor potted plants and mixed cut flowers for UIDAI
- Request for empanelment (RFE) of Advertising Agencies for Regional Office, Ranchi
- EOI for Printing Cards for UIDAI
- Request for Empanelment (RFE) of Advertising Agencies for Headquarters, New Delhi
- Request for Empanelment (RFE) for Advertising Agencies for Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Request for Empanelment (RFE) for Advertising Agencies for Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Request for Empanelment (RFE) for Advertising Agencies for Regional Office, Guwahati
- Request for Empanelment (RFE) for Advertising Agencies for Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Request for Empanelment (RFE) for Advertising Agencies for Regional Office, Lucknow-1
- Request for Empanelment (RFE) of Advertising Agencies for Regional Office, Mumbai
- Notice inviting tender for hiring of firm for Media Monitoring
- Empanelment of production house
- Requesting Quotation for printing of Booklets at Regional Office Mumbai
- Re-Tender for Interior Works at UIDAI, Regional Office, Bangalore
- RFE for Hiring of firm for Media Monitoring
- Corrigendum of EOI for Participating in Biometric AuthenticationProof of Concept Studies
- EOI for Participating in Biometric Authentication Proof of Concept Studies
- Tender for renovation/remodeling of 9th floor UIDAI Office,tower -I, Jeevan Bharti Building Connaught Place
- RO Mumbai - Limited tender inquiry to empanel Advt and Multimedia agencies for 3 months
- Tender Document of Interiors for R.O.Bangalore-reg
- Empanelment of Producers/Production House
- Tender for renovation/remodeling of 9th floor,tower -I, Jeevan Bharti Building - Corrigendum note
- Tender for renovation/remodeling of 9th floor,tower -I, Jeevan Bharti Building
- Quotations for supply & installation of Sign Boards
- UIDAI invites Quotations for supply and installation of Sign Boards
- UIDAI invites Quotations for supply and installation of EPBAX system
- RFQ for printing and supply of diaries & calendars
- RFP for Professional services for publication of advertisements
- Short Tender for Supply of Bluetooth Printer for Android
- Short Tender for Supply of Android Tablet (7 inch)
- Request for Empanelment (RFE) as Advertising and Creative Agencies for UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- RFP for Hiring of Advertising and Creative Agency for UIDAI, New Delhi
- Proceedings of bid opening for hiring of Advertising and Creative Agency of UIDAI
- Schedule of presentations for hiring of Advertising and Creative Agency of UIDAI
- Annulment of the RFP process for hiring of Advertising and Creative Agency for UIDAI.
- RFE for hiring of Advertising and Creative agencies for RO Mumbai
- RFP for Hiring of Media Monitoriong Agency for UIDAI
- Notification regarding Annulment of NIT for Hiring of Media Monitoring Agency
- RFP for engagement of Media Monitoring Agency
- RFE of Advertising Agencies for Aadhaar Multimedia Campaign for Regional Office, Chandigarh
- RFE of Advertising and Creative Agencies for UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Notice inviting tender for hiring of agency for printing works
- Annulment notice of RFP on hiring Media Monitoring Agency
- Notice Inviting Tender for Hiring of Agency for Media Monitoring
- Request for Proposal For Selection of Social Media Agency
- Limited Tender for Production of Short Film on Aadhaar
- Corrigendum - II for extension of dates for RFP for BPO for Aadhaar Update
- Information, Education and Communication (IEC)
- Training & Certification
- Training & Certification
- Clarification to the Pre Bid Queries for RFP on FI and Authentication Processes
- Tender for Hiring of Security Services in UIDAI, RO, Mumbai
- RFP - For Testing & Certification Agency(TCA) for Enrolment & Seeding
- Clarification to RFP for Development and Revision of Training & Testing Content under UID Project - 21 Nov, 2013
- Corrigendum to RFP for Development and Revision of Training & Testing Content under UID Project - 21 Nov, 2013
- Extension of date of Bid Submission in r/o RFP for Development and Revision of Training & Testing Content under UID project
- Extension of date of Bid Submission in r/o RFP for Development and Revision of Training & Testing Content under UID project
- RFP for Film based training content on Financial Inclusion and Authentication related processes published on 2nd Dec 2013
- RFP for Development and Revision of Training & Testing Content under UID project
- RFP for Selection of Training Agencies for providing Field Coaching Serevice Under AFPC Program
- RFP for RFP for providing Testing & Certification under Aadhaar
- Corrigendum - Aadhaar Field Performance Coaching (AFPC)
- Clarification to Pre Bid Queries- Aadhaar Field Performance Coaching (AFPC)
- Clarification to Pre-Bid Queries on RFP for Testing & Certification Services
- Developing Simulator for Training of Operators/Supervisors under Addhaar
- RFP for developing film based training content on financial inclusion & authentication related processes
- RFP for Testing and Certification under Aadhaar
- Cancellation of RFP on Development of Film based training Content on FI and Auth related Processes
- Bid Postponement- RFP on Developing Film Based Training Content on Financial Inclusion & Authentication Related Process-1
- Reply to Pre bid queries to Testing and Certification RFP 21.01.2013
- RFP for Testing and Certification under Aadhaar
- RFP for Development & Revision of Training & Testing Content under UID Project
- The technical presentations schedule for the RFP on Testing and Certification services under UIDAI project
- Reply to pre Bid Queries RFP for Development and Revision of Training & Testing Content under UID Project
- Extension of Bid submission date for RFP on Development and Revision of Training
- Corrigendum RFP for Development and Revision of Training & Testing Content under UID Project
- RFP for Film based training content on Financial Inclusion and Authentication related processes
- Reply to pre Bid Queries RFP for Development and Revision of Training & Testing Content under UID Project
- The technical presentations schedule for the RFP on Testing and Certification services under UIDAI project
- Revised dates for Opening of Financial offers - RFP for Printing of Aadhaar Documents
- RFP for Development & Revision of Training & Testing Content under UID Project
- Bid Postponement- RFP on Developing Film Based Training Content on Financial Inclusion & Authentication Related Process
- Training & Certification
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous
- Request for Proposal for Empanelment of Biometric device vendor for supplying Biometric devices to the training centers running under Rajiv Yuva Kiranalu in Andhra Pradesh
- Extension of Bid submission date for RFP on Development of Film based training content on Financial Inclusion
- Tender Enquiry for seeking Quotation for Supply of Mobile Handset (Smartphone) to UIDAI
- Tender document for short tender notice for supply and installation of 3 NOs of 2 TON capacity split ACs in RO, Guwahati
- Notice inviting tender for enrichment of VTC(VILLAGE, TOWN, CITY) data for 3 districts
- Outsourcing of security services, RO Hyderabad UIDAI
- Request For Empanelment of Language Translators (Agencies or Individuals) for UIDAI, Regional Office Mumbai
- Enrichment of VTC Data in three districts on UIDAI
- Tender for Rental Taxi Services RO Delhi, UIDAI
- Corrigendum to the "RFP for Film Based Training Content for Financial Inclusion and Authentication Related Processes"
- Tender for Supply and Installation of 3 Nos Split AC (2 Ton) in Guwahati RO, UIDAI
- Invitation for quotations for rate contract for supply,installation,testing and commissioning of CISCO switches and related peripheral to UIDAI
- Clarifications on account of RFP document for Hiring of Data Centre Space and Facilities for UIDAI at Bangalore
- Tender For House keeping service in UIDAI
- Contract for providing AMC of IT equipments installed in the office of UIDAI HQ,Delhi
- Invitation for Quotation for Rate Contract for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CISCO switches and related Peripherals to UIDAI
- Invitation of Bids for Supply and installation of 8x Laptops and to be submitted on or before 15:00 Hrs.25-09-2013
- Corrigendum/Addendum to Tender Enquiry FOR "Housekeeping Service for UIDAI HQ"
- Request for proposals for operating "CONTACT CENTERS" of UIDAI
- Amendment to RFP for Operating Contact Centers of UIDAI
- Tender for AMC Of RedHat Products,UIDAI
- Tender for AMC of Racks, Blade Servers, Etc.,UIDAI
- Tender for AMC of Internet Router, Switches,UIDAI
- Tender for AMC of Symantec Protection Suite,UIDAI
- Invitation of Bids for Supply and installation of 8 Laptops
- Amendments dated 21/10/2013 in RFP dated 17/9/2013 for Operating Contact Centers of UIDAI
- Clarifications on Written Queries for RFP dated 17/9/2013 for Operating Contact Centers of UIDAI
- RFP for procurement of laptops for UIDAI Technology centre
- Invitation for quotations for rate contract for procurement of laptops for the office of UIDAI HQ , Planning Commission, New Delhi
- Request for Proposal : Supply of Laptops RO Hyderabad
- RFQ for selection of Enrolment agencies for Permanent Enrolment Centres (PEC)
- RFP for supply, migration, configuration, commissioning and maintenance of micro-atms for India Post AEPS
- RFP for Supply of STQC and UIDAI certified Single Finger-print biometric scanning device in Jharkhand
- RFP for Design, Installation, Commissioning and 5 years Operation & Maintenance of Grid connected Solar Power Generating Plant for UIDAI at Manesar (Delhi-NCR) and/or Bengaluru
- Amendment to RFP for Design, Installation, Commissioning and 5 years Operation & Maintenance of Grid connected Solar Power Generating Plant for UIDAI at Manesar (Delhi-NCR) and/or Bengaluru
- Corrigendum for RFP for supply, migration, configuration, commissioning and maintenance of Micro-ATMs for India Post AEPS
- Pre bid Query Clarifications-RFP for supply, migration, configuration, commissioning and maintenance of Micro-ATMs for India Post AEPS
- Extension of opening of financial bids for housekeeping service at UIDAI HQ
- NIT for House Keeping Services for UIDAI RO, CHANDIGARH
- Tender document for providing rental Taxi Services to Regional Office,Guwahati
- Invitation of Bids for Supply and installation of 8 (EIGHT) Laptops and to be submitted on or before 15:00 Hrs. 14.02.2014 - dated 23 January 2014
- Invitation of quotations for providing Leased Accommodation for CISF Personnels securing UIDAI Data Centre, CA Site No. 01, NTI Layout (Rajiv Gandhi Nagar), 3rd Stage, Kodigehalli village, Bangalore, Karnataka - dated 27 January 2014
- Invitation for quotations for providing Leased Accomodation for UIDAI office complex (Plot No 1, Sector M-2, IMT Manesar, Gurgaon) - Extension of date for submission of Bids
- Invitation of Bids for Outsourcing the processing of Updation requests received on UIDAI-SSUP Portal
- Notice Inviting Tender for supply of utensils at UIDAI, (Data Centre), Regional Office, Bangalore - Dated 6 March 2014
- Notice Inviting Tender for supply of furnitures at UIDAI, (Data Centre), Regional Office, Bangalore - Dated 25 March 2014
- Invitation by UIDAI for quotations for providing leased residential accomodation for housing CISF personnel within municipal jurisdiction of Gurgaon, Haryana
- Notice Inviting Tender for supply of utensils at UIDAI, (Data Centre), Regional Office, Bangalore - Dated 7 April 2014
- BID Document For Scanning and Digitization of Documents at UIDAI, Regional Office, Bangalore - Dated 11 April 2014
- Notice Inviting Tender for supply of utensils at UIDAI, (Data Centre), Regional Office, Bangalore - Dated 29 May 2014
- Notice: ?Disposal of Raddi and Kabad?
