- 41. API Error Handling
- (Data and Downloads Section)
- ... contact UIDAI helpdesk to report the issue and to understand further steps for the updation of ASA-AUA linkage. This error will be returned if AUA and ASA do not have linking in the portal 543 ...
- 42. Data and Downloads Sections
- (Common Category)
- ... contact UIDAI helpdesk to report the issue and to understand further steps for the updation of ASA-AUA linkage. This error will be returned if AUA and ASA do not have linking in the portal 543 ...
- 43. Gemalto drops report that claimed Aadhaar data breach
- (Print Media)
- 44. Banks, telcos could be allowed to use Aadhaar _ Jaitley
- (Print Media)
- 45. Aadhaar can not be hacked, few vested interested spreading lies
- (Print Media)
- 46. What are Error Codes?
- (Aadhaar Authentication History)
- ... “542” – AUA not authorized for ASA. This error will be returned if AUA and ASA do not have linking in the portal. “543” – Sub-AUA not associated with “AUA”. This error will be returned if Sub-AUA specified ...
- 47. Aadhaar for cashless payments
- (Print Media)
- 48. मोबाइल से भरे रिटर्न, आधार और पैन को लिंक करें
- (Print Media)
- 49. Select Maha post offices begin Aadhaar enrolment
- (Print Media)
- 50. No service can be denied for want of Aadhaar says UIDAI
- (Print Media)