Can a fraudster withdraw money from my Aadhaar linked bank account if he knows my Aadhaar number or has my Aadhaar card?keyboard_arrow_down
Does linking my bank account, PAN, and other services with Aadhaar make me vulnerable?keyboard_arrow_down
Why am I asked to verify Bank account, Demat account, PAN and various other services with Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
There are many agencies that simply accept physical copy of Aadhaar and do not carry out any biometric or OTP authentication or verification. Is this a good practice?keyboard_arrow_down
I gave my Aadhaar card to a service provider for proving my identity. Can anyone harm me by knowing and misusing my Aadhaar number?keyboard_arrow_down
If Aadhaar has to be freely used for proving identity and it is safe to do so, then why has UIDAI advised people not to put up their Aadhaar number in Social Media or public domain?keyboard_arrow_down
Recently, UIDAI has issued an advisory asking people not to share their Aadhaar number openly in the public domain especially on Social Media or other public platforms. Does this mean that I should not use Aadhaar freely?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I link PAN with Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Aadhaar PVC Card? Is it equivalent to paper based laminated Aadhaar Letter?keyboard_arrow_down
I applied for Aadhaar earlier but did not get it. So, I re-applied. When will I get my Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
I recently updated my Aadhaar. Can you please expedite it? I need it urgently.keyboard_arrow_down
After I get Enroled, how long will it take to get my Aadhaar letter? And how do I get my Aadhaar letter?keyboard_arrow_down
What if Aadhaar letter is not delivered to the Aadhaar Number holder?keyboard_arrow_down
What if an Aadhaar Number holder misplaces his Aadhaar number?keyboard_arrow_down
Is it compulsory to have registered mobile number to use mAadhaar services?keyboard_arrow_down
How Aadhaar number holder can create profile on m-Aadhaar App?keyboard_arrow_down
How Aadhaar number holder can view the profile?keyboard_arrow_down
Is there any process to update the Aadhaar details such as DOB, Mobile number , address etc. through mAadhaar App?keyboard_arrow_down
Is there any process to update the Aadhaar details through mAadhaar App , such like DOB, Mobile number , address etc. and completer process to be added?keyboard_arrow_down
Is it compulsory to have registered mobile number to use mAadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can mAadhaar be used?keyboard_arrow_down
How Date of Birth (DOB) in Aadhaar can be verified ?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the process to be followed for Aadhaar enrolment and what information is to be provided to get Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Will getting Aadhaar be compulsory?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the features and benefits of Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
How does the UIDAI protect the individual and their information?keyboard_arrow_down
What use can Aadhaar be put to?keyboard_arrow_down
How is Aadhaar different from any other identity issued by the government?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the possible criminal penalties envisaged against the fraud or unauthorized access to data?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the Data protection and privacy measures taken by UIDAI ?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the privacy protections in place to protect the right to privacy of the individual?keyboard_arrow_down
Can the Aadhaar number holder’s data be purged from Aadhaar database?keyboard_arrow_down
Can a individual opt out of Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
How will the grievances of the individual be addressed?keyboard_arrow_down
Who will have access to the UID database? How will the security of the database be ensured?keyboard_arrow_down
How does the UIDAI protect the individual and their information?keyboard_arrow_down
I am an NRI having address out-side India in my passport, can I enroll for Aadhaar with the same address ?keyboard_arrow_down
I am an NRI enrolled for Aadhaar with address out-side India, do I receive Aadhaar letter at address out-side India ?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the procedure for NRI's to enrol for Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Can an NRI apply for Aadhaar? keyboard_arrow_down
Can my passport be used for Aadhaar update of my spouse?keyboard_arrow_down
I am an NRI and I have an Aadhaar. Can my spouse be enrolled based on my Aadhaar & passport?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the process for Aadhaar enrolment for children of NRIs above 5 years and below 18 years of age?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I give an International mobile number in my Aadhaar details?keyboard_arrow_down
The address in my passport is not updated. I want to give my present address for my Aadhaar application. Is that possible?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the process for NRI enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