- RFE ? Empanelment of Seeding Agencies
- Notice Inviting Tender for supply of Folding Cots (Steel Frame) at UIDAI, (Data Centre), Regional Office, Bangalore
- Request for Empanelment for Aadhaar Biometric Attendance System Provider Agencies
- Response to Queries on RFE for empanelment of Seeding Agencies
- Bid document for disposal (shredding-cum-auction sale) of documents - Dated 15 July 2014
- Response to the Queries for RFE on Aadhaar Biometric Attendance System Service Provider
- Notice Inviting Tender for Supply, Installation and commissioning of PA system at Conference Hall of UIDAI, Regional office, Ranchi - Dated 18 July 2014
- Notice for inviting Tender for AMC of Petty Electrical Work
- Corrigendum to RFE 2014
- Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract Of Internet Router, Switches
- Annexure 3: Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract of Internet Router, Switches
- Pre-Bid Clarifications to Tender Enquiry Inviting Quotations for Providing Leased Accommodation for UIDAI
- RFQ for Empanelment of EAS for Aadhaar Enrolment in Madhya Pradesh
- RFE for ?Empanelment of Software Solution Providers?
- Request for Empanelment (RFE) for Advertising Agencies for Regional Office, Guwahati
- Notice Inviting Tender for the work of Design, Manufacturing, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and maintenance of Aadhaar-based Authentication Kiosk at Kempegowda International Airport Limited, Bangalore
- Notice Inviting Bids for Tender for hiring of Service Provider for GRCP Services for UIDAI
- Notice Inviting Tender from the reputed Guwahati-based office stationery Vendors/ Firms/ Agencies/ Companies for supply of office stationeries and IT consumable items
- GRCP-SP Adv. extension of date
- Corrigendum for Extension of Time regarding Tender ?Hiring of Service Provider for GRCP Services (GRCP-SP) for UIDAI"
- Corrigendum for Extension of Time regarding Tender ?Hiring of Service Provider for GRCP Services (GRCP-SP) for UIDAI"-1
- Corrigendum regarding ?Hiring of Service Provider for GRCP Services (GRCP-SP) for UIDAI
- Corrigendum on pre bid queries Tender no T/11014/33/2014-tech/1
- Response to pre bid queries Tender no T/11014/33/2014-tech/1
- Corrigendum to the tender no. T/11014/33/2014-tech/1 for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Integration and Maintenance of Servers and Accessories
- Response to the queries to the tender no. T/11014/33/2014-tech/1 for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Integration and Maintenance of Servers and Accessories
- Corrigendum No.3 to Bid No.T-11014/33/2014-Tech/1 dated 21.11.2014
- RFP for Design, Supply, & Installation of Porta Cabins
- Corrigendum 3: Extension of Time regarding Tender ?Hiring of Service Provider for GRCP Services (GRCP-SP) for UIDAI"
- Corrigendum 4 on Tender no T/11014/33/2014-tech/1
- Corrigendum 5 on Tender no T/11014/33/2014-Tech/1
- Corrigendum 4: Extension of Time of the Tender pertaining to ?Hiring of Service Provider for GRCP Services (GRCP-SP) for UIDAI"
- Tender Document for Design, Supply, & Installation of Porta Cabins at BSNL Quarters Premises, K.B. Sandra Compound, R.T. Nagar Bengaluru, Karnataka
- Extension of last date for Limited Tender Enquiry for supply of Laptops in UIDAI Regional Office Lucknow
- RFP for Designing, Printing, Transportation and fixing of Foam Boards in PECs Located in Mee - Seva Centres in the State of Telangana
- RFP for Designing, Printing, Transportation and fixing of Foam Boards in PECs located in Mee - Seva centres in the State of Andhra Pradesh
- Notice for Technical Bid Opening regarding Hiring of GRCP-SP for UIDAI
- Notice for Financial Bid Opening regarding Hiring of Service Provider for GRCP Services for UIDAI
- Tender - Shredding-cum-Auction sale of documents, UIDAI, RO, Bengaluru
- Tender - Scanning and Digitisation of documents, UIDAI, RO, Bengaluru
- Quotation for supply of Drinking water in UIDAI Headquarter, New Delhi
- Tender Document for Design, Supply and Installation of Porta Cabins at BSNL Quarters Premises, K.B. Sandra Compound, R.T. Nagar Bengaluru, Karnataka
- Tender Notice For Hiring vehicles on call basis for offices of UIDAI TC and RO
- Bid Document for Disposal (Shredding-cum-Auction sale) of Documents
- Notice Inviting Tender for Printing & Mounting of Vinyl / Flex for Aadhaar Advertisement in UIDAI, RO, Bangalore
- Notice regarding Extension of Date of Tender for Disposal (Shredding cum Sale) of Documents
- Tender Document for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1 No. 50KVA Diesel Engine Alternator set in sound proof acoustic enclosure and AMF panel for UIDAI, Regional Office, Guwahati
- Limited tender for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of SMF Batteries under ?Buy-back offer? at UIDAI, Headquarter, New Delhi-1
- RFP for Operating Contact Centers of UIDAI
- NIT for Supply of Consumable & allied items and Pantry Services for UIDAI HQ
- Limited Tender for providing green plants and fresh cut flower arrangements in the UIDAI HQ, New Delhi-1
- Clarification Of Pre-Bid Queries related RFP For Contact Center Of UIDAI-1
- Tender Document of Provision for allotment of Aadhaar Number to all railway employee of Western Railway (Past and Present) and their family members who do not have Aadhaar Number, through UIDAI approved Enrollment Agency-1
- Invitation of Bids for Supply and installation of 4 x Laptops at UIDAI, RO, Bangalore
- RFP for Operating Contact Centers of UIDAI-1
- Tender for Supply and Installation of 10 Laptops to be submitted on or before 23.11.2015 (at 14.00 Hours) pertaining to RO, Hyderabad
- Clarifications of pre-bid queries (16.11.2015) related to RFP for Contact centre of UIDAI
- Request for Proposal for Designing and Printing of Wall Calendars-2016
- Request for Proposal for Designing and Printing of Diaries-2016
- Request for Proposal for Designing and Printing of Table Calendars-2016
- RFP for Supply and Installation of Fire Resistant Cabinets
- Request for Proposal FOR Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of IT Equipments
- Corrigendum to Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of IT Equipments (Bid No. - T-11014/49/2015-Tech)
- Corrigendum to Tender for CAMC of IT Equipments - Extension of Submission of Bids
- Tender Document for Supply, Commissioning and Maintenance of Laptops, UPS, Printers, LED Monitors, Biometric Devices, webcams, android tablets, Spike Suppressors, External Hard Disk Drives and USB Hubs for UID Enrollment at Different Locations throughout
- Notice Inviting Tender for Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Post warranty Maintenance of Hardware & Software
- Invitation of Bids for Supply and installation of 4xLaptops and to be submitted on or before 15:00 Hrs 01.02.2016
- CORRIGENDUM Released on 8th JAN 2016: Re-Tender for Supply, Commissioning and Maintenance of Laptops, UPS, Printers, External Hard Disk Drives, LED Monitors, Biometric Devices, USB hubs, Spike Suppressors, Android Tablets and Webcams for UID Enrollment at
- CORRIGENDUM released on 26th JAN 2016: Re-Tender for Supply, Commissioning and Maintenance of Laptops, UPS, Printers, External Hard Disk Drives, LED Monitors, Biometric Devices, USB hubs, Spike Suppressors, Android Tablets and Webcams for UID Enrollment a
- Corrigendum regarding Tender no T-11014/57/2013-tech/(part) procurement dated 8 January 2016
- Corrigendum 2 on Tender no T/11014/57/2013-tech/57/(Part) Procurement dated 8.01.2016
- RFP for Toll Free Number and Allied Services for Contact Center of UIDAI, February-2016
- Clarifications of pre-bid queries related to RFP for "toll-free-no and Allied Services for Contact Centres of UIDAI"
- Notice for extention of bid submission date for RFP for Toll-free-no and allied services for contact centres of UIDAI
- RFP - Contract for supply of Housekeeping consumables/general items to UIDAI Technology centre
- Limited tender for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of SMF Batteries under ?Buy-back offer? at UIDAI, Headquarter, New Delhi-2
- Auction Sale for Disposal of Wooden Logs on ?as is where is basis? at Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) Head Quarter Building (Under Construction) site, Gurudwara Bangla Sahib road, New Delhi 110001
- BID Document For Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of EMC make IT Equipments
- BID Document for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of Dell make IT Equipments
- BID Document for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of Spectralogic make IT Equipments
- RFP for Printing of Aadhaar Documents-1
- Bid No.T-11014/57/2013-Tech/ (Part) Procurement/2 dated 16th May 2016
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Support for Software
- Corrigendum for extension of time - RFP for printing of Aadhaar documents
- RFP no. T - 11014/57/2013 - Tech/( Part)Procurement/ 2 for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Support for Hardware & Software ? reg
- Corrigendum and Pre-Bid Query Clarifications to RFP: Bid No.T-11014/57/2013-Tech/(Part)Procurement/3
- RFP no. T-11014/57/2013-Tech/(Part)Procurement/3 for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Support for Software ?reg
- RFP for TFN and Allied services for Contact Centre of UIDAI June-16
- Annual subscription and Support Renewal of existing licenses and procurement of new licenses for MySQL Database Servers
- RFP for ?TFN and Allied Services for Contact Centers of UIDAI?
- RFP in respect of Supply, Installation and Support of Corporate Email solution at UIDAI
- Corrigendum to Bid No.11014/49/2015-Tech(Vol-III)
- Tender notice for providing Rental Taxi Services to UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Notice For Extension of Bid Submission Date - RFP for TFN
- Corrigendum II - extension of BID submission date of RFP- for testing and certification agency(TCA) for Enrolment and Seeding
- RFP for CAMC of HP make IT equipments
- Notice seeking expression of Interest for leasing out residential accommodation
- RFP for Housekeeping & Allied Services including rate contract of consumables
- RFP for Procurement of Stationery items at UIDAI Headquarter
- RFP for Supply, Installation and Support of Corporate Email Solution
- Corrigendum to Tender No. T - 11014/49/2015 - Tech(Vol. II) dated 13.07.2016
- Extension of last date of submission of bid document in Tender No. T - 11014/49/2015 - Tech(Vol. II)
- Onsite Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of IT equipments in the office of UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Corregendrum/Addendum to Tender Enquery for Housekeeping & Allied Services and Rate Contract for Consumables for UIDAI HQ
- RFP for BPO for Aadhaar update
- Tender for purchase of Biometeric Kits- State Registrar Haryana & Chandigarh
- EOI for Engaging Aadhaar Services Partners Providers for Participation IN Aadhaar Ecosystem Development
- Corrigendum- Extension of Bid Opening Date- RFP No. T-11014/01/2017-Tech dt.23/2/2017
- Corrigendum - I for extension of dates for RFP for BPO for Aadhaar Update
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of IT Hardware
- Tender No. T-11014/39/2016-Tech dated 17.3.2017, RFP for Application Software Development, Maintenance and Support Services Agency (ASDMSA)
- Corrigendum - III for extension of dates for RFP for BPO for Aadhaar Update
- Selection of Housekeeping Agency for Cleaning and Maintenance work at UIDAI, RO Delhi
- RFP for Application Software Development, Maintenance and Support Services Agency (ASDMSA)
- RFP for Providing Security Services in Regional Office, UIDAI, Bengaluru
- E-Procurement for providing of Green plants and fresh cut flowers at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- RFP for production of Aadhaar Success story film
- Cancellation of Online-BID Document for Selection of Security Service Agency for providing Security at UIDAI, RO-Ranchi & its Camp Office, Patna
- Corrigendum for extension of Time lines in respect of RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Servers
- NIT for hiring of vehicles for UIDAI RO Guwahati
- Reply to pre-bid bidder queries for Tender for CAMC of CISCO make Switches & Firewall
- Hiring of Taxi Services at UIDAI for Manesar Data Centre Complex, Manesar, Gurgaon (Haryana)-1
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Enterprise Storage Solution
- Facility Management Services at UIDAI Manesar Data Centre Complex, Manesar, Gurgaon (Haryana)
- e-Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Audio Conferencing Service at UIDAI Headquarter, New Delhi
- Corrigendum No.1 regarding extension of Bid Submission End Date and Bid Opening Date for request for empanelment of consulting organizations
- Notice for Auction sale for disposal of "Kabad" on "as is where is basis"
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Enterprise Storage Solution-1
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Servers-1
- CAMC of CISCO make Switches and Firewall
- NIT & RFP in r/o Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Networking Equipments
- NIT & RFP document in r/o Hiring of Data Centers
- RFP and NIT document in r/o Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Enterprise Storage Solution
- NIT & RFP in r/o Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Servers
- NIT and Request for Empanelment of Law Firms
- RFP Tier 3 Data Centre Space to Co-Host UIDAI Services(Tender No. T-11014/18/2017-Tech)
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance for Enterprise Storage Solution
- Corrigendum-2 & response to Bidders query in r/o RFP No.T-11014/23/2017-Tech
- Cancellation of RFP T-11014/39/2016-Tech
- Request for Empanelment of consulting organisations
- RFE for Empanelment of Certification Agencies for certifying KUAs/AUAs/Sub-AUAs Authentication and e-KYC applications
- RFP for Operating Contact Center of UIDAI.
