Brand Guideline
Information, Education and Communication Strategy
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) strategy of UIDAI aims to educate all the partners and residents so as to make them aware of the various usages and benefits which can be derived from Aadhaar. The Registrar, along with the UIDAI will strive to disseminate information regarding the applications of Aadhaar so that benefits of governmental and other schemes reach the intended beneficiaries.
To ensure comprehensive coverage across all the residents, the message of Aadhaar shall be spread through the following communication channels:
- Broadcast & Telecast: TV, radio, print, Internet
- Information: News and publications
- Outdoors: Posters, handouts, wall paintings, banners, hoarding
- Entertainment: Cinema, sports, endorsements
- Inter-personal: Audio, video, telecom
- Support infrastructure: Registrar and Enrolment Agency infrastructure
IEC Funding
UIDAI will provide the funding where required at the production and execution stage, for all material directly related to the Aadhaar brand. Funding for communication material associated with the Registrar that includes the Aadhaar brand will also be provided by UIDAI. However, any additional requirements by the Registrar for dissemination of information pertaining to their specific needs shall be borne by the Registrar.
A dedicated team from UIDAI, along with the relevant agencies such as Advertising & Public Relations will work closely with the Registrar in executing the IEC strategy.
The Awareness and Communications Strategy Advisory Council
- The UIDAI recognizing the importance of an awareness and communications strategy for the success of the UID project appointed an Awareness and Communications Strategy Advisory Council (ACSAC), with a mandate to recommend the awareness and communications strategy required to achieve the purposes of the UIDAI. The order constituting the Council as well as its mandate can be found here: Awareness and Communications Strategy Advisory Council order Doc Type: PDF Size: 0.1MB