What arrangements have been made for individuals whose fingerprints (biometrics) have worn out due to old age?keyboard_arrow_down
In case of difficulty in capturing proper fingerprints of the individual due to old age. The enrolment operator should use force capture tab available in the enrolment software. During force capture; software will capture the fingerprints 4 (four) times of the individual. The operator will also visually check the image for quality and in case there are problems should retry force capture again.
Whether documents submitted in a request will be verified by external authority?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, Enrolment/Update request may go to other authorities(state) for verification.
Is Aadhaar issued to Resident Foreign Nationals will be valid for lifetime ?keyboard_arrow_down
No, Aadhaar issued to Resident Foreign National will be valid till:
1. Validity of VISA/Passport.
2. In case of OCI card holder and Nationals of Nepal and Bhutan validity will be 10 years from the date of enrolment.
What is the process for Resident Foreign National enrolment ?keyboard_arrow_down
Resident Foreign National seeking enrolment to visit designated Aadhaar enrolment centre and submit a request in requisite enrolment form alongwith valid supporting documents.
The enrolment operator shall capture the following information during the course of enrolment:
Residential Status : (resided in India for 182 days or more in 12 months immediately preceding enrolment application)
Mandatory Demographic information: (Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Indian Address and email)
Optional demographic information: (mobile number)
Biometric Information: (Photo, Finger Prints and both Iris)
Type of documents presented: [valid foreign passport and valid Indian VISA/Valid OCI card / Valid LTV is mandatory as Proof of Identity (PoI)] (Passport of Nepal/Bhutan for nationals of Nepal/Bhutan. In case passport is not available, following two documents to be submitted:
(1) Valid Nepalese/ Bhutanese Citizenship Certificate (2) Limited validity Photo Identity Certificate issued by Nepalese Mission / Royal Bhutanese Mission in India for stay of more than 182 days.
And Proof of Address (PoA) as specified in the list of valid supporting documents.
The details submitted through enrolment can be confirmed with the concerned authorities during processing of enrolment.
I am Resident Foreign National, can I enrol for Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, resident foreign nationals who resided in India for 182 days or more in 12 months immediately preceding enrolment application can enrol for Aadhaar by submitting demographic details (supported by valid documents) and biometrics details. Resident Foreign National to apply in a requisite form for enrolment. Link for enrolment and update forms - Enrolment & Update Forms
The list of valid supporting documents for enrolment and update is available at List of Supporting Document
Where multiple address proofs are available for a individual (e.g... present and native), which proof would UIDAI accept, and where will it send Aadhaar Letter?keyboard_arrow_down
Individual seeking enrolment has option to decide which address to be recorded in Aadhaar for which valid POA document is available. The Aadhaar Letter will be delivered on the Address registered in Aadhaar.
What is the option if the address indicated on the Proof of Address (PoA) document appears to be inadequate for postal delivery? Can additional information from the individual seeking enrolment can be accepted?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes. The individual seeking enrolment is allowed to add minor fields to the address mentioned in the PoA document as long as these additions/modifications do not alter the base address mentioned in the PoA document. If the changes required are substantial and change the base address, document with correct address to be provided as POA.
Whether the Ration Card, MGNREGA Card etc can be accepted as Valid Proof of Identity/Address for the family members listed in the document in case they do not have separate PoI or PoA documents?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes. The family entitlement document is accepted as Proof of Identity/Address for enrolment of family members as long as the photograph of Head of the Family and family members is clearly visible on the document.
What are the responsibilities of Individuals seeking enrolment in ensuring that his/her enrolment does not get rejected?keyboard_arrow_down
The individual seeking enrolment should ensure following:
1. Eligibility for enrolment for Aadhaar (Resided in India for 182 days or more in 12 months immediately preceding enrolment application, not applicable for NRI).
2. Ensure that the information provided is correct and supported by valid document.
3. Present valid supporting documents POI,POA,POR and PDB (in case of verified DOB) in original for enrolment.
Birth certificate as PDB/POR is mandatory for child born on or after 01-10-2023.
4. Fill in the specified enrolment form and submit alongwith valid supporting documents to the operator. Enrolment and Update form can also be downloaded from (Enrolment & Update Forms)
5. Ensure that your demographic data (name, address, gender and date of birth) is captured correctly as per the enrolment form, in both English and Regional language before signing the acknowledgement slip. You can request the operator for correction of data before completing the enrolment.