- Renewal of Subscription/Support For Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)"[Bid no. T-11011/16/2010-Tech (Part IV) dated 11.01.2018]
- Tender for rate contract for housekeeping and stationery articles at UIDAI TC
- Corrigendum 2 in r/o bid no . T-11014/72/2018-Tech dated 04.04.2018 ["RFP for Provisioning of point-to-point dedicated leased line service between UIDAI Data Centers at Amaravati (AP) and Hebbal (Bengaluru)"]
- Tenders for providing House Keeping Services for UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Miscellaneous
- Clarification on the training simulator RFP
- Corrigendum on RFP for Printing of Aadhaar Documents
- Draw for the selection of enrolment agencies for Aadhaar enrolments in Punjab
- Invitation for Quotations for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of HVAC Systems for UIDAI
- Amendments to RFP for Toll Free Number
- RFQ for Selection of EA by SBBJ in Rajasthan
- Tender for SITC of Split ACs in RO, Guwahati
- Pre Bid Conference notice for RFP on Development and Revision of Training & Testing Content
- Corrigendum to RFE for Enrolment Agency empanelment
- RFQ for Selection of Enrolment Agency for GOA
- Corrigendum III: RFP for Hiring of Data Centre Space and Facilities in Delhi/NCR for UIDAI
- Extension of Date for Submission of Bids -T-11011-16-2010-Tech-UIDAI
- Notice: Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract Of Internet Router, Switches
- Tender for providing Security Services at UIDAI RO, Bangalore - 560001
- Tender for Housekeeping works in Regional Office, UIDAI, Guwahati
- Query response for Request for Empanelment (RFE) of advertising agencies for regional office, Mumbai
- Corrigendum and clarifications on pre bid queries Tender no T/11014/33/2014-tech/1
- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 50 KVA Diesel Engine Alternator with 3 years of post-warranty Comprehensive maintenance for RO Guwahati
- NIT for supply of Packaged Drinking Water in UIDAI Headquarter
- Notice Inviting Tender for Security Services for UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Notice Inviting Tender for Security Services for UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi
- Extension of Last Date for Tenders called for Supply/Installation of Laptops in the RO, UIDAI, Hyderabad
- Request for Proposal for Housekeeping Services at Regional Office, Bengaluru, Karnataka , February, 2016
- Addendum: Tender cum Auction for sale of Wooden logs including roots, etc
- Invitation of bids for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Canon Photocopier Installed in UIDAI HQ
- Corrigendum to Tender for CAMC of EMC make IT equipment
- Tender Document Hiring of Vehicles (Monthly, Daily and Outstation basis) for UIDAI, Regional Office, Chandigarh
- Corrigendum for extension of time and clarifications to pre-bid queries - RFP for printing of Aadhaar documents
- Tender Document for Hiring of Vehicle for UIDAI, Regional Office and Technology Center, Bangaluru
- Supply and Installation of CISF Stores/Office ? Porta cabins for UIDAI in Bengaluru
- Tender for Procurement of ?Stationery items? at UIDAI Headquarter, New Delhi
- Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Support for Software - Accunetix Web Scanner
- Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Warranty cum Support for Hardware & Software - QualysGuard
- Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Warranty cum Support for Hardware & Software ? RSA Broker License
- Rate contract for supply of Printer Toners and Ink Cartridges at Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) Headquarter, New Delhi.
- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Video Conferencing equipments installed in UIDAI
- Invitation to bid for house keeping services for UIDAI Regional Office, Ranchi and Camp office Patna
- Supply of Photocopier Machine to UIDAI, Regional Office, Hyderabad
- Bid No.T-11014/57/2013-Tech/(Part)Procurement/4 for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Support for Software (Accunetix Web Scanner)
- Bid No.T-11014/57/2013-Tech/(Part)Procurement/5 for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Support for Software (Qualys guard)
- Bid No.T-11014/57/2013-Tech/(Part)Procurement/6 for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Support for Software (RSA broker license)
- Hiring of Security Services in UIDAI for Manesar Data Center Complex, Manesar
- Hiring of rental Taxi services for Unique Identification Authority of India, Regional Office, Guwahati
- Tender for Security Services for UIDAI RO, Hyderabad
- Extension for Bid No.T-11014/57/2013-Tech/(Part)Procurement/4 for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Support for Software (Accunetix Web Scanner)
- Extension for Bid No.T-11014/57/2013-Tech/(Part)Procurement/5 for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Support for Software (Qualys guard)
- Extension for Bid No.T-11014/57/2013-Tech/(Part)Procurement/6 for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Support for Software (RSA broker license)
- Tender for hiring of security services in UIDAI for Manesar Data Center, Manesar
- Invitation for bids for Supply and Installation of Security Equipments for UIDAI Data Centre Complex at Manesar & Bengaluru
- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of HP make IT Equipments
- Online-Bid Document for CAMC of Array networks make IT Equipments
- Extension of Tender Notice for hiring of Taxi service for UIDAI RO, Guwahati
- Hiring of security services in UIDAI for MDC, Manesar, Gurgaon
- Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Warranty cum Support for "Qualys guard Private Cloud Platform with 5000 Policy Compliance IP's as a part of bundled offer + Asset view"
- Hiring of Security Services in UIDAI for Manesar Data Centre Complex, Manesar, Gurgaon (Haryana)
- Hiring of Taxi Services at UIDAI for Manesar Data Centre Complex, Manesar, Gurgaon (Haryana)
- Online-BID DOCUMENT for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of Video Walls and related equipments
- Hiring of Facility Management Services at UIDAI for Manesar Data Centre Complex, Manesar, Gurgaon (Haryana)
- Extension of last date for submission of online bids in r/o CAMC of HP make IT equipment
- Online-BID DOCUMENT for Selection of Security Service Agency for providing Security at UIDAI, RO-Delhi
- Housekeeping Services at UIDAI for Manesar Data Centre Complex, Manesar, Gurgaon (Haryana)
- Online-BID DOCUMENT for Selection of Housekeeping Agency for cleaning and Maintenance work at UIDAI, RO-Delhi
- Proposal FOR Application Software Development, Maintenance and Support Services Agency (ASDMSA)
- Online-BID DOCUMENT FOR Supply of Printer Toners and Ink Cartridges at Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) Headquarter, New Delhi (Apply online at - https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app)
- Cancellation for RFP of Application Software Development, Maintenance and Support Services Agency
- Tender for Hiring of Vehicles at UIDAI RO Chandigarh
- Tender Documents for Stationery Articles for UIDAI RO, Guwahati
- Request for Proposal for Application Software Development, Maintenance and Support Services Agency (ASDMA)
- e-Tender document for supply of Hired vehicle for RO Mumbai
- Corrigendum to Tender No. T-11014/49/2015-Tech(Vol. V) dated 14.12.2016
- Request for Information (RFI) from Technology Solution Providers And Device Manufacturers for Biometric Device(s) Specifications
- Extension of timelines in r/o Application Software Development Maintenance Service Agency(ASDMSA)
- Corrigendum to NIT for Hiring of Vehicles at UIDAI RO Chandigarh
- Extension of Tender Notice for stationery articles
- Hiring of Security Services for UIDAI Technology Centre - Bangalore
- RFP for Facility Management Services at HDC, Bengaluru
- Cancellation of Tender no. T-11014/39/2016-Tech dated 9.1.2017
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance for IT Hardware
- Advertisment of Tender for Hiring of Taxi Service at Manesar
- Quotations for disposal of Raddi/Kabad and other scraps at UIDAI, HQ, Delhi
- "Procurement of GPS Devices" among vendors supplying UIDAI Certified/Tested GPS Devices.
