
For Aadhaar Number Holders

What is Aadhaar authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Face Recognition?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Face Authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
When do I need to authenticate?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the benefits of Aadhaar authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
Is there a mechanism to notify the Aadhaar number holders when an authentication occurs against their Aadhaar number?keyboard_arrow_down
I received an authentication notification even though I did not authenticate myself. Whom do I approach?keyboard_arrow_down
Do I need to authenticate with only my thumbs?keyboard_arrow_down
What if my authentication request gets rejected even though I provide my fingerprints with my Aadhaar number?keyboard_arrow_down
Will I be denied my entitlements (ration, NREGA job etc.) if my authentication request is rejected?keyboard_arrow_down
How will I authenticate if my fingerprints are worn out / I have no fingers?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I request for OTP?keyboard_arrow_down
Which devices can be used for face authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
Can face authentication be used in self-assisted mode?keyboard_arrow_down
Who can use Face Authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
How UIDAI’s Face Authentication is beneficial for us?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I enable face authentication for my Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the benefits of using face authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
Can any mobile be used for face authentication or does UIDAI prescribes any specification w.r.t the use of mobile ?keyboard_arrow_down
How to download Face authentication application?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the steps for successful face capture?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the Steps for successful face authentication if failure occurrence is recitative?keyboard_arrow_down