My Aadhaar request is rejected, What should I do?keyboard_arrow_down
Aadhaar generation involves various quality checks. Therefore, there are chances that your Aadhaar request got rejected due to quality or any other technical reason. If you have received SMS that your Aadhaar request has been rejected, it is recommended to re-enrol yourself.
I have enrolled for Aadhaar multiple times but have not received my Aadhaar letter. What should I do in this case?keyboard_arrow_down
There are chances that your Aadhaar has been generated but you have not received the Aadhaar letter by post. In this case, it is recommended to get your Aadhaar status checked, for all your EIDs, by clicking on “Check Enrolment & Update Status” or by visiting the nearest Aadhaar Enrolment centre.
In case your Aadhaar already generated you can download eAadhaar by visiting at (Download eAadhaar)
Does the online downloaded Aadhaar letter have the same validity as that of original?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, the online downloaded e-Aadhaar letter has the same validity as that of the original.
Is it mandatory to provide mobile number or email id for Aadhaar enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
No, it is not mandatory to provide a mobile number or email id for Aadhaar enrolment of Resident Indian (email is mandatory for NRI and Resident Foreign National).
But it is always recommended to provide a mobile number and email id so that you get updates regarding your Aadhaar application status and can get a number of services based on Aadhaar through OTP-based authentication.
Can I get myself enrolled for Aadhaar just by sending the required documents by Post?keyboard_arrow_down
No, you have to personally visit the Aadhaar enrolment centre for getting yourself Enroled as your Biometrics will be captured.
Is there any online method of getting enrolled for Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
No, you have to personally visit Aadhaar Enrolment Centre for getting yourself enrolled as your biometrics will be captured.
Will the refund be provided after cancelling the appointment?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, refund shall be processed on cancellation of the booked appointment. After processing the refund, the amount usually gets credited back to the user account in 7-21 days. The individual/ Aadhaar number holder is advised to re-schedule an appointment if booked service is not availed at the UIDAI ASK.
I lost my Aadhaar and my mobile number is also not registered with Aadhaar. Can I get it at ASK?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes. You may visit any UIDAI-run Aadhaar Seva Kendra to download your Aadhaar and get a printout. At ASK you would be required to provide your Aadhaar number. This service is also available at Aadhaar Enrolment Centre in Banks, Post Offices, BSNL, Central or State Government offices.
I did not get my Aadhaar Card. Can I get it at Aadhaar Enrolment Centre?keyboard_arrow_down
You can download your Aadhaar yourself from myAadhaar portal. For the same, you need to have a mobile number registered with Aadhaar.
If you don’t have your mobile number registered with Aadhaar or do not want to use an online service, you can use the Aadhaar download and coloured print service available at an Aadhaar Enrolment Centre at a charge of Rs. 30/-. The physical presence of the Aadhaar holder is required for biometric authentication. Further, you can also order an Aadhaar PVC card from UIDAI website.
How will the biometric of the differently abled and people with no fingerprints or rugged hands e.g. beedi workers or people with no fingers be captured?keyboard_arrow_down
Aadhaar has an inclusive approach and its enrolment/ update processes are accessible to all including persons with disabilities. The Regulation 6 of Aadhaar (Enrolment and update) Regulations, 2016 provides for enrolment of individuals with biometric exceptions, which inter-alia lays down that:
1. For Individuals seeking enrolment who are unable to provide fingerprints, owing to reasons such as injury, deformities, amputation of the fingers/ hands or any other relevant reason, only Iris scans of such individuals will be collected.
2. For Individuals seeking enrolment who are unable to provide any biometric information contemplated by these regulations, the Authority shall provide for handling of such exceptions in the enrolment and update software, and such enrolment shall be carried out as per the procedure as may be specified by the Authority for this purpose.
Too may also refer Biometric Exception Enrolment Guidelines available at the following link -
Where can I enrol for Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
You can enrol by visiting any Aadhaar Enrolment centre for Aadhaar enrolment. Which can be found by following criteria:
a. All enrolment (including 18+) and Update
b. All enrolment (excluding 18+) and Update
c. Only child enrolment and mobile update
d. Only child enrolment
Detailed list with navigation and address of Aadhaar Enrolment centres is available at Bhuvan portal: Bhuvan Aadhaar Portal
What are the documents required for enrolment for Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Applicable documents in support of Proof of Identity (PoI), Proof of Address (PoA), Proof of Relationship (PoR) and Proof of Date of Birth(PDB) are required for enrolment.
Valid list of supporting documents is available at List of Supporting Documents
Do I need to bring original documents for Aadhaar enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, you need to bring original copies of supporting documents for Aadhaar enrolment. After completing the enrolment the operator shall return all the documents alongwith an acknowledgement slip containing the applicable charges.