- Clarification to Tender "RFP for BPO for Aadhaar Update"
- Corrigendum to RFP for Facility Management Services at Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- EOI for Engaging Aadhaar service Partners/Providers for Participation in Aadhaar Ecosystem Development
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance for IT Hardware-1
- Corrigendum to Tender No. T-11014/01/2017-Tech dated 23.2.2017
- RFP for Application, Software, Development, Maintenance and Support Service Agency (ASDMSA)
- e-Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Audio Conferencing Service at UIDAI - HQ, New Delhi
- NIT for supply and keeping of indoor potted plants and mixed cut flowers in UIDAI - HQ
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and 3 years Support for Acunetix Web Scanner
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Warranty Support for QualysGuard
- Cancellation of EOI For Engaging Aadhaar Service Partners/ Providers For Participation In Aadhaar Ecosystem Development
- NIT and Tender for Hiring of Housekeeping Services at UIDAI RO, Chandigarh
- BID DOCUMENT For Scanning and Digitization of Documents (measuring 10 cms x 22 cms) at UIDAI, Regional Office, Bengaluru
- Corrigendum RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Warranty Support for Accunetix Web Scanner
- Corrigendum for RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Warranty Support for QualysGuard
- Empanelment of agencies for conducting Information Security Assessment of AUAs/KUAs & ASAs- RFE
- Online-BID DOCUMENT for Selection of Security Service Agency for providing Security at UIDAI, RO-Ranchi & its Camp Office, Patna
- Online - Bid Document for Providing Manpower Services in UIDAI
- Request for Proposal for Housekeeping Services
- Corrigendum to Empanelment of agencies for conducting Information Security Assessment of AUA/KUA & ASA
- RFP for CAMC of CISCO make Switches and Firewall
- RFP & NIT for Proposal for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Enterprise Storage Solution
- RFP & NIT for Proposal for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Servers
- Corrigendum for RFP for CAMC of CISCO make Switches & Firewall
- NIT and Request for Empanelment (RFE) of consulting organisations for UIDAI
- RFP & NIT for Proposal for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Enterprise Storage Solution -1
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Enterprise Storage solution
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Servers
- Online Request for Proposal ForAadhaar Data Quality Check Service Agency (ADQCSA)
- Request for Proposal (RFP) for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of CISCO make Switches & Firewall
- Extension of Bid Submission Date- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Enterprise Storage Solution
- NIT & RFP in respect of Supply, Installation, Commissioning of Data-at-Rest Encryption for M/s DELL EMC make Storage Arrays
- Corrigendum for Hiring of Two Aadhaar Data Quality Check Service Agencies (ADQCSAs) by UIDAI
- Revised RFP for Hiring of Two Aadhaar Data Quality Check Service Agencies (ADQCSAs) by UIDAI. Bid Submission Start Date 16.08.2017
- RFP and NIT for Outsourcing of Accounting Functions
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of HSM
- Response to prebid queries and corrigendum under RFP for Agency for Outsourcing Accounting Functions
- CORRIGENDUM - Cancellation of RFP Open Tender ID 2017_lT_221282_1 Hiring of Two Aadhaar Data Quality Check Service Agencies (ADQCSAs) bv Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)
- COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT BID DOCUMENT FOR Annual maintenance contract for comprehensive maintenance of Central Air-Conditioning Plant" (HVAC System) installed at UIDAI RODelhi, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi
- Corrigendum 2 to Tender No. T-11014/09/2017-Tech dated 01.08.2017
- Corrigendum-2 and Response to bidders query in r/o RFP No.T-11014/18/2017-Tech
- Supply, installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Enterprise Storage Solution
- Supply, installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of IT Hardware
- Corrigendum for Supply, installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Enterprise Storage Solution
- RFP for Supply, installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of IT Hardware-1
- NIT & RFP for hiring security services at UIDAI Tech Centre, Bengaluru
- RFP for Procurement and Support of MapR Licenses
- Corrigendum for extension of bid submission date wrt RFP No. T-11014/10/2017-Tech
- Corrigendum for extension of date wrt RFP No.T-11014/23/2017-Tech
- RFP for hiring security services at UIDAI Tech centre, Bengaluru
- Corrigendum(s) to RFP No.T-11014/23/2017-Tech
- Corrigendum to RFP No.T-11014/10/2017-Tech
- RFP for Production of ?The Aadhaar Mini-series? film on UIDAI website
- Letter regarding cancellation of RFE of Law Firms
- RFP and Notice Inviting Tender for Hiring of Vehicle under RO Guwahati
- RFP No.T-11014/43/2017-Tech
- RFE for Empanelment of Software Development Agencies
- Clarification to Tender No. T-11014/43/2017-Tech dated 15.09.2017
- Clarification to RFE of Agencies for Audit & Inspection of Aadhaar Enrolment Centers
- Corrigendum to RFE of Agencies for Audit & Inspection of Aadhaar Enrolment Centers
- Disposal of Old and Condemned Vehicle - Reg
- Selection of Security Service Agency for providing Security at UIDAI, RO-Ranchi & its Camp Office, Patna
- Hiring of vehicles at UIDAI for Manesar Data centre complex, Manesar, Gurgaon (Haryana)
- Corrigendum II to RFE of Agencies for Audit & Inspection of Aadhaar Enrolment Centers
- Corrigendum and Response to Bidders query with respect to RFE No.T-11014/27/2017-Tech
- Corrigendum/Addendum to Tender for Disposal of old car
- Revised Corrigendum/Addendum to Tender for Disposal of old car
- Corrigendum w.r.t. RFE No.T-11014/27/2017-Tech
- Online - RFP for designing and printing of Wall Calendars and Diaries - 2018
- RFP for Outsourcing of Accounting Functions
- NIT for Attorney Law Firms
- RFP for Agency for Outsourcing of Accounting Functions (Open Tender Notice No.: G-14012/05/2017-UIDAI/Accts)
- Online - Request for Empanelment (RFE) for Advertising and Creative Agencies for UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Online Request for Proposal (RFP Ver 1.0) For Aadhaar Data Quality Check Service Agency (ADQCSA)
- Extension of RFE for IPR Firms Corrigendum
- Corrigendum 2 for Issuing of amendment in the form of corrigendum regarding RFE of IPR Attorney Firm
- Request for Empanelment (RFE) of Advertising and Creative Agencies for UIDAI REGIONAL OFFICE MUMBAI
- RFP for supply and installation of morcha at UIDAI Tech Centre
- NIT for T-11014/32/2017-Tech
- Request for Proposal for hiring of Housekeeping Services
- Corrigendum for for hiring housekeeping services at UIDAI Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- BoQ for the tender for hiring housekeeping services at UIDAI Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- Renewal of Subscription/Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)" [Bid no. T-11011/16/2010-Tech (Part-IV)]
- RFP for renewal of subscription/support for red hat enterprise linux (RHEL)
- "Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Storage Solution" [Bid no. T-11014/10/2017-Tech/Vol-II]
- Corrigendum for Empanelment of Intelllectual Property Rights (IPR) Attorney Firms
- Consultancy Services for Selection and on-boarding of MSP
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Warranty cum Support For Two Factor Authentication for Zimbra e-Mail
- "Data Centre Space to Co-Host UIDAI Services]" [Bid no. T-11014/18/2017-Tech]
- Corrigenda: Response to vendor queries and revised bid submission schedule for RFP for hiring of Aadhaar Data Quality Check Agencies (ADQCSAs) by UIDAI
- Corrigendum -Replied to Pre-bid Queries in respect of RFP for Operating Contact Center of UIDAI
- ?Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Enterprises Storage Solution.? [Bid no. T-11014/10/2017-Tech/Vol-II dated 13.01.2018]
- "Data Centre Space to Co-Host UIDAI Services]" [Bid no. T-11014/18/2017-Tech] -1
- RFP for hiring of Taxi services
- Online RFP for Telecast of TVCs and scrolls through Pvt. News Channels
- NOTICE for Cancellation of RFE of IPR Attorney Firms through e-Procurement
- NIT for Watch & Ward and Fire Safety Services for UIDAI HQ Building
- e-Procurement of "Housekeeping and Allied Services including Rate Contract of Consumables" UIDAI HQ building through CPP portal.
- e-Procurement of "stationery items" UIDAI IIQ building through CPP Portal.
- Consultancy Services for Selection and on-boarding of MSP-1
- e-Procurement of Movers and Packers services at UIDAI HQ
- Facility Management Services at UIDAI Manesar Data Centle Complex, Manesar
- BID DOCUMENT FOR Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Warranty cum Support For Two Factor Authentication for Zimbra e-Mail Solution
- Hiring of Light & Heavy Vehicles at UIDAI for Manesar Data Centre Complex, Manesar, Gurgaon (Haryana)
- Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Storage Solution" [Bid no.T-11014/10/2017-Tech/Vol-II dated 13.01.2018]
- Corrigendum in r/o bid no . T-11014/10/2017-Tech/Vol-II dated 13.01.2018 ["RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Storage Solution"]
- NIT of Rental Taxi Tender of RO Guwahati
- e-Procurement for providing "Catering Management Service and running of Canteen" at UIDAI HQ
- Corrigendum 4 to Tender No. T-11014/10/2017-Tech/Vol-II dated 13.01.2018
- Request for Empanelment (RFE) of Advertising and Creative Agencies for UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Tender for Disposal of E-waste
- Supply, Installation, Commissioning And Post Warranty Maintenance of IT Network Equipment" [Bid no.T-11014/23/2017-Tech/Vol-I dated 15.03.2018]
- e-Procurement Mixed cut Flowers & lndoor potted plants including Plantation & Gardening at UIDAI - HQ, New Delhi
- Facility Management Services at UIDAI Manesar Data Centle Complex, Manesar-1
- Online - RFP for Production of ?The Second Aadhaar Mini-series? film
- Clarification on tender " Dismantling and Taking Away office interiors/finishes on ?as is where is basis? of UIDAI premises at Jeeven Bharati Building, New Delhi.
- Corrigendum for Disposal of e-waste
- Corrigendum 5 to Tender No. T-11014/10/2017-Tech/Vol-II dated 13.01.2018
- RFP of "Point-to-point dedicated Leased line telecom service for UIDAI Data Centre at Amaravati (AP)"
- Corrigendum-1 of RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning And Post Warranty Maintenance of IT Network Equipment
- Corrigendum-2 of RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning And Post Warranty Maintenance of IT Network Equipment
- BID document for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Warranty cum Support For End to End IP Encryptor
- Corrigendum/Retendering and Hiring of Facility Management Services at UIDAI MDC
- Comprehensive Facility Management Services (FMS) for UIDAI, Headquarter Building, Bangla Sahib Road, New Delhi
- Dismantling and Taking Away office interiors/finishes on as is where is basis of UIDAI
- Corrigendum/Addendum to tender ID no. 2018_DIT_319807-1 dated 20.04.2018 for Dismantling and Taking Away office interiors/finishes
- Corrigendum 1 in r/o bid no . T-11014/72/2018-Tech dated 04.04.2018 ["RFP for Provisioning of point-to-point dedicated leased line service between UIDAI Data Centers at Amaravati (AP) and Hebbal (Bengaluru)"]
- RFP document for the rate contract for supply of housekeeping and stationery items at UIDAI Technology Centre, Bengaluru
- RFP for Engagement of Interactive Virtual Learning Development Agency and related services for UIDAI Ecosystem 2018
- Corrigendum 8 & 9 in r/o bid no . T-11014/10/2017-Tech/Vol-II dated 13.01.2018 ["RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of Storage Solution"]
- Corrigendum- 1 & Pre-bid Clarifications on RFP for Engagement of Interactive Virtual Learning Development Agency and related services for UIDAI Ecosystem 2018
- Expression of Interest (EOI) - QR Code Scanner Solution Providers
- Online - RFP for Telecast of TVCs through Pvt. News Channels
- Tender for Housekeeping of UIDAI - RO, Guwahati
- Tender for Housekeeping of UIDAI - RO, Mumbai
- RFP to hire services of agencies - RO, Chandigarh
- Vendor Consultation Workshops: Selection of Manage Service Provider for UIDAI
- Extension for Tender for Housekeeping of UIDAI - RO, Guwahati
- Request for Proposal (RFP) for hiring of Social Media Agency of UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- Hiring of security services for the office of UIDAI R.O, Mumbai
- Request for Proposal (RFP) for hiring of Media Monitoring Agency of UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- RFP for selection of Service Provider for Printing of Aadhaar Status/PIN letter
- Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for Aadhaar Rath
- Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) Tender document for Hiring of Vehicles
- Tender document for Aadhaar Rath
- Tender document for Hiring of Vehicles
- NIT for Security Services, UIDAI RO, Hyderabad
- NIT for Selection of Managed Services - Application Provider
- NIT for Selection of Managed Services - Infrastructure Provider
- NIT for Selection of Biometric Service Provider
- RFP and NIT for Hiring of Vehicles for UIDAI RO, Ranchi
- Bid Cancellation Notice for Hiring of Vehicles for RO and Tech. Centre, UIDAI, Bangaluru
- Notice Inviting Sealed Quotation for Hiring of Taxi Services in UIDAI, RO, Ranchi and its Camp Office at Lalit Bhawan, Patna
- RFP for QR Code
- Online RFP & NIT for Telecast of TVCs through Pvt. News Channels
- Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Video walls and its associated equipment at UIDAI HQ- New Delhi, Bengaluru and Manesar Data Centre
- Hiring of Data Center Maintenance Agency for UIDAI Data Centers at Bengaluru & Manesar
- Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Tape Backup System
- Corrigendum-2: Cancellation of RFP for Engagement of Interactive Virtual Learning Development Agency and related services for UIDAI Ecosystem 2018
- Hiring of Vehicles(Monthly,Daily/Outstation and Monthly 24x7 basis) for Regional Office and Technology Centre, UIDAI, Bengaluru
- RFP for Designing and Printing of Wall Calendars and Diaries: 2019
- NIT for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Tape Backup System
- NIT to EOI CUM PRE-QUALIFICATION through e-Procurement for Selection of Managed Services – Infrastructure Provider
- NIT for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Video walls and its associated equipment at UIDAI HQ- New Delhi, Bengaluru and Manesar Data Centre
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Video walls and its associated equipment
- Auction sale for disposal of unserviceable goods
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Tape Backup System
- RFP for Hiring of Data Centre Maintenance Agency For UIDAI Data Centers at Bengaluru & Manesar
- NIT for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Tape Backup System-1
- Corrigendum - I: RFP for Establishing and Running Aadhaar Seva Kendra, October 2018
- Tender to EOI for Selection of Managed Services – Application Provider
- RFP for Establishing and Running Aadhaar Seva Kendra, October 2018
- NIT to EOI for Selection of Managed Services – Infrastructure Provider
- NIT to EOI for Selection of Biometric Service Provider
- Hiring of Housekeeping Services in UIDAI RO Mumbai
- Tender to EOI for Selection of Managed Services – Application Provider-1
- Tender to EOI for Selection of Managed Server Provider - Infrastructure Provider
- Tender to EOI for Selection of Biometric Service Provider
- Hiring of Data Center Maintenance Agency for UIDAI Data Centers at Bengaluru & Manesar
- Re-scheduling the dates for RFP for Selection of Agency for providing Secure QR Code Generation Solution alongwith Source Code for UIDAI
- RFP for Toll Free Number & Allied Services for contact centers of UIDAI
- Hiring of Vehicles (Monthly, Daily and Outstaion Basis) for UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi and its Camp Office at Patna
- Hiring of Vehicles(Monthly, Daily and Outstation basis) for UIDAI, Regional Office, Ranchi and its Camp Office at Patna.