I do not have any Date of Birth proof. How do I update the DoB in Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
My date of birth in PAN and Aadhaar do not match. Not able to link them. Pls help?keyboard_arrow_down
My name is different in PAN and Aadhaar. It is not allowing me to link both. What to do?keyboard_arrow_down
What is MyAadhaar portal ?keyboard_arrow_down
How to login MyAadhaar portal ?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I use MyAadhaar portal without registered mobile number ?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the benefit of MyAadhaar portal?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the difference between mAadhaar and MyAadhaar ?keyboard_arrow_down
What arrangements have been made for individuals whose fingerprints (biometrics) have worn out due to old age?keyboard_arrow_down
Whether documents submitted in a request will be verified by external authority?keyboard_arrow_down
Is Aadhaar issued to Resident Foreign Nationals will be valid for lifetime ?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the process for Resident Foreign National enrolment ?keyboard_arrow_down
I am Resident Foreign National, can I enrol for Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Where multiple address proofs are available for a individual (e.g... present and native), which proof would UIDAI accept, and where will it send Aadhaar Letter?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the option if the address indicated on the Proof of Address (PoA) document appears to be inadequate for postal delivery? Can additional information from the individual seeking enrolment can be accepted?keyboard_arrow_down
Whether the Ration Card, MGNREGA Card etc can be accepted as Valid Proof of Identity/Address for the family members listed in the document in case they do not have separate PoI or PoA documents?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the responsibilities of Individuals seeking enrolment in ensuring that his/her enrolment does not get rejected?keyboard_arrow_down
My Aadhaar request is rejected, What should I do?keyboard_arrow_down
I have enrolled for Aadhaar multiple times but have not received my Aadhaar letter. What should I do in this case?keyboard_arrow_down
Does the online downloaded Aadhaar letter have the same validity as that of original?keyboard_arrow_down
Is it mandatory to provide mobile number or email id for Aadhaar enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I get myself enrolled for Aadhaar just by sending the required documents by Post?keyboard_arrow_down
Is there any online method of getting enrolled for Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Will the refund be provided after cancelling the appointment?keyboard_arrow_down
I lost my Aadhaar and my mobile number is also not registered with Aadhaar. Can I get it at ASK?keyboard_arrow_down
I did not get my Aadhaar Card. Can I get it at Aadhaar Enrolment Centre?keyboard_arrow_down
How will the biometric of the differently abled and people with no fingerprints or rugged hands e.g. beedi workers or people with no fingers be captured?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can I enrol for Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the documents required for enrolment for Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Do I need to bring original documents for Aadhaar enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
Do I have to pay any fee for Aadhaar enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
What kind of data gets captured during Aadhaar Enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I get Enroled for Aadhaar if any of my fingers or iris is missing?keyboard_arrow_down
Is there any age limit for Aadhaar enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I get my Aadhaar letter downloaded online after it is generated?keyboard_arrow_down
What arrangements have been made for individuals whose fingerprints (biometrics) have worn out due to old age?keyboard_arrow_down
Can Foreign National update their demographic/Biometric information in Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Is HoF based Update is allowed for Resident Foreign Nationals?keyboard_arrow_down
My request for gender update rejected as limit exceeded, how can I update my gender?keyboard_arrow_down
My request for name update rejected as limit exceeded, how can I update my name?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I get my Aadhaar Letter downloaded online after updation?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I update Biometrics (FingerPrints/ Iris/Photograph) in Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Can one enrol for Aadhaar from anywhere in India?keyboard_arrow_down
Do I need to bring original documents for updation at the Aadhaar Enrolment Centre?keyboard_arrow_down
Do I need to visit the same enrolment centre for update also where my original enrolment was done?keyboard_arrow_down
Does submission of request guarantee an update of demographic information?keyboard_arrow_down
