What is e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Is e-Aadhaar equally valid like physical copy of Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
From where an Aadhaar number holder can download e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
How can an Aadhaar Number holder download e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Masked Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What Is the Password of e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What supporting software needed to view e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
How to validate digital signatures in e-Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Virtual ID (VID)?keyboard_arrow_down
How does an Aadhaar number holder obtain VID?keyboard_arrow_down
Can anyone else generate VID for me?keyboard_arrow_down
What if an Aadhaar number holder forgets VID? Can he/she obtain again?keyboard_arrow_down
Can VID be used for OTP or biometrics or demographics authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
In case of VID, do I need to provide consent for authentication?keyboard_arrow_down
Can an agency store VID?keyboard_arrow_down
Will re-generation of VID lead to the same VID or a different VID?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the expiry period of VID?keyboard_arrow_down
How can I update my demographic details in Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Is it necessary that my mobile number should be registered with Aadhaar while requesting for any kind of update through online?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can I Update my Mobile Number? keyboard_arrow_down
How do I add my father’s / husband’s name to my address? keyboard_arrow_down
Can I update my address in my local language through online portal?keyboard_arrow_down
I successfully submitted my address update request. How can I track this?keyboard_arrow_down
My online address update request got rejected for invalid documents. What does this mean?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Aadhaar Authentication history?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can an Aadhaar number holder check his/her Aadhaar Authentication history?keyboard_arrow_down
What is the procedure for checking Aadhaar Authentication history on UIDAI websites?keyboard_arrow_down
What Information Aadhaar number holder can get from Aadhaar Authentication history?keyboard_arrow_down
This facility allows me to view maximum 50 authentication records. How can I check more records?keyboard_arrow_down
Some of authentication transactions records are showing as failed, what should I do?keyboard_arrow_down
If I have not performed some of the transactions listed in the records, what should I do?keyboard_arrow_down
What is UIDAI Response Code in the authentication records?keyboard_arrow_down
What is AUA Transaction ID in the authentication records?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Auth Modality?keyboard_arrow_down
What are Error Codes?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Aadhaar QR Code? What information does QR Code contain?keyboard_arrow_down
What are the benefits of Aadhaar QR code?keyboard_arrow_down
How can someone read Aadhaar QR code?keyboard_arrow_down
How Windows QR code Scanner Application will work?keyboard_arrow_down
Who all can use secure QR code?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC?keyboard_arrow_down
How to generate Offline Aadhaar XML?keyboard_arrow_down
Who are the users of this Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC?keyboard_arrow_down
How to share this Paperless Offline eKYC document with the service provider?keyboard_arrow_down
How will service providers use Aadhaar Offline e-KYC?keyboard_arrow_down
Can this Offline Paperless eKYC document be shared to other entities by the Service Provider?keyboard_arrow_down
How this Aadhaar Offline Paperless eKYC document is different from the other identification documents produced offline by individuals?keyboard_arrow_down
Where can I find the Public Certificate for Digital Signature validation?keyboard_arrow_down
What is Biometric Locking?keyboard_arrow_down
What all Biometric data can be locked?keyboard_arrow_down