- Hiring of Data Centre Maintenance Agency for UIDAI Data Centers at Bengaluru & Manesar
- EOI cum Prequalification for Selection of Governance Risk Compliance & Performance (GRCP) Service Provider (SP)
- Online RFP for telecast of TVCs through GECs
- corrigendum- RFP for TFN and allied services of UIDAI
- Clarifications reg Corrigendum 2 in respect of EOI cum Pre-Qual for Selection of GRCP -SP
- Expression of Interest cum Pre-Qualification for Selection of Governance Risk Compliance & performance Service Provider (GRCP-SP)
- Corrigendum in r/o EoI cum pre-qualification for Selection of GRCP -SP
- Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for Hiring of Vehicles for Regional Office & Tech Center, UIDAI, Bangalore
- Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of SAN-High Speed Storage System
- Hiring of Data Centre Maintenance Agency for UIDAI Data Centers at Bengaluru & Manesar
- Limited tender for Supply, lnstallation, Testing and Commissioning of Tally Server 9 software at UlDAl, Head Office, New Delhi including AMC of three years
- NIT for Disposal of e-waste at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
- cancellation of Online RFP for telecast of TVCs through GECs
- Clarifications /Replies to Pre-Bid Queries pertaining to RFP- Engagement of Interactive Virtual Learning Content Development Agency for UIDAI Ecosystem
- Production of “The Third Aadhaar Mini-series films and audio spots”
- Hiring of Data Centre Maintenance Agency for UIDAI Data Centers at Bengaluru & Manesar
- Hiring of Data Centre Maintenance Agency for UIDAI Data Centers at Bengaluru & Manesar
- Temporary illumination of UIDAI Hq building during the days of National importance.
- Comprehensive AMC of Centrally AC System(HVAC) Make Voltas alongwith Server Room Unit installed at UIDAI RO-Delhi
- RFP & NIT for Providing “Employability Assessment Services” for recruitments in UIDAI - 2019
- Proposal for Re-painting of various pipeline and Grill gates, street light poles and other miscellaneous painting work at UIDAI Tech Centre, Bengaluru
- Request for proposal for proving "Employability Assessment-Services" for recruitment in UIDAI-2109
- Corrigendum III - Extension of Bid submission date under Request for Proposal for providing "Employability Assessment - Services" for recruitment in UIDAI - 2019
- RFP for Printing and dispatch of Aadhaar Documents
- Temporary illumination of UIDAI HQ Building, Bangla Sahib Road, New Delhi during Independence/Republic Day Celebrations/Other days of National Importance
- RFP For Print Service Providers (PSP) For Printing Of Aadhaar PVC Card
- Comprehensive Facility Management Services (FMS) for UIDAI, Technology Centre Building, Tata Nagar, Bengaluru
- Comprehensive Facility Management Services (FMS) for UIDAI, Technology Centre Building, Tata Nagar, Bengaluru (2)
- RFP for Aadhaar Hologram Provider" along with NIT(notice Inviting Tender)
- Tender for Hiring of Housekeeping Services in UIDAI RO, Mumbai
- Reply to Pre-bid queries raised by the prospective bidders-RFP for Selection of Service Providers for Printing and Dispatch of Aadhaar Documents
- Compehensive Facility Management Services ( FMS) for UIDAI, Technology Centre Building, Tata Nagar, Bengaluru- 560092
- Retender Empanelment of Employability Assessment
- Notice for Annual Maintenance Contract
- Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Post Warranty Maintenance of SAN-High Speed Storage System (ODS)
- Corrigendum to RFP for Aadhaar Hologram Service Provider
- Temporary illumination of UIDAI HQ Building, Bangla Sahib Road, New Delhi during Independence/Republic Day Celebrations/Other days of National Importance
- Tender for employability assessment services
- Additional Terms and Conditions to UIDAI’s bid on GeM
- Notice Inviting Quotation- Repainting of various pipe line and other structures at UIDAI Technology Center
- Re-Painting of various pipeline and grill gates, street light poles and other miscellaneous painting work at UIDAI Tech Centre, Bengaluru tender extension-reg
- Annual maintenance contract for comprehensive maintenance of Central Air-Conditioning Plant" (HV AC System) installed at UIDAI RO-Delhi
- Request for Empanelment of Software Development Agencies (SDAs)
- Clarification Corrigendum for Empanelment of Software Development Agencies (SDAs) in UIDAI
- Bid document for disposal of obsolete IT Equipments
- Tender for Portal for Professional Evaluation of Developers, Testers and Support Resources
- Corrigendum2-Date Extension for Empanelment of Software Development Agencies (SDAs)
- Corrigendum-3-Date Extension for Empanelment of Software Development Agencies (SDAs)
- RPF for Aadhaar Data Quality Check Service Agencies 2020
- NIT for Aadhaar Data Quality Check Service Agencies 2020
- Corrigendum-4-Extension of proposal Submission date for SDAs from 15.05.2020 to 01.06.2020
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Video walls and its associated equipments
- NIT for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Video walls and its associated equipments
- Cancellation of Tender Notice
- Notice inviting for disposal of old electronics and IT equipment
- RFP for Upgrade of Data Centres
- NIT for Upgrade of Data Centres
- Revised NIT for holding 2nd Pre-bid meeting on RFP ADQCSA
- RFP for Supply of Manpower Services
- NIT for Supply of Manpower Services
- Revised NIT for holding 2nd Pre-bid meeting on RFP ADQCSA
- Tender for Hiring of Vehicle Services in UIDAI RO Mumbai
- Corrigendum & Clarification for RFP for providing Manpower Services
- Corrigendum of RPF for Upgrade of Data Centres with Response to Bidders Queries and NIT
- Revised NIT for extension of bid submission start and bid submission end date RFP ADQCSA
- RFP, NIT & BoQ for Replacement of Battery Bank at Data Centres of UIDAI
- RFP for Upgrade of Data Centres
- Corrigendum 3 of RFP for Upgrade of Data Centres
- VHF Set and Walkie-Talkies along-with accessories and SITC (Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning)
- RFP for Replacement of Battery Bank at Data Centres of UIDAI
- Tender notice for Housekeeping Services at UIDAI Manesar Data Centre, Manesar, Gurgaon (Haryana)
- Replies to Pre-Bid Queries and Corrigendum to ADQCSA RFP
- UIDAI Response to Bidder's Queries in respect of the RFP for Replacement of Battery Bank at Data Centres of UIDAI
- RFP for Upgrading of Data Centres at Bengaluru and Manesar
- Date extension - 5 documents in respect of the RFP for Upgrade of Data Centres
- Date Extension - 3 document in respect of RFP for Replacement of Battery Bank at Data Centres of UIDAI
- RFP for providing of manpower services in UIDAI
- NIT for providing of manpower services in UIDAI
- Clarification and Corrigendum for Request for Proposal for providing “Manpower Services in UIDAI"
- Revised RFP and NIT for Providing “Manpower Services in UIDAI”
- Clarification on pre-bid queries under “Request for Proposal for providing “Manpower Services” in UIDAI
- Auction for Disposal of Wooden Logs on "as is where is basis" at UIDAI Residential Complex site at Pocket-3, DDU Marg, New Delhi
- Corrigendum II under “Request for Proposal for providing “Manpower Services” in UIDAI
- Date Extension -1 document in respect of RFP for Replacement of Battery Banks at Data Centers of UIDAI
- Corrigendum-1 under RFP for Replacement of Battery Banks at Data Centers of UIDAI
- NIT for Aadhaar Data Quality Audit Service Agencies 2020
- Notice inviting tender for Aadhaar Data Quality Audit Service Agencies 2020
- Hiring of Vehicles (Monthly, Daily and Outstation basis) for UIDAI, Camp Office at Patna
- Hiring of Vehicles (Monthly, Daily and Outstation basis) for UIDAI, Regional office at Ranchi
- RFP for Aadhaar Data Quality Audit Service Agencies 2020
- Revised NIT for Aadhaar Data Quality Audit Service Agencies 2020
- Corrigendum and clarification on pre-bid queries under Aadhaar Data Quality Audit Service Agencies 2020
- Annual Maintenance Contract for comprehensive maintenance of “Central Air-Conditioning Unit" (HVAC System)
- NIT for e-procurement of Hiring of Taxi Service for UIDAI HQ and RO Delhi
- RPF for e-procurement of Hiring of Taxi Service for UIDAI HQ and RO Delhi
- NIT for e-procurement of hiring of taxi service through CPPP portal for UIDAI RO Bengaluru & Tech centre
- Hiring of vehicles for regional office and technology centre, UIDAI Bengaluru
- NIT for Catering Management Service and Running of Canteen
- RFP for Catering Management Service and Running of Canteen
- NIT for procurement of iPads at UIDAI HQ, Delhi
- RFP for procurement of iPads at UIDAI HQ, Delhi
- e-Procurement of Housekeeping and Allied Services including Rate Contract of Consumables
- Hiring of Watch & Ward and Fire Safety Services in UIDAI HQ
- Hiring of Watch & Ward and Fire Safety Services in UIDAI HQ
- RFP for Engagement of Service Provider for Hiring and Management of Human Resources
- Corrigendum II on additional clause under RFP for Engagement of Service Provider for Hiring and Management of Human Resources
- Corrigendum-III regarding extension of bid submission date under RFP for engagement of Service Provider for Hiring and Management of Human Resources
- Hiring and Management of Human Resources (Tender ID: 2021_DIT_663514_1) is extended upto 07.02.2022
- NIT For Printing of Aadhaar PVC Card
- RFP For Printing of Aadhaar PVC Card
- NIT for Aadhaar Hologram Providers
- RFP for Aadhaar Hologram Providers
- Replies to the Pre bid queries of the RFP for Printing of Aadhaar PVC cards
- Replies to the Pre-bid queries of the RFP for Aadhaar Hologram Providers
- Corrigendum-IV Extension of bid submission date - RFP for engagement of Service Provider for “Hiring and Management of Human Resources”
- Request for Empanelment of Software Development Agencies (SDAs)
- Notice Inviting tender through E procurement
- Tender Document for SDA RFE
- Hiring Of Horticulture Services for Supply of Mixed Cut Flowers and Indoor Potted Plants Including Plantation and Gardening in UIDAI HQ, New Delhi110001 Through Custom Bid on GeM
- Clarification/Corrigendum/Addendum to SDA RFE
- Published Document on CPP Portal
- Custom Bid- GeM for Printing and Dispatch of Aadhaar Letters
- Printing and Dispatch of Aadhaar Documents
- GeM Bid No. GEM/2022/B/2177200 dated 13.05.2022 for hiring of Taxi services for UIDAI HQ and RO, Delhi
- GEM Bid Corrigendum Notification
- POC environment setup to evaluate the Indian OEM’s product/services to foster “Make in India” initiative
- NIT for engagement of Service Provider for "Hiring and Management of Human Resources" in UIDAI
- RFP for engagement of Service Provider for "Hiring and Management of Human Resources" in UIDAI
- RFP for engagement of Service Provider for "Hiring and Management of Human Resources" in UIDAI
- RFP document for 'Printing and Dispatch of Aadhaar Address Validation Letter'-GEM/2022/B/2351896
- Hiring and Management of Human Resources
- hiring of taxis at UIDAI HQ and RO Delhi
- Corrigendum to BID ID: GEM/2022/B2387660 dated 27.07.2022 for hiring of taxis at UIDAI HQ and RO, Delhi
- Corrigendum for extension of Bid submission date under RFP for engagement of Service Provider for “Hiring and Management of Human Resources”
- Request for Proposal (RFP) through GeM Portal for Selection & Empanelment of a Multimedia Agency for UIDAI’s Public Awareness Campaigns
- PoC environment for hardware based secure key management/ exchange solution
- Corrigendum to Request for Proposal (RFP) through GeM Portal (BID NO: GEM/2022/B/2449442) for Selection & Empanelment of a Multimedia Agency for UIDAI’s Public Awareness Campaigns (last date of bid submission extended to 14.09.2022)
- Supply, installation and commissioning of Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution for 350 users and 10000 Devices at HDC & MDC in HA MODE at each location DC-DR failover-one solution. Details of scope of work, technical specification are attached in annexure A and Annexure B GEM BID: GEM/2022/B/2658842 Dated 19.10.2022 , TOD : 09.11.2022
- NIT for FMS
- Gem FMS bid
- FMS bid document
- Corrigendum-FMS
- Supply, installation, Integration, configuration and user acceptance Testing of Dedicated Purpose Built Intrusion Prevention system (IPS) Qty. 24 Nos. as per attached specification in GEM BID: GEM/2022/B/2779167 Dated 05.12.2022, TOD: 29.12.2022
- Corrigendum I - Pre-Bid response/clarifications
- CORRIGENDUM II (Date Extension) - GEM/2022/B/2690078 -RFP FOR (ADQCSA/ADQASA) 2022 PUBLISHED ON 04.11.2022
- GeM Bid Document for Hiring of Vehicle at RO Lucknow.