How many Aadhaars can be linked with the same mobile number?keyboard_arrow_down
How much time does it take to get an updation in Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
I have lost my mobile number/ do not possess the number that I enrolled with Aadhaar. How should I submit my update request? Can I update it online?keyboard_arrow_down
Is there any fee involved for updation in Aadhaar details?keyboard_arrow_down
Shall I get the Aadhaar letter again after any update?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the documents required for updation in Aadhaar details?keyboard_arrow_down
What details can I get update at Aadhaar Enrolment Centre?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can I update my mobile number?keyboard_arrow_down
Whether the marriage certificate with photograph issued by Church and duly counter-signed by Christian Marriage Registrar appointed under section 7 of the Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872, is a valid PoI/PoR document for the purpose of Aadhaar enrolment and update?keyboard_arrow_down
Will my Aadhaar number get changed after updation?keyboard_arrow_down
Will the Aadhaar be delivered after updating mobile number or email id?keyboard_arrow_down
Is there any provision available to update my regional language in Aadhaar to display all fields in same regional language?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the role and responsibilities of a verifier at Aadhaar Enrolment and Update centre?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the role and responsibilities of an operator at Aadhaar Enrolment and Update centre?keyboard_arrow_down
Can individuals without proper document permitted to enrol for Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the UIDAI Guidelines for Verification that the Verifier must keep in mind while verifying the Documents?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the responsibilities of a Verifier?keyboard_arrow_down
Who is a Supervisor and what are his/her qualifications?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the Document Scanning Guidelines of UIDAI?keyboard_arrow_down
What Does the Operator do after Capturing Demographic and Biometric Data of the applicant?keyboard_arrow_down
How does the Operator Review Data with the Applicant ?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the UIDAI Guidelines for Biometric Data Capture?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the UIDAI Guidelines for Demographic Data Capture?keyboard_arrow_down
Who is an Operator and what are his/her qualifications?keyboard_arrow_down
Are EAs allowed to sub-contract Enrolment Work?keyboard_arrow_down
Who is an Enrolment Agency (EA)?keyboard_arrow_down
Who is a Registrar?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the enrolment procedure for children below the age of 5 years (Resident Indian/NRI)?keyboard_arrow_down
Whether UIDAI has defined a process to be followed for HOF enrolments?keyboard_arrow_down
How much time does it take to get my Aadhaar generated after the enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
What language will the database be maintained? In what language will authentication services be provided? In what language will communication between UIDAI and the individual take place?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I import pre-enrolment data in local language?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I enter data in local language?keyboard_arrow_down
Which languages are supported for enrolment at an enrolment centre?keyboard_arrow_down
What do you mean when you say that a particular language is supported?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I make local language the primary source for data entry?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the common issues seen with Indian Language Input?keyboard_arrow_down
Is Training, Testing and Certification (TT&C) Policy applicable for Authentication Operators?keyboard_arrow_down
Can a suspended Operator re-enter the Aadhaar Ecosystem?keyboard_arrow_down
If a candidate is already working under a Registrar/Enrolment Agency and wants to work with another Registrar/Enrolment Agency, what should he/she do?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can I find mock question paper?keyboard_arrow_down
If an Operator fails the re-certification exam, can he/she re-appear?keyboard_arrow_down
Is there any validity of the certificate?keyboard_arrow_down
Who will issue the passing certificate? keyboard_arrow_down
Where are certification exam centers located?keyboard_arrow_down
How will the certification exam be conducted?keyboard_arrow_down
Can Registrar/EA make Bulk Online Payment for Registration and Scheduling process of the candidates’ exam/re-exam?keyboard_arrow_down
If a candidate wants to take the re-exam, would he/she have to pay the fee again?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the fee for taking the certification exam?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the minimum passing mark in the certification exam?keyboard_arrow_down