Do I have to pay any fee for Aadhaar enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
No, Aadhaar enrolment is totally free of cost therefore you need not pay anything at the enrolment centre.
What kind of data gets captured during Aadhaar Enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
An individual seeking enrolment to visit an Aadhaar enrolment centre and submit a request alongwith valid supporting documents.
The enrolment operator shall capture the following information during the course of enrolment:
Mandatory Demographic information (Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Address)
Optional demographic information (mobile number, email [mandatory for NRI and Resident Foreign National])
Details of Mother/Father/Legal Guardian (in case of HOF based enrolment)
Biometric Information (Photo, 10 finger prints, both Iris)
Can I get Enroled for Aadhaar if any of my fingers or iris is missing?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, you can enrol for Aadhaar even if any or all fingers / Iris are missing. Aadhaar software has provisions to handle such exceptions. Photo of the missing fingers/iris will be used for identification of the exception and there will be markers to determine uniqueness. Please request the operator to conduct enrolment as per exception process with supervisor authentication.
Is there any age limit for Aadhaar enrolment?keyboard_arrow_down
No, there is no age limit defined for Aadhaar Enrolment. Even a new born baby can also get Enroled for Aadhaar.
Can I get my Aadhaar letter downloaded online after it is generated?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, once your Aadhaar is generated, eAadhaar can be downloaded online.
What arrangements have been made for individuals whose fingerprints (biometrics) have worn out due to old age?keyboard_arrow_down
In case of difficulty in capturing proper fingerprints of the individual due to old age. The enrolment operator should use force capture tab available in the enrolment software. During force capture; software will capture the fingerprints 4 (four) times of the individual. The operator will also visually check the image for quality and in case there are problems should retry force capture again.
Can Foreign National update their demographic/Biometric information in Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, Foreign National can update their Demographic and Biometric information in Aadhaar at designated Aadhaar Enrolment centre with valid supporting documents as applicable.
List of valid supporting documents is available at - List of Supporting Document
Is HoF based Update is allowed for Resident Foreign Nationals?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, address can be updated for relationship with applicant (Mother, Father, Spouse, Ward/Child, Legal Guardian, Sibling) under HoF based update of address for Resident Foreign Nationals.
In case the Aadhaar holder is less than 18 years of age the relationship applicable for HOF based address update will be Mother, Father and Legal Guardian.
Do I need to visit the same enrolment centre for update also where my original enrolment was done?keyboard_arrow_down
No. You can visit any Aadhaar Enrolment/Update Centre for update of demographic and biometrics details in Aadhaar. However you can also update your address or document (POI & POA) in your Aadhaar through online mode.
My request for gender update rejected as limit exceeded, how can I update my gender?keyboard_arrow_down
You are permitted to update gender once by enrolling at the enrolment centre for update of gender for which no document is required.
In case you need further update in gender please enrol for gender update at any enrolment centre by submitting a medical certificate or transgender id card.
1. Once your request gets rejected for limit exceed, please call 1947 or mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and request for exception processing of gender update through regional office, by providing the EID number.
2. While sending the mail please ensure to attach all the required documents such as EID slip of latest enrolment, alongwith Medical Certificate/Transgender id card.
3. The detailed process is available at - Procedure for updating the Gender
The list of valid supporting documents is available at - List of Supporting Documents
My request for name update rejected as limit exceeded, how can I update my name?keyboard_arrow_down
You are permitted to update Name twice by presenting any of the valid document as per the list of documents available at : List of Supporting Documents
In case you need further update in name you require a gazette notification for name change and follow the following process:
1. Enrol at the nearest centre with 'gazette notification for name change' alongwith any supporting POI document of old name with Photograph (for first/full name change) / Divorce Decree / Adoption Certificate / Marriage Certificate.
2. Once your request gets rejected for limit exceed, please call 1947 or mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and request for exception processing of name update through regional office, by providing the EID number.
3. While sending the mail please ensure to attach all the required documents such as EID slip of latest enrolment, gazette notification of name change, alongwith any supporting POI document of old name with Photograph (for first /full name change) / Divorce Decree / Adoption Certificate / Marriage Certificate.
4. The detailed process is available at - Name & Gender update request under exception
Can I get my Aadhaar Letter downloaded online after updation?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, once your Aadhaar is generated, eAadhaar can be downloaded online.