- RFP for hiring of an agency for outsourcing of Accounting Function of UIDAI
- Corrigendum III -Extension of Bid submission date
- Corrigendum to the "RFP dated 28.12.2022 for hiring of an agency for outsourcing of Accounting Function of UIDAI
- Corrigendum IV -Extension of Bid submission date
- RFP for Printing of Aadhaar Intimation and Status Letter
- GeM-Bidding for Printing of Aadhaar Intimation and Status Letter
- Comprehensive Annual maintenance contract for Mcafee WebGateway Solution as per Details in technical specification . GEM BID: GEM/2023/B/3033332 Dated 24.01.2023 , TOD : 03.02.2023
- GeM Bid document for Procurement of 48 Desktop Computers for RO Lucknow.
- Request for Proposal (RFP) for Operating Contact Centers of UIDAI- Gem Bidding Document
- Clarifications of Pre-bid Queries & Corrigendum to Bid floated for operating contact center of UIDAI
- Hiring of Security Services at RO Lucknow
- Procurement of Supply, Installation, Testing & commissioning of Appliance based Web Application Firewall(WAF) solution as per details specification in annexure A and B Qty-4 Nos. GEM BID: GEM/2023/B/3210204 Dated 05.04.2023 , TOD : 26.04.2023
- Bid document of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) of Car Parking System on Gem portal
- Bid document of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) of Car Parking System on Gem portal
- Bid document of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) of Vertical Green Wall (2885 Sqft) including Irrigation System on Gem portal
- Bid Document for Empanelment of Creative/Multimedia Agency by UIDAI
- Bid Document for Corrigendum in bid Document for Empanelment of Creative/Multimedia Agency by UIDAI
- Bid document of Supply, installation. Testing & Commissioning (SITC) of Network Video Recorder (CCTV) with 3 months video recording and Software are license validity, warranty for 5 (Five) years on Gem Portal
- Custom Bid Services Tender ref no.: UIDAI/RO-GHY/Dist. Level ASKs on Bort Model/57 /2022 / 459 Dated: 12 -05-2023
- Gem Bid Corrigendum Document
- Gem Bid Cancellation -- Bid no.: GEM/2023/B/3359217
- Custom Bid for Services - Establishing And Running District Level Aadhaar Seva Kendras on BORT Model Under RO Bengaluru
- Request for Proposal (RFP) for Operating Contact Centers of UIDAI- Gem Bidding Document
- Corrigendum Bid Document to RFP w.r.t Bid No GEM/2023/B/3454731
- Bid document of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) of Vertical Green Wall (2885 Sqft) including Irrigation System on Gem portal
- Clarifications to Pre-bid Queries and corrigendum in context to RFP for Operating Contact Center of UIDAI floated vide GEM/2023/B/3504094
- GeM Bid document of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract of 100KWp Rooftop Solar Power Plant
- Request for Proposal (RFP) for Operating Contact Centers of UIDAI-Gem Bidding Documents
- Bid document of Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning (SITC) of Network Video Recorder (CCTV) with 3 Months Video Recording & Software are license validity, warranty for 5(Five) years on Gem Portal.
- Bid Corrigendum - RFP for operating contact centers of UIDAI'-GEM/2023/B/3687768
- Request for Proposal (RFP) for engagement of Agency for Manpower Services at UIDAI
- NIT for engagement of Agency for Manpower Services at UIDAI
- GeM-Bidding-5157435 for engagement of Agency for Manpower Services at UIDAI
- Procurement of SITC of CSPM and CWPP solution as per details in annexure A and B .GEM BID: GEM/2023/B/3745303 dated 14.08.2023, Bid Opening date : 04.09.2023
- Procurement of SITC of Database Activity Monitoring (DAM) solution as per details in annexure A and B. GEM BID: GEM/2023/B/3695096 dated 16.08.2023 , TOD : 06.09.2023
- Bid Document of Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning (SITC) of Network Video Recorder (CCTV) with 3 months video recording and Software are license validity, warranty for 5 (Five) years
- Bid documents for Housekeeping & Allied Services for UIDAI HQ and Aadhaar Housing complex on Gem Portal for 3 Years
- Bid document of Procurement of toner cartridges for six months
- Bid document For Housekeeping Consumables required at UIDAI HQ and Aadhaar Housing Complex, New Delhi on GeM Portal for 1 Years.
- Procurement of stationery items for three months
- Bid document of hiring of Watch & Ward, Fire Safety Services and Lift Attendant Services for 3 (Three) years at UIDAI HQ, Bangla Sahab Road, New Delhi-110001 and Aadhaar Housing Complex, DDU Marg, New Delhi-110001 through Bid on GeM Portal.
- Procurement of the stationery items for three months.
- Bid document For Housekeeping Consumables required at UIDAI HQ and Aadhaar Housing Complex, New Delhi on GeM Portal for 1 Years.
- Bid document of Office Suite Software
- Procurement of DDoS attack mitigation service as per scope pf work and tech spec in annexure A& B GEM BID: GEM/2023/B/434061 dated 14.12.2023 , TOD : 04.01.2024
- GeM Bid Cancellation -- Bid no.: GEM/2023/B/3454731
- Bid Document No. GEM/2024/B/4458920 dated 11-01-2024 for Engagement of Interactive Virtual Learning Content Development Agency
- Bid documents of Hiring of catering Management and Services Running of Canteen Services in UIDAI Head Office
- Bid document of M365 for Apps for Enterprises with Three Years Subscription
- Bid document of Housekeeping & Allied Services for UIDAI HQ and Aadhaar Housing Complex on GeM Portal for 3 Years.
- Procurement of Laptops and Printers for UIDAI
- Bid Corrigendum - RFP for Engagement of Interactive Virtual Learning Content Development Agency - GEM/2024/B/4458920
- Procurement of Kitchen Chimney
- Bid Document for procurement of 3 Nos. of TV sets through GeM portal at RO Mumbai
- Procurement of Office Suite M365 for UIDAI
- Corrigendum for GeM Bid Number GEM/2024/B/4854245 regarding procurement of Office Suite M365 for UIDAI
- Bid document of hiring AMC Services of Heavy-Duty Photocopiers in UIDAI Head Office for a period of one year
- Procurement of SITC of Data Wall Display Solution. GEM BID: GEM/2024/B/5074063 dt. 21.06.2024 TOD : 12.07.2024
- Procurement of GYM equipment for Aadhaar Housing Complex.
- Procurement of Desktop Computers and All-In-One PCs for UIDAI
- Bid document of Housekeeping & Allied Services including Consumables for UIDAI HO and Aadhaar Housing Complex on GeM Portal for 3 Years.
- Hiring of Watch & Ward, Fire Safety Services and Lift Attendant Services at UIDAI (HO) & Aadhaar Housing Complex)
- Hiring of Services through GeM portal towards temporary illumination of UIDAI HO building during the days of National Importance at UIDAI (HO)
- Comprehensive maintenance of Aadhaar Housing Complex (Civil and Electrical works) ( AHC ) at Deen Dyal Upadhyaya (DDU ) Marg, New Delhi .
- Operation and Maintenance of Effluent/Sewage Treatment Plant.
- Bid document of Hiring an agency of Taxi Services at UIDAI Head Office and Regional office, Delhi on GeM Portal for 2 Years.
- Operation And Maintenance Of Lifts (Elevators) – Complete System
- Hiring of Taxi Services for UIDAI Head Office and Regional Office, Delhi for two years.
- Notice for inviting offer for Installation of ATM
- Hiring an agency for Maintenance of Horticulture Assets/ Lawns for Aadhaar Housing Complex (AHC)
- Request for Proposal for Toll Free Number (1947) & allied services for contact center of UIDAI-Bid document.
- Technology
- Internship in UIDAI
- Young Professional Hiring Policy
- Advertisement for Hiring of Technical Consultants
- Deputation/Contract
- Right to Information
- UIDAI Citizens Charter
- Archives
- Aadhaar Dashboard
- POSH Policy and ICC at UIDAI
- Ecosystem
- UIDAI Ecosystem
- Enrolment Ecosystem
- Enrolment Documents
- Archived MOUs
- Sanction Orders
- Aadhaar Saturation Report , PDF 0.448 MB
- Terms of Engagement (TOE)
- TOE-Karnataka Bank
- TOE-DC West Delhi
- TOE-AU Small Finance Bank
- TOE-Yes Bank
- TOE-CSC e-Governance Services
- TOE-Central bank
- TOE-Calcutta Telephone Bhawan
- TOE-Labour Commissioner-Haryana Chandigarh
- TOE-Indusland Bank
- TOE-State Urban Development Society Haryana
- TOE-Social Welfare Tribal Affairs Deptt-Mizoram
- TOE Gujarat
- TOE SJ E Himachal Pradesh
- TOE-DC South Delhi.