What are different types of Training programs available at UIDAI?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the Categories of Aadhaar Operators?keyboard_arrow_down
Under which regulation does training of Authentication Operators fall?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the primary functions of Training, Testing and Certification Division?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the eligibility criteria to work as an Aadhaar Operator?keyboard_arrow_down
What will be the new validity of the certificate if an Operator passes the re-certification exam within 6 months of expiry of the current certificate?keyboard_arrow_down
When should an Operator take the re-certification exam?keyboard_arrow_down
Re-certification is required under what circumstances?keyboard_arrow_down
A candidate has cleared the certification exam and got the certificate, how can he/she get a job as an Aadhaar Operator?keyboard_arrow_down
How many times can a candidate take the certification exam?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the validity of the certification exam fee?keyboard_arrow_down
Whom should a candidate contact in case of facing any problem during registration process?keyboard_arrow_down
Is certification exam/re-exam fee refundable?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the duration of the certification exam? How many questions are asked in the certification exam?keyboard_arrow_down
Can any individual apply for the certification exam?keyboard_arrow_down
Who conducts the certification exam?keyboard_arrow_down
Is Aadhaar Number mandatory for a candidate to take the certification exam?keyboard_arrow_down
Is certification exam mandatory for a candidate to work as an Enrolment Operator/Supervisor or CELC Operator under UIDAI?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can a candidate find the training material?keyboard_arrow_down
What are different types of training materials available on the UIDAI website?keyboard_arrow_down
Who will provide training to Aadhaar Operators?keyboard_arrow_down
Is training mandatory for candidates willing to work as Aadhaar Operators?keyboard_arrow_down
Under which regulation does training of Enrolment & Update (E&U) Operators fall?keyboard_arrow_down
My request for DOB update rejected as limited exceeded, how can I update my DOB?keyboard_arrow_down
My Date of Birth/ Name/ Gender update request got rejected as limit exceeded and I have been asked to contact the Regional Office by UIDAI. What is the process to be followed?keyboard_arrow_down
How can I retrieve lost/forgotten Aadhaar number where mobile number is linked with Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
How can I find my lost/forgotten Aadhaar number, in case mobile number is not linked with Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the process to get an Aadhaar letter, in case the same is misplaced or lost? keyboard_arrow_down
How can I claim refund of the charges paid through myAadhaar portal if there is any technical error during the process?keyboard_arrow_down
When online update request is considered as served?keyboard_arrow_down
I have lost my mobile number/ do not possess the number that I enrolled with Aadhaar. How should I submit my update request?keyboard_arrow_down
Does submission of request guarantee update of demographic information?keyboard_arrow_down
Is there any fee involved for Online updation of address?keyboard_arrow_down
How many times Aadhaar data can be updated?keyboard_arrow_down
What changes can I do to my name in Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What documents are required for Online Address Update?keyboard_arrow_down
Which are the documents required for updatate in Aadhaar Address?keyboard_arrow_down
How can I submit my supporting documents in case of Address Update online Service?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I update my local language through Update Aadhaar online Service?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I update my date of birth through Update Aadhaar online Service?keyboard_arrow_down
I have already updated Date of Birth in my Aadhaar once. Can I update/ correct it?keyboard_arrow_down
Will my Aadhaar number get changed after updation?keyboard_arrow_down
I want to cancel the update request. Will I be able to do it?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can I see all my update requests?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I add my father’s / husband’s name to my address?keyboard_arrow_down
My online address update request got rejected for invalid documents. What does this mean?keyboard_arrow_down
What details can I update through Update Aadhaar online Service?keyboard_arrow_down
Are the service charges different for Aadhaar Seva Kendras?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I reschedule/ cancel my appointment?keyboard_arrow_down
What services I can avail from Aadhaar Seva Kendra?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the timings of UIDAI ASKs (Aadhaar Seva Kendras)?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Aadhaar Seva Kendra (ASK)?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can I find the list of UIDAI ASKs (Aadhaar Seva Kendras)?keyboard_arrow_down