Can I update Biometrics (FingerPrints/ Iris/Photograph) in Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, you can update your Biometrics (FingerPrints/ Iris/Photograph) in Aadhaar. For Biometrics updates, you need to visit the nearest Aadhaar Enrolment Centre.
Can one enrol for Aadhaar from anywhere in India?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes,one can enrol for Aadhaar from anywhere in India. All you need is valid Proof of Identity and Proof of Address. See the list of acceptable documents here - Valid Documents List for POA and POI
Do I need to bring original documents for updation at the Aadhaar Enrolment Centre?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, you need to bring original documents for updation at the Aadhaar Enrolment Centre. Please ensure to collect the original documents, after they are scanned by the operator.
Does submission of request guarantee an update of demographic information?keyboard_arrow_down
Submission of information does not guarantee an update of Aadhaar data. Update requests submitted are subject to verification & validation by the UIDAI and after validation only the update request is processed (accepted/rejected).
How much time does it take to get an updation in Aadhaar?keyboard_arrow_down
Normally 90% of the update request is completed within 30 days.
How many Aadhaars can be linked with the same mobile number?keyboard_arrow_down
There is no restriction on number of Aadhaar that can be linked with one mobile number. However it is advised to link your own mobile number or mobile number you have better access only with your Aadhaar as the same is used for various OTP based authentication services.
I have lost my mobile number/ do not possess the number that I enrolled with Aadhaar. How should I submit my update request? Can I update it online?keyboard_arrow_down
You can update your mobile number in Aadhaar by visiting any of the Aadhaar Enrolment Centre or through postman, for which no document or old mobile number is required.
Mobile update is not permitted through online mode.
Shall I get the Aadhaar letter again after any update?keyboard_arrow_down
The Aadhaar letter with updates will be delivered only at the address given in aadhaar in case of update in Name, Address, Date of Birth and Gender. In case of update of mobile number/Email id, No letter will be sent, only the notification will be sent on the given mobile number/email id.
What are the documents required for updation in Aadhaar details?keyboard_arrow_down
The list of documents required for update of demographic details in Aadhaar is available at : (List of Supporting Documents)
The list of documents are displayed at the enrolment centre also.
Is there any fee involved for updation in Aadhaar details?keyboard_arrow_down
Yes, fee is applicable for update in Aadhaar. For fee details please visit Aadhaar Enrolment & Update Charge
The applicable charges for update services is displayed at the enrolment centre and bottom of the acknowledgement slip issued.
What details can I get update at Aadhaar Enrolment Centre?keyboard_arrow_down
You can update Demographics details (Name, Address, DoB, Gender, Mobile & Email id, Documents (POI&POA)) and/or Biometrics (Fingerprints, Iris & Photograph) details at enrolment centre based on the services available. You can locate an Aadhaar centre with service available details at Bhuvan portal: Bhuvan Aadhaar Portal
Where can I update my mobile number?keyboard_arrow_down
You can update your mobile number by visiting any Aadhaar Enrolment centre.
Aadhaar Enrolment centre can be located by visiting at Bhuvan portal: https://bhuvan-app3.nrsc.gov.in/aadhaar/
Whether the marriage certificate with photograph issued by Church and duly counter-signed by Christian Marriage Registrar appointed under section 7 of the Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872, is a valid PoI/PoR document for the purpose of Aadhaar enrolment and update?keyboard_arrow_down
It is acceptable as Proof of Identity, Proof of Address and Proof of Relationship document only for demographic update
Will my Aadhaar number get changed after updation?keyboard_arrow_down
No, your Aadhaar number will always remain the same after the update.
Will the Aadhaar be delivered after updating mobile number or email id?keyboard_arrow_down
Is there any provision available to update my regional language in Aadhaar to display all fields in same regional language?keyboard_arrow_down
Update of regional language in Aadhaar is possible by visiting Aadhaar enrolment centre having this facility. For details of Aadhaar enrolment centre please click here Bhuvan Aadhaar Portal
Action by operator in case an applicant request for update of regional language in his Aadhaar the following steps to be taken:-
- If operator is logged in different regional language, please logout and re-login with the desired language (option to select regional language is available under ‘local language settings’ on the top right of demographic screen).
- Update the demographic details (name, address) by submitting Proof of Identity (POI) and Proof of Address (POA) documents. Documents in English can be accepted as documentary proof.
- If operator is not well versed with the desired regional language, he/she shall intimate the same to the applicant and inform him that applicant shall be responsible for transliteration errors.
- After completion of request, operator can logout and continue operations after re-login with regional language of that region.