- TOE-Goa
- TOE-Social Welfare Tribal Deptt Mizoram
- TOE-GAD Commissioner Secretary Meghalaya
- TOE-Women and Child Deppt Gujarat
- TOE-Union Bank of India Financial Inclusion Deptt Hyderabad
- TOE-BSNL Gujarat Circle
- TOE-Panchayat Rural Housing Rural Development Deptt Gujarat
- TOE-Bandhan Bank
- TOE-UCO Bank Financial Inclusion Deptt
- TOE-SBI Bank
- TOE-DC North West Delhi
- TOE-Axis Bank
- TOE-Kotak Mahindra Bank
- TOE-School Education Puducherry
- TOE-Health Deptt Chandigarh
- TOE-RBL Bank
- TOE-Planning Research Deptt Puducherry
- TOE-South West Delhi
- TOE-Prohibition Excise Registration Deptt Bihar
- TOE-Maharashtra
- TOE-Central Railway Mumbai
- TOE-DC New Delhi
- TOE-IDFC First Bank
- TOE-DCB Bank
- TOE-Food Civil supplies Consumer Affair Punjab
- TOE-BSNL Chhattisgarh Telecom Circle Raipur
- TOE - Municipal Corporation of Delhi
- Terms of Engagement of Registrar-BSNL
- TOE-E&ITD-Govt of Kerala
- Archive Enrolment Documents
- Authentication Ecosystem
- Authentication Devices & Documents
- Biometric Devices
- QR Code Reader
- About Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-kyc
- Developer Section
- Authentication Documents
- Disincentives to be imposed on Authentication eKYC User Agencies (AUA/KUA)
- AUA KUA Appointment Letter and Bank Guarantee
- AUA KUA Agreement V 4.0
- Disincentives to be imposed on Authentication Service Agencies (ASA)
- ASA Appointment Letter and Bank Guarantee
- ASA Application Form
- ASA Agreement V 4.0
- Circular for AUA/KUA and ASA Agreements v.4.0
- Delta Certification process for Registered Devices
- Implementation of HSM by AUA/KUA/ASA
- Appointment of Sub-AUA –Application & Undertaking
- Circular on Aadhaar Data Vault Implementation by AUA/KUA
- Circular for clarification of LF/BG of AUA/KUA and ASA
- Circular for Implementation of Registered Devices Services
- Circular of reminder for submission of Bank Guarentee and Licence fee
- Whitelisting of Aadhaar based applications developed by AUAs , KUAs and Sub-AUAs
- Circular for Implementation of Virtual ID, UID Token and Limited KYC
- Aadhaar OTP Request API 2.5
- Circular for Implementation of Virtual ID, UID Token and Limited KYC, dated 04th June 2018
- Implementation of Virtual ID and UID Token and Limited e-KYC, dated 29th June 2018
- Aadhaar Tokenize API (For migration purposes only) Technical Specification - Version 1.0
- Circular 09 of 2020: Best Practices of Fingerprint Authentication
- Aadhaar Notice and Consent Guidelines
- State Govt proposals approved under the Aadhaar Authentication for Good Governance (Social Welfare, Innovation, Knowledge) Rules, 2020
- State Government notifications issued under section 7 of the Aadhaar Act
- Central Govt proposals approved under the Aadhaar Authentication for Good Governance (Social Welfare, Innovation, Knowledge) Rules, 2020
- Central Govt notifications issued under section 7 of the Aadhaar Act
- List of Live ASAs as on 19.11.2024
- Advisory regarding strengthening of authentication success rate for biometric authentication transactions regd vide file no. 13043/2/2021-Auth-I HQ dated 11.08.22
- Advisory regarding strengthening of Biometric Authentication Security vide file no. 13043/2/2021-Auth-I HQ dated 31.05.22
- Upgrade of existing L0 fingerprint Authentication Registered Device to L1 Compliant Fingerprint authentication Registered Devices in Aadhaar Authentication Ecosystem vide file no HQ-13021/1/2021-Auth-I HQ dated
- Upgrade of existing L0 fingerprint Authentication Registered Device to L1 Compliant Fingerprint authentication Registered Devices in Aadhaar Authentication Ecosystem vide file no HQ-13021/1/2021-Auth-I HQ dated 25.04.22
- Launch of Face Authentication vide file no. K-13028/01/2021 dated 03.06.22.
- Aadhaar Authentication API-2.5(Revision-1) of January 2022
- Aadhaar Registered Devices Technical Specification Version 2.0 (Revision-7) of Jan 2022
- ASA Audit Compliance Checklist V3.0
- Use biometric modality in non-assisted mode dated 13.01.2023
- Advisory regarding improving Authentication success rate of OTP failures and FAQs on OTP related Error Codes
- Phase out of existing fingerprint L0 Registered Devices from Aadhaar authentication ecosystem.
- Circular No. 03 of 2023_dated 31-03-2023 -Rationalization of Sub-AUA/Sub-KUA.
- Circular No. 04 of 2023_dated 05-04-2023 - Revising of License Fee for AUA/KUA based on their transaction volume.
- Circular No. 06 of 2023_dated 03-05-2023 - Pricing of Aadhaar Authentication Transactions.
- Authentication/Verification of Aadhaar vide file no. 10(22)/2017-EG-II(Vol-I) dated 19.06.2023
- Circular No. 07 of 2023 dated 11.07.2023 – Availing Aadhaar authentication modalities by Requesting Entities.
- FAQ's on Digital Life Certificate
- OMs on Sharing of Data in various Government Schemes
- Use of Virtual ID and UID Token in lieu of Aadhaar number and Limited e-KYC by AUAs classified as Local AUAs - Gazette Notification
- AUA/KUA Agreement Version 6.0
- Clarification regarding usage of Aadhaar as proof of date of Birth
- Compliance checklist for certifying compliance with controls that the AUA/KUA is required to have in place Version 1.0 [issued in March 2024]
- Compliance checklist for certifying compliance with controls that the Sub AUA/ Sub KUA is required to have in place Version 1.0 [issued in April 2024]
- Extension of deadline for sunset of existing L0 Fingerprint Registered Devices deployed in Aadhaar authentication ecosystem
- Phase out of existing L0 Registered Devices from Aadhaar Authentication ecosystem
- List of Sub_AUAs_Sub_KUAs as on 19.11.2024
- List of AUAs KUAs as on 19.11.2024
- List of Good Governance Schemes presently operated in the States/UTs.
- Partial Modification to Circular no. 3 of 2023
- Circular 1 of 2025 regarding execution of supplementary agreement or agreement to supplement AUA Agreement under sub-regulation (3A) of regulation 9 of the Aadhaar (Authentication and Offline Verification) Regulation, 2021
- AUA KUA Onboarding Process, AUA/KUA Application Form and Audit Compliance Checklists
- Compliance checklist for certifying compliance with controls that the Sub AUA and Sub KUA is required to have in place
- Sub AUA/Sub KUA Onboarding Process, Sub AUA/Sub KUA Application Form and Joint Undertaking
- Letter to RE's for Face Authentication Onboarding-checklist-22.01.2025
- UIDAI Circular 3 of 2024 regarding guidelines on requiring Aadhaar number for receipt of subsidy, benefit or service under section 7 of Aadhaar Act, 2016
- Template for section 7 notification
- Archive Authentication Documents
- Notification for charges for authentication services provided by UIDAI till December 2017
- Device Certification - Application Form and Undertaking.
- Circular for Registered Devices, dated 24th May, 2017
- Circular Continuation of Office Circular dated 31st May 2017
- Circular for Bank Challan details for Fee remittance
- Circular for Extension of depositing Bank Guarantee and License Fee
- Circular Regarding submission of Bank Guarantee
- DOs and DONTs for Ministry and State Version5
- Sharing of eKYC data with their Sub-AUAs
- Circular regarding clarification on GST for the License Fee, Financial Disincentive and Late Payment
- Aadhaar ekyc API 2.5
- Implementation of Virtual ID and UID Token and Limited e-KYC, dated 30.08.2018
- Circular 1 of 2019 – Implementation of Virtual ID, UID Token and Limited e-KYC
- Circular for License Renewal
- Reminder for Submission of License Fee & Bank Guarantee
- Circular 3 of 2019 – Implementation of Virtual ID, UID Token and Limited e-KYC
- Circular for Reminder of License Fee Renewal.
- Circular 6 of 2019 – Implementation of Virtual ID, UID Token and Limited e-KYC
- Requesting Entity Compliance Checklist V3.0
- Training, Testing & Certification Ecosystem
- Corrigendum to Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for training, testing and certification of Enrolment and Update (E&U) Operators. PDF,0.7 MB
- Media Coverage of Aadhaar
- Aadhaar based health card, pension for elderly
- Centre to push connectivity to aid for digital life
- Digital Highway gets big push
- UIDAI - No need for plastic Aadhaar - Statesman, HBL, IE
- UIDAI warns against agencies printing plastic Aadhaar cards - ET
- बायोमीट्रिक आधार भुगतान से तकनीकी क्रांति का मार्ग प्रशस्त होगा
- 1000 bank branches now have Aadhaar updation Centres
- A direct benefit
- Aadhaar guarantees personal freedom
- Aadhaar made mandatory to ensure poor get food
- Aadhaar required for those eligible -I Tax
- Aadhaar system is secure
- Deadline for linking Aadhaar and PAN extended
- E-Authentication a must to curb Aadhaar frauds ET Delhi
- E-authentication a must to curb Aadhaar frauds ET Bangalore
- Income Tax department launches new facility to link Aadhaar with PAN
- PM Modi's Aadhaar program wins World Bank praise amid 'big brother' fears
- Pragmatic realities of digital age need to be appreciated - Ravi S Prasad
- Verify if your Aadhaar is active
- अंकुश को आधार ने परिवार से मिलवाया
- डिजिटल करेंसी से बदलेगा देश : पीएम
- मनरेगा खातों को आधार से जोड़ने का अभियान
- (Aadhaar) That's a good thing - Ashwani Kumar
- $10 bn saved in subsidies as JAM plugged leakages_PM
- 1 लाख करोड़ डालर की हो जाएगी भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था
- 1 लाख फऱजी पेंशनभोगी मिले
- 10 Myths on Aadhaar debunked
- 100% Aadhaar Saturation in Himachal
- 11 lakh bogus PAN card not miniscule to harm economy - SC
- 11 लाख का फर्जी पैनआंकड़ा छोटा नहीं - सुप्रीम कोर्ट
- 119 बैंकों से जुड़ी आधार भुगतान सेवा
- 12 करोड़ लोग फर्जी कार्ड पर खाद्यान्न ले रहे थे
- 150 operators blacklisted for malpractices
- 16.65 cr PAN, 87.79 cr bank accounts linked to Aadhaar_Govt
- 18K bank branches, post offices have Aadhaar facility now_UIDAI
- 2300 bank branches have Aadhaar Centres
- 24 फर्जी वेबसाइटें और एप्स बंद
- 3 lakh Khatadhar untraceable
- 3.5 करोड़ राशन कार्डों में 1.5 करोड़ फर्जी
- 300 retailers quit as sale of fertilisers linked to Aadhaar
- 31 दिसम्बर तक 542 आधार केंद्र खोले जाएंगे
- 32 crore Aadhaar nubers linked to voter ID cards_CEC
- 34000 Aadhaar Agencies blacklisted by Govt since 2010
- 5 questions for the anti-Aadhaar brigade
- 50 हज़ार फर्जी राशन कार्ड आधार से पकड़े
- 55 lakh GST returns filed in January_Pandey
- 600 fake accounts found
- 63% school use firewood for cooking
- 6500 post offices providing Aadhaar enrolment and update service
- 71.24 cr mobile connections linked to Aadhaar
- 8 फऱजी आधार सेवा देने वाली वेबसाइटों पर केस
- 80-year-old man suffering from Alzheimer gets Aadhaar Card
- 938 complaints got over sale of SIMs on fake IDs_Sinha
- 97 percent ration cards linked to Aadhaar in Coimbatore
- 99% of Indians over 18 now have Aadhaar
- A big leap forward
- A big thumbs up to cashless Payments
- A design for Modicare
- A free & fair digital economy
- A game of Chinese whispers in the Aadhaar case
- A month's campaign for cashless transactions
- A unique innovation to strengthen privacy
- Aadhaar - Tips, Tricks, Ideas
- Aadhaar -PAN linkage Govt extends deadline till Dec 31
- Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016
- Aadhaar Act fair, reasonable law-Centre to SC
- Aadhaar Act has strong privacy provisions
- Aadhaar adds fresh security layer with 16 digit Virtual ID
- Aadhaar an identification, not profiling tool_UIDAI - Financial Chronicle
- Aadhaar an identification, not profiling tool_UIDAI - Millennium Post
- Aadhaar app set to change the game for epayments
- Aadhaar app will enable people to do cashless transactions
- Aadhaar as the foundation of Cashless Economy
- Aadhaar Authentication crosses 500 crore
- Aadhaar authentication failure in Supreme Court is a fake issue
- Aadhaar authentication has hit record high of 94 Cr in July
- Aadhaar award for Telangana postal circle
- Aadhaar based e-KYC verification of SIMs simplified
- Aadhaar based esign facility for at EPFO
- Aadhaar based KYC likely for Finsector
- Aadhaar based payments will the game changer in digital banking
- Aadhaar based verification of existing SIMs simplified
- Aadhaar biometric data is 100% secure_Gulshan Rai
- Aadhaar biometric info not breached_UIDAI
- Aadhaar Can’t Turn India into a “Big Brother” - Ajay Bhushan Pandey
- Aadhaar cannot be used for crime investigations_UIDAI
- Aadhaar card enrolment at post offices soon
- Aadhaar card registration for newborns starts in two state hospitals
- Aadhaar cards are being re-issued at relief camps
- Aadhaar copy helped nabbing the accused in a theft case
- Aadhaar critical step in enabling fairer access :U.N.