How will the biometric of the differently abled and people with no fingerprints or rugged hands e.g. beedi workers or people with no fingers be captured?keyboard_arrow_down
Aadhaar Enrolment & Update Chargeskeyboard_arrow_down
How can I know the status of Aadhaar generation against NRC Biometric Enrolment (NRC-BME) and how will I get my Aadhaar number?keyboard_arrow_down
I had not provided my mobile number at the time of enrolment or the mobile number provided earlier is no longer in use. How can I find my Aadhaar number?keyboard_arrow_down
I have lost the Acknowledgement copy of NRC Biometric Enrolment (NRC-BME). I had not provided my mobile number at the time of enrolment or the mobile number provided earlier is no longer in use. How can I find my Aadhaar number?keyboard_arrow_down
I have lost the Acknowledgement copy of NRC Biometric Enrolment (NRC-BME), also I do not remember exact name spelling, mobile number, Pincode, address, etc. given at the time of enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
I am Indian having Aadhaar, now residing outside India and have obtained foreign citizenship. Do I need to convert my Aadhaar as resident foreign national. And what is the process for the same?keyboard_arrow_down
I am resident foreign national possessing Aadhaar as resident Indian without validity, what is the process to convert the same as foreign national?keyboard_arrow_down
Who all are eligible for Aadhaar enrolment as resident foreigner?keyboard_arrow_down
I am Foreign National residing in India; am I eligible for Aadhaar enrolment and which form I have to use for enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
What supporting documents are required for enrolment as a foreigner having valid Indian VISA?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the difference in resident foreign nationals Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can resident Foreign Nationals enroll for Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Whether email is mandatory for a resident foreigner to enroll for Aadhaar ?keyboard_arrow_down
I am a citizen of Nepal/Bhutan do I need to enroll as Foreign Nationals for getting Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What supporting documents are required for enrolment as a citizen of Nepal/Bhutan ?keyboard_arrow_down
I am a Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card holder do I need to enroll as Foreign Nationals for getting Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What supporting documents are required for enrolment of OCI card holder ?keyboard_arrow_down
I am a Long-Term Visa (LTV) holder from the country Afghanistan or Bangladesh or Pakistan do I need to enroll as Foreign Nationals for getting Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What supporting documents are required for enrolment of LTV holder ?keyboard_arrow_down
After enrolment for Aadhaar I got acknowledgement slip containing SID number is it valid?keyboard_arrow_down
I enrolled for Aadhaar as a foreign national, from where do I get the status against the SID?keyboard_arrow_down
When Mandatory Biometric Update is to be conducted?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the charges for Mandatory Biometric Update?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can I get Mandatory Biometric Update performed?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Aadhaar authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Face Recognition?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the Steps for successful face authentication if failure occurrence is recitative?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the steps for successful face capture?keyboard_arrow_down
Can any mobile be used for face authentication or does UIDAI prescribes any specification w.r.t the use of mobile ?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the benefits of using face authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I enable face authentication for my Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
How UIDAI’s Face Authentication is beneficial for us?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Face Authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
When do I need to authenticate?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the benefits of Aadhaar authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
Is there a mechanism to notify the Aadhaar number holders when an authentication occurs against their Aadhaar number?keyboard_arrow_down
I received an authentication notification even though I did not authenticate myself. Whom do I approach?keyboard_arrow_down
Do I need to authenticate with only my thumbs?keyboard_arrow_down
What if my authentication request gets rejected even though I provide my fingerprints with my Aadhaar number?keyboard_arrow_down
Will I be denied my entitlements (ration, NREGA job etc.) if my authentication request is rejected?keyboard_arrow_down
