What if my authentication request gets rejected even though I provide my fingerprints with my Aadhaar number?keyboard_arrow_down
Will I be denied my entitlements (ration, NREGA job etc.) if my authentication request is rejected?keyboard_arrow_down
How will I authenticate if my fingerprints are worn out / I have no fingers?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I request for OTP?keyboard_arrow_down
Which devices can be used for face authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
Can face authentication be used in self-assisted mode?keyboard_arrow_down
Who can use Face Authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
How UIDAI’s Face Authentication is beneficial for us?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I enable face authentication for my Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the benefits of using face authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
Can any mobile be used for face authentication or does UIDAI prescribes any specification w.r.t the use of mobile ?keyboard_arrow_down
How to download Face authentication application?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the steps for successful face capture?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the Steps for successful face authentication if failure occurrence is recitative?keyboard_arrow_down
Document for Offline verification and role of OVSEs under Authentication Eco-system keyboard_arrow_down
How can I avail the benefits under various Government Schemes including PDS (ration), MGNREGA using my Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Shall I get benefits if my authentication fails?keyboard_arrow_down
How would I know that DBT funds have come to my account?keyboard_arrow_down
How do I receive benefits under the Govt. Schemes in my bank account?keyboard_arrow_down
I am not getting benefits of the Govt. schemes as I do not have Aadhaar. What shall I do?keyboard_arrow_down
My name is different in Aadhaar vis-à-vis service delivery database. What should I do?keyboard_arrow_down
My fingers do not work, when asked to place them on finger print device?keyboard_arrow_down
I have multiple bank accounts, where will I receive my DBT benefits?keyboard_arrow_down
Why does the Government ask for my Aadhaar for getting benefits under the schemes?keyboard_arrow_down
How can I change my bank account to receive DBT funds?keyboard_arrow_down
My bank branch is located far away. Is there any facility to withdraw DBT funds credited in my bank account at my doorstep?keyboard_arrow_down
How does Aadhaar based DBT help me as a beneficiary?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the grievance redressal channels in UIDAI?keyboard_arrow_down
What all can I ask from Aadhaar Chatbot?keyboard_arrow_down
Can I get the details of enrolment center of Aadhaar through Chatbot?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the significance of Language icons at the bottom of Chatbot type box?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the buttons at the top of Chatbot after ‘Getting Started’?keyboard_arrow_down
How can I give any feedback on the answer of Chatbot if I want to?keyboard_arrow_down
Will Aadhaar Chatbot tell me about my Aadhaar Enrolment/Update Status?keyboard_arrow_down
If an individual can file a complaint using Aadhaar Mitra Chatbot?keyboard_arrow_down
এম-আধাৰ ক'ত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰি?keyboard_arrow_down
আধাৰ এপৰ জৰিয়তে আধাৰৰ বিৱৰণ যেনে ডিঅ'বি, ম'বাইল নম্বৰ, ঠিকনা আদি আপডেট কৰাৰ কোনো প্ৰক্ৰিয়া আছে নেকি?keyboard_arrow_down
আৱাসীয়ে প্ৰ'ফাইলটো কেনেদৰে চাব পাৰে?keyboard_arrow_down
আৱাসীয়ে এম-আধাৰ এপত কেনেদৰে প্ৰ'ফাইল সৃষ্টি কৰিব পাৰে?keyboard_arrow_down
মাইআধাৰ পৰ্টেল কি ?keyboard_arrow_down
মোৰ আধাৰ চিঠিখন জেনেৰেট হোৱাৰ পিছত অনলাইনত ডাউনলোড কৰিব পাৰিমনে?keyboard_arrow_down
য'ত এজন ব্যক্তিৰ বাবে একাধিক ঠিকনা প্ৰমাণ উপলব্ধ (যেনে... বৰ্তমান আৰু স্থানীয়), ইউআইডিএআইয়ে কোনটো প্ৰমাণ গ্ৰহণ কৰিব, আৰু ই আধাৰ পত্ৰ ক'ত প্ৰেৰণ কৰিব?keyboard_arrow_down
What is e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Is e-Aadhaar equally valid like physical copy of Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
From where an Aadhaar number holder can download e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
How can an Aadhaar Number holder download e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Masked Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What Is the Password of e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What supporting software needed to view e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
How to validate digital signatures in e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down