- Aadhaar crosses 1 cr mark in J&K
- Aadhaar data is completely safe_IT Minister Prasad
- Aadhaar data is fully safe_UIDAI Assam Tribune
- Aadhaar data is fully safe_UIDAI Millennium Post
- Aadhaar data is fully safe_UIDAI DNA
- Aadhaar data is fully safe_UIDAI
- Aadhaar data kept and processed only on own secured servers_UIDAI
- Aadhaar data kept on own secure servers_says UIDAI
- Aadhaar data safe, connot be breached_Prasad
- Aadhaar data safe, hacking into system is very tough
- Aadhaar data safe, not being sold - RS Prasad
- Aadhaar data secure and safe_UIDAI
- Aadhaar data snoop denied, system secure_ says UIDAI
- Aadhaar data theft hasn't compromised UIDAI server_ Cops
- Aadhaar database is safe and secure - Govt
- Aadhaar design particular about data protection
- Aadhaar does not record caste or race, says SC judge
- Aadhaar doesn't pose any privacy issue_Bill Gates
- Aadhaar doesn't pose any privacy issue_Gates
- Aadhaar e-KYC for NPS
- Aadhaar empowers the people, not the State_A B Pandey
- Aadhaar enabled devices keep ghost ration card holders at bay
- Aadhaar enabled merchant payment system a user friendly tool
- Aadhaar enabled payment platform on the anvil
- Aadhaar enhances dignity of poor, Centre tells SC
- Aadhaar enrolment in State crosses six-crore mark
- Aadhaar exposes 5 crore ghost accounts_Goyal
- Aadhaar FIR against unauthorised app owner
- Aadhaar for cashless payments
- Aadhaar for I-T Returns- CBDT backs data safety
- Aadhaar for insurance cover can help cut frauds
- Aadhaar for street kids
- Aadhaar has helped cancle 2 crore ration cards
- Aadhaar has more value than civic certificates_HC
- Aadhaar has put India ahead of advanced economies_Ambani
- Aadhaar helped reunite 90% of rescued children with their parents_ RPF Security Comm
- Aadhaar helped save Rs 90,000 Crore
- Aadhaar helped weed out 3 cr fake,duplicate ration cards_Min
- Aadhaar helps 16 mentally challenged boys return home
- Aadhaar helps family to find lost kid in Jodhpur
- Aadhaar helps HRD Ministry dig up 80,000 ghost lecturers
- Aadhaar helps rescue crorepati
- Aadhaar helps reunite missing boy with family after three years
- Aadhaar helps rlys tracw parents of trafficked children
- Aadhaar helps trace families of three more
- Aadhaar helps trace kin of runaways
- Aadhaar helps trace kin of unidentified mental patients
- Aadhaar helps track UP PDS scamsters
- Aadhaar helps weed out beneficiaries in child service plan
- Aadhaar introduces dynamic OTP in its app
- Aadhaar is a definite step forward
- Aadhaar is an evolving endeavour_NN
- Aadhaar is completely safe, secure and robust -Ravi Shankar Prasad
- Aadhaar is completely secure...it is not connected to the internet
- Aadhaar is for empowerment, not Big Brother
- Aadhaar is fully protected_Srikant
- Aadhaar is hard to destroy or temper with_AB Pandey
- Aadhaar is making people, not government, more powerful_ UIDAI Chief
- Aadhaar is necessary but need a robust data protection law - B. Jay Panda
- Aadhaar is not a secret number like your password or PIN says UIDAI chief
- Aadhaar is not a surveillance tool
- Aadhaar is now a must for death registration
- Aadhaar is Oxford's first Hindi word of the year
- Aadhaar is safe, robust and secure, says IT Minister Prasad
- Aadhaar is secure, Concerns misplaced- Ravi Shankar Prasad
- Aadhaar is the most trusted ID of the Country - AB PAndey
- Aadhaar key to reuniting children with families
- Aadhaar ko badnaam kiya ja raha hain
- Aadhaar law will pass constutionality test Jaitley
- Aadhaar leads to greater financial inclusion, says survey
- Aadhaar leak reports far from true_UIDAI
- Aadhaar less bank accounts to be invalid by the year end
- Aadhaar like ID No for businesses in the works
- Aadhaar like platform likely for Modicare
- Aadhaar like reforms cannot be seen in isolation
- Aadhaar link can plug leaks & replenish coffers
- Aadhaar link IT Act not discriminatory_SC - BL, M Post, PTI
- Aadhaar linkage brings down fake enrolments
- Aadhaar linkage sees cumulative transfer of $38 billion
- Aadhaar linkage with Bank Accounts mandatory
- Aadhaar linked Payments double to 13.7 m in March
- Aadhaar linking cuts NREGS wage delay, fund transfer also increases
- Aadhaar linking exposes 4.4 lakh ghost school kids
- Aadhaar linking mandatory for all insurance policies
- Aadhaar linking simplified
- Aadhaar linking weeds out 2.75 cr bogus ration cards
- Aadhaar links mentally ill boy with family
- Aadhaar made mandatory for post office deposits, PPF
- Aadhaar mandatory for CBSE exam registrations
- Aadhaar may be must for filing tax returns
- Aadhaar may be sought only from those who are eligible for it
- Aadhaar may replace surety bond for bails
- Aadhaar must for access to Survey of India maps
- Aadhaar must for bank accounts under KYC norms_RBI
- Aadhaar must for ITR filing_CBDT
- Aadhaar must for joining Cos boards
- Aadhaar must_RBI
- Aadhaar not a tool of exclusion_Pandey
- Aadhaar not Linked to Most PDS exclusion
- Aadhaar not mandatory for availing subsidy, benefits & services
- Aadhaar not mandatory for patients
- Aadhaar not to be linked with NATGRID
- Aadhaar now must for bank accounts
- Aadhaar of diieconomy
- Aadhaar operator tries to enrol Osama, booked
- Aadhaar or enrolment number must for return
- Aadhaar patta link plan gives jitters to landlords
- Aadhaar Pay takes off with 7 lakh shops already on it
- Aadhaar Payment System linked to 119 banks
- Aadhaar perhaps most widely held ID in India
- Aadhaar platform is fully protected_Nilekani
- Aadhaar please, we aren't Indian
- Aadhaar printed on paper is perfectly valid- Centre - Hindu
- Aadhaar required for online certificates
- Aadhaar rescued 500 missing kids_CEO UIDAI
- Aadhaar reunites runaway son with his mother in Gujarat
- Aadhaar rivals growth of Windows, Android, Facebook Nadella
- Aadhaar robust the poor have no complaints - Ravi Shankar
- Aadhaar safe, accountable - IT Minister
- Aadhaar saturation as on 15 August 2016
- Aadhaar saves khadi body Rs 153 cr
- Aadhaar se Garib khush, Garibon ka shoshan karne wale Nakhush_Prasad
- Aadhaar se lenden shuru
- Aadhaar security A virtual ID now to make it safer
- Aadhaar security enhanced with Virtual ID
- Aadhaar seeding cumpulsory for subsidy on e-rickshaw
- Aadhaar seva Kendra
- Aadhaar shows1500 teacher in Awadh Univ have multiple jobs
- Aadhaar study not an RBI one, not accurate either
- Aadhaar to be a game changer in digital space
- Aadhaar to be mandatory for open school examination
- Aadhaar to be proof for driving licence
- Aadhaar to be the pivot of payments
- Aadhaar to become must for filing under Cos Act
- Aadhaar to check land disputes
- Aadhaar to do away with witnesses for property registration
- Aadhaar to eliminate multiple PF accounts
- Aadhaar to soon BHIM your payments home
- Aadhaar to work as big weapon against benami property_PM
- Aadhaar touches 111 crore landmark
- Aadhaar uncovers around 130,000 ghost teachers in colleges
- Aadhaar unearthed major scam in nutritional programme
- Aadhaar unites three runaway kids to their families after years
- Aadhaar update units in all ward in Bangalore
- Aadhaar used or misused? There is a way to track where your Aadhaar number was used
- Aadhaar used to unite missing kids_Pandey
- Aadhaar verification for Mobile SIM
- Aadhaar very secure_Nilekani
- Aadhaar vs benami
- Aadhaar will check Tax evasion
- Aadhaar will help eliminate criminals and terrorists, says UID CEO
- Aadhaar won't compromise citizen's privacy_Govt
- Aadhaar wont go down PAN- Govt
- Aadhaar_ NRIs can assert ‘we are not eligible’
- Aadhaar_PAN linking hits name hurdle
- Aadhaar_UIDAI relaxes deadlines for banks
- Aadhaar- PAN linking must from July 1st
- Aadhaar- SC refers to Rajiv's remarks
- Aadhaar-Based transactions via_mobile in the offing
- Aadhaar-enable DBT savings estimated over Rs 90,000 crore
- Aadhaar-Enabled Payments Double, Digital Transactions Cross Rs 2,400 Crore Since Note Ban_ Five Facts
- Aadhaar-PAN link helps track dodgy deals worth Rs. 33,000 Crore
- Aadhaar-PAN linkage meant to plug tax leak, says SC
- Aadhaar-PAN linking must from July 1, govt notifies rules
- Aadhaar, bank accounts can be linked by March 31
- Aadhaar, DeMo, GST are reforms that have improved transparency
- Aadhaar, GST will create solid foundation for digital tax system
- Aadhaar, PAN must for opening accounts_RBI
- Aadhaar, PAN to be made must for bank accounts
- Aadhaar, the most trusted ID, empowers people_ AB Pandey
- Aadhaaris all set to replace pin
- AadhaarPay launch
- Aadhaars key to digital deals
- Aadhhaar helps in reunion of kids with families
- About 14 cr PAN linked to Aadhaar so far_UIDAI Chief
- After Google admits to indvertent error, Aadhaar officials slam rumour-mongers
- Aged and sick need not use Aadhaar for bank Accounts_Govt
- AIR News - UIDAI assures Citizens that centralised data base of Aadhar is fully secure
- Airports set to install e-gates for Aadhaar based travel from 2018
- Airtel allowed eKYC, but Not its Payments Bank
- Airtel allowed to conduct aadhaar based eKYC
- Airtel bank gets167 cr sas 31 lakh users consent
- Airtel can do eKYC till 10 Jan with riders
- Airtel may be fined for misusing Aadhaar
- Airtel may face fine for misusing Aadhaar details
- Airtel pays fine, to return Rs 190 crore
- Airtel repays Rs 138 cr of DBT amount
- Airtel set to pay interim fine of Rs 2.5 cr to UIDAI
- Airtel to NPCI- Will return Rs 190 Cr subsidy to original accounts