How will I authenticate if my fingerprints are worn out / I have no fingers?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I request for OTP?keyboard_arrow_down
How to download Face authentication application?keyboard_arrow_down
Which devices can be used for face authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
Who can use Face Authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
Can face authentication be used in self-assisted mode?keyboard_arrow_down
Document for Offline verification and role of OVSEs under Authentication Eco-system keyboard_arrow_down
How can I avail the benefits under various Government Schemes including PDS (ration), MGNREGA using my Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
How would I know that DBT funds have come to my account?keyboard_arrow_down
How does Aadhaar based DBT help me as a beneficiary?keyboard_arrow_down
My fingers do not work, when asked to place them on finger print device?keyboard_arrow_down
My name is different in Aadhaar vis-à-vis service delivery database. What should I do?keyboard_arrow_down
My bank branch is located far away. Is there any facility to withdraw DBT funds credited in my bank account at my doorstep?keyboard_arrow_down
How can I change my bank account to receive DBT funds?keyboard_arrow_down
Why does the Government ask for my Aadhaar for getting benefits under the schemes?keyboard_arrow_down
I am not getting benefits of the Govt. schemes as I do not have Aadhaar. What shall I do?keyboard_arrow_down
I have multiple bank accounts, where will I receive my DBT benefits?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I receive benefits under the Govt. Schemes in my bank account?keyboard_arrow_down
Shall I get benefits if my authentication fails?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the grievance redressal channels in UIDAI?keyboard_arrow_down
If an individual can file a complaint using Aadhaar Mitra Chatbot?keyboard_arrow_down
What all can I ask from Aadhaar Chatbot?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I get the details of enrolment center of Aadhaar through Chatbot?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the significance of Language icons at the bottom of Chatbot type box?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the buttons at the top of Chatbot after ‘Getting Started’?keyboard_arrow_down
How can I give any feedback on the answer of Chatbot if I want to?keyboard_arrow_down
Will Aadhaar Chatbot tell me about my Aadhaar Enrolment/Update Status?keyboard_arrow_down
এম-আধাৰ ক'ত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰি?keyboard_arrow_down
আধাৰ এপৰ জৰিয়তে আধাৰৰ বিৱৰণ যেনে ডিঅ'বি, ম'বাইল নম্বৰ, ঠিকনা আদি আপডেট কৰাৰ কোনো প্ৰক্ৰিয়া আছে নেকি?keyboard_arrow_down
আৱাসীয়ে প্ৰ'ফাইলটো কেনেদৰে চাব পাৰে?keyboard_arrow_down
আৱাসীয়ে এম-আধাৰ এপত কেনেদৰে প্ৰ'ফাইল সৃষ্টি কৰিব পাৰে?keyboard_arrow_down
মাইআধাৰ পৰ্টেল কি ?keyboard_arrow_down
য'ত এজন ব্যক্তিৰ বাবে একাধিক ঠিকনা প্ৰমাণ উপলব্ধ (যেনে... বৰ্তমান আৰু স্থানীয়), ইউআইডিএআইয়ে কোনটো প্ৰমাণ গ্ৰহণ কৰিব, আৰু ই আধাৰ পত্ৰ ক'ত প্ৰেৰণ কৰিব?keyboard_arrow_down
মোৰ আধাৰ চিঠিখন জেনেৰেট হোৱাৰ পিছত অনলাইনত ডাউনলোড কৰিব পাৰিমনে?keyboard_arrow_down
How to validate digital signatures in e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What Is the Password of e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What supporting software needed to view e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
How can an Aadhaar Number holder download e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
From where an Aadhaar number holder can download e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Masked Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Is e-Aadhaar equally valid like physical copy of Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What is e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the expiry period of VID?keyboard_arrow_down
Will re-generation of VID lead to the same VID or a different VID?keyboard_arrow_down
Can an agency store VID?keyboard_arrow_down
In case of VID, do I need to provide consent for authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
Can VID be used for OTP or biometrics or demographics authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
What if an Aadhaar number holder forgets VID? Can he/she obtain again?keyboard_arrow_down
Can anyone else generate VID for me?keyboard_arrow_down
How does an Aadhaar number holder obtain VID?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Virtual ID (VID)?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I update my address in my local language through online portal?keyboard_arrow_down
I successfully submitted my address update request. How can I track this?keyboard_arrow_down
My online address update request got rejected for invalid documents. What does this mean?keyboard_arrow_down
How can I update my demographic details in Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I add my father’s / husband’s name to my address? keyboard_arrow_down
Where can I Update my Mobile Number? keyboard_arrow_down
Is it necessary that my mobile number should be registered with Aadhaar while requesting for any kind of update through online?keyboard_arrow_down
If I have not performed some of the transactions listed in the records, what should I do?keyboard_arrow_down
What Information Aadhaar number holder can get from Aadhaar Authentication history?keyboard_arrow_down
What are Error Codes?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Auth Modality?keyboard_arrow_down
This facility allows me to view maximum 50 authentication records. How can I check more records?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the procedure for checking Aadhaar Authentication history on UIDAI websites?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can an Aadhaar number holder check his/her Aadhaar Authentication history?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Aadhaar Authentication history?keyboard_arrow_down
Some of authentication transactions records are showing as failed, what should I do?keyboard_arrow_down
What is UIDAI Response Code in the authentication records?keyboard_arrow_down
What is AUA Transaction ID in the authentication records?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the benefits of Aadhaar QR code?keyboard_arrow_down
Who all can use secure QR code?keyboard_arrow_down
How Windows QR code Scanner Application will work?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Aadhaar QR Code? What information does QR Code contain?keyboard_arrow_down
How can someone read Aadhaar QR code?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can I find the Public Certificate for Digital Signature validation?keyboard_arrow_down
How to share this Paperless Offline eKYC document with the service provider?keyboard_arrow_down
How this Aadhaar Offline Paperless eKYC document is different from the other identification documents produced offline by individuals?keyboard_arrow_down
Can this Offline Paperless eKYC document be shared to other entities by the Service Provider?keyboard_arrow_down
Who are the users of this Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC?keyboard_arrow_down
How to generate Offline Aadhaar XML?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC?keyboard_arrow_down
How will service providers use Aadhaar Offline e-KYC?keyboard_arrow_down
Who and when to lock Biometrics?keyboard_arrow_down
How to Unlock (locked)Biometrics?keyboard_arrow_down
What happens when Biometric is locked?keyboard_arrow_down
What all Biometric data can be locked?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Biometric Locking?keyboard_arrow_down
I forgot my VID. How can I get it after locking UID?keyboard_arrow_down
How can Aadhaar number holder Unlock UID?keyboard_arrow_down
How can Aadhaar number holder Lock UID?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Aadhaar (UID) Lock & Unlock?keyboard_arrow_down
How to Lock/Unlock Aadhaar Number with SMS service?keyboard_arrow_down
My SMS is not being sent. What should I do?keyboard_arrow_down
Do I need to generate OTP for all Aadhaar SMS services?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Aadhaar SMS Service? keyboard_arrow_down
How Aadhaar PVC Card is different from Aadhaar Letter?keyboard_arrow_down
How many days will it take to receive “Aadhaar PVC Card” after creating successful request?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I choose to have and use any form of Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the different forms of Aadhaar and what are their features?keyboard_arrow_down
What is “Order Aadhaar PVC Card” service?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the security features of “Aadhaar PVC Card”?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the charges to be paid for “Aadhaar PVC Card”?keyboard_arrow_down
How one can raise the request for “Aadhaar PVC Card”?keyboard_arrow_down
How to raise request using Registered Mobile Number?keyboard_arrow_down
How to raise request using Non-Registered/Alternate Mobile Number?keyboard_arrow_down
Which modes are available to make the payment?keyboard_arrow_down
What is SRN?keyboard_arrow_down
What is AWB number?keyboard_arrow_down
What if Aadhaar Number holder wants to get the Aadhaar PVC Card printed with the details different from existing details on Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
How can I submit the documents?keyboard_arrow_down
I am a non-resident Indian (NRI). How can I submit the documents?keyboard_arrow_down
By when should I submit the documents? keyboard_arrow_down
What is the charge for submitting the documents?keyboard_arrow_down
If I want to submit documents through Aadhaar enrolment centre, how can I locate an Aadhaar centre?keyboard_arrow_down
If any demographic detail (name, gender or date of birth) does not match my actual identity details, what should I do?keyboard_arrow_down
If the address displayed in my profile does not match with my current address, what should I do?keyboard_arrow_down
How can I submit the documents online?keyboard_arrow_down
What documents can I submit to update document in Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Why should I update documents